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Old 03-29-2010, 09:40 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Default Making Mercury

Hey, I'm trying to stat out the X-men known as Mercury (Cessily Kincaid). I'm limited to 400 adv/100 disadv to build her with. I'm fairly new to creating characters so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Her abilities are:
*Body composed of non-toxic mercury, which she can reshape or solidify at will
*Molecular adhesion power gives her the ability to cling to solid surfaces and move her body at will even without overt locomotive features.
*She has also demonstrated superhuman strength by supporting huge slabs of concrete
*Does not require food or drink
*Due to her transient form, she has some resistance to magic.
*Electricity is her main weakness

*Essentially, think of her as T-1000 in his metallic form

Thank you in advance.
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Old 03-29-2010, 11:00 AM   #2
Sam Baughn
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Default Re: Making Mercury

The shapeshifting sounds like Morph with Improvised Forms and Flawed (from Powers). Probably with a significant number of points in reserve for optional advantages and several other enhancements.

Injury Tolerance and Regeneration would cover being able to flow around physical attacks.

Clinging covers the ability to flow up walls and stuff.

Resistance to magic is simply Magic Resistance.
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Old 03-29-2010, 11:10 AM   #3
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Default Re: Making Mercury

Originally Posted by Noxbane View Post
Hey, I'm trying to stat out the X-men known as Mercury (Cessily Kincaid). I'm limited to 400 adv/100 disadv to build her with. I'm fairly new to creating characters so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Her abilities are:
*Body composed of non-toxic mercury, which she can reshape or solidify at will
*Molecular adhesion power gives her the ability to cling to solid surfaces and move her body at will even without overt locomotive features.
*She has also demonstrated superhuman strength by supporting huge slabs of concrete
*Does not require food or drink
*Due to her transient form, she has some resistance to magic.
*Electricity is her main weakness

*Essentially, think of her as T-1000 in his metallic form

Thank you in advance.
ok some ideas.
Lifting ST
Vulnerability or Susceptibility to electricity
Does not Eat or Drink
Magic resistance

Never seen the character so these just based off what you listed.
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Old 03-29-2010, 12:58 PM   #4
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Default Re: Making Mercury

The nanomorph from Ultra-Tech is a good template for inspiration (p. UT111).

Morph can be very expensive (I'd add Mass Conservation, -20% to Perfect Organism's suggestions). To stay in your point budget you might want to start off with just some defined abilities like Long Talons (Switchable, +10%) [13] and then trade them in later for full morph as she gains greater control over her abilities (i.e., character points).

Depending on how "loose" her body consistency is, Homogenous might be more appropriate than Diffuse (and much cheaper). On the other hand, if she can seep through cracks, take Diffuse with Infiltration (p. P53). It might even make sense to start with Homogenous and then buy up to Diffuse and then add Infiltration to represent increasing control over her body's consistency.

Clinging might have the Attraction enhancement (p. P45).

Her alternate form might have No Legs (Slithers) to model her moving "without overt locomotive features." With such a feature she can't kick, but her legs can't be targeted either.
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Old 03-29-2010, 03:59 PM   #5
Not another shrubbery
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: Making Mercury

Originally Posted by munin View Post
The nanomorph from Ultra-Tech is a good template for inspiration (p. UT111).

Morph can be very expensive (I'd add Mass Conservation, -20% to Perfect Organism's suggestions).
Good calls. Don't forget to add the Living Metal lens from Ultra-Tech. That adds Unlimited Morph (and Mass Conservation), but I think Improvised Forms is probably a better fit, at least for the T1000... dunno the character being modeled, though it sounds a bit like Mercury from the Metal Men. The base 20 ST might be OK for HP purposes, but you'll probably need to bump up Lifting ST (and maybe Striking ST too) to at least 30 or so.
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