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Old 07-01-2010, 08:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Default Diagonal Doors?

I read through the Frag FAQ just now, and could have sworn it previously stated a ruling on this question.

how do diagonal doorways work?

if you are on the square, is the door open, or do you choose which side of the door you are on?

Also, are half squares valid places to move through?

Also are there any Fansites out there that have fan made maps?

Last edited by Wenin; 07-01-2010 at 08:06 AM. Reason: forgot to mention the game in question
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:53 AM   #2
Evil Game Master For Hire
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Default Re: Diagonal Doors?

Originally Posted by Wenin View Post
if you are on the square, is the door open, or do you choose which side of the door you are on?
The door is open, *IF* it is not a one-way door to which you do not have access (i.e. wrong side of one-way door, and you do not use a card key of the appropriate color). Otherwise, you are stuck on the appropriate side of the door, the side adjacent to the square from which you approached. (If you could not go through the door for whatever reason, then you can not choose which side of the door you are on. If you can go through the door, then it's already open, so the point is moot...)

Originally Posted by Wenin View Post
Also, are half squares valid places to move through?
Yes, as per my comment above.

Originally Posted by Wenin View Post
Also are there any Fansites out there that have fan made maps?
Yep; check here:

Hope this helps. ;-)
Franklin W. Cain
Evil Game Master For Hire -- Have Dice, Will Travel
SJG MIB # 9808; Net.Rep.: Chez G* and Frag
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Old 07-01-2010, 12:27 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2010
Default Re: Frag - Diagonal Doors

Thank you!
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doors, rules interpretation

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