Re: we want more denizens!!!
Of course, one thing you must always be careful of when building a character/class who is particularly well-suited against a certain type of foe is that you can wind up with a situation where the character basically alternates between being overpowered (because you're up against the type of foe they're specifically designed to fight) and underpowered (because no such foes are present, and thus the points the character spent on the relevant powers are largely wasted). Having OpFor use something of a "combined arms" approach can help here - maybe you've got living warriors with a horde of skeletons assisting them (so your Holy Warrior can focus on the skeletons to keep them off the rest of the party's backs while they engage the warriors), a powerful vampire with loyal human thralls (where the rolls are reversed, with the Holy Warrior engaging the vampire while the others handle the thralls), or anything in-between (and for a Holy Warrior who focuses on demons, you can replace the skeletons with imps and the vampire with a succubus, say). Mixing things up by occasionally throwing the party up against all-living (where the Holy Warrior may need to switch to something of a combat support role) or all-undead (where the Holy Warrior can really shine) groups of foes can certainly be fun.