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Old 06-26-2012, 08:00 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Default Campaign Concept - Hong Kong underground

Hello all.

While looking for a concept for a new modern campaign for me and my players i came up with the following, i´d like to know your thoughts and tips about it, especially from anyone who may have done or played something similar before.

Campaign Title : Shadows of a Jade Dragon

Concept :

A young and promissing police officer with little to lose is tasked with infiltrating one of Hong Kong´s most influential and dangerous criminal organizations by any means necessary in midst of internal uprisings and a growing territory war to control the trade of the new superdrug called "Jade" between three major families (triads)

in order to survive, he will have to form bonds of friendship and blood with people from the other side of the law and for the first time see the world from their perspective. With each passing day he will delve deeper and deeper into a hidden underworld of sex, money and intrigue in the shadows of one of the worlds busiest urban landscapes. He will have to challenge his skills, his physical limits and his very notion of right and wrong to discover just how far he is willing to go to accomplish his mission and how much of himself will have to be lost in order to do so.

Inspitations :

Sleeping Dogs (upcoming videogame)
Kiss of the Dragon (jet li movie)
Almost everything influenced by John Woo

Recommended Books :
Gurps Action
Gurps Martial Arts (?)

Player characters :
- Player 1 ; Undercover Cop
- Player 2 ;Triad Liutenant in charge of and responsable for group of newbies and their actions
- Player 3 ; ??


so here are my questions and wonderings

I have never done any sort of game not centered on skills and special powers, i´ve only ever ran medieval medium to high fantasy and a few low-powered supers cenarios. Both myself and my group would love to do something modern and the above is what i came up with that kind of stirred my blood a bit.

I´d like to know what you guys think about it, if you´ve ever played something similar and even if you havent, what kind of characters would you like to have or see in the game world and what sort of things would you most enjoy about the setting?

Also, any tips on the following would be great :

- Running the game where one of the players is clearly the "main character" of the "movie" being that he will be the undercover cop and the rest of the group wont know about his true motives for rising the triad corporate ladder without making the others feel like they are left out or put aside.

- (edit) if you guys can think of any way to run a game similar to the above where the whole group is more involved as the main character i´d love to hear it as well

- How much detail to put into the battle system? in other words, should i enforce martial arts rules with bits of cinematic combat and gunplay for that john woo feeling or just flat out action rules simplified combat?

- do you know of any gurps resources for Hong Kong crime campaign or anything of the sort that could be usefull?

- Any tips for adding a bit of magic and supernatural mysticism in the game without loosing the gritty martial arts and criminal underworld feel?

as always, i thank you guys for any contribution and wish ye a great day

- Lex

Last edited by Lex_BR; 06-26-2012 at 08:03 AM.
Lex_BR is offline   Reply With Quote

campaign advice, crime, martial arts

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