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Old 06-12-2014, 11:56 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2014
Default Super Munchkin Mutant question

Can Mutants discard multiple powers in a row when other players are in combat to keep drawing doors for a possible game changing card? We were all level 9 and didn't know, so I told my mutant friend that they should just keep discarding their power cards that they have in play to try to get a wandering monster + a monster or something like that. I just don't know if you can do this while someone else is trying to win the game.

Also, I hope I don't annoy everyone by posting a ton of questions in the forums xD
*xtratoothpaste* (xtratoothpatse fail)
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Old 06-13-2014, 05:49 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Macungie, PA
Default Re: Super Munchkin Mutant question

Though a player must give a reasonable amount of time to the other players when he is winning any combat, it is not reasonable for one of those other players to continually use cards or abilities that allow draws from the decks or raids on the discard piles to hopefully find the right card to solve the whole problem of someone winning a combat (or even the game). So, officially, we say that's beyond reasonable, and don't allow it. If you and your group doesn't see that activity as an unreasonable time waster, then, by all means, you can play it that way as a house rule.
Erik D. Zane
Munchkin NetRep --
MiB #1029
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