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#11 |
Hero of Democracy
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: far from the ocean
As a note, I would guess Golf and the Grendels would not get along at all -- The Grendels view Golf as a 'renegade', and 'damaged goods'. She's not likely to respond to this well at all.
Joan Grendel is the same age as Golf, and the two have already been in several fights -- really messy affairs that involve Joan taking a lot of hits and Golf taking few -- but Joan weathers the hits she takes better. Mostly though, its a cold war of glares and snide comments.
Be helpful, not pedantic Worlds Beyond Earth -- my blog Check out the PbP forum! If you don't see a game you'd like, ask me about making one! |
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#12 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
I like how the idea "supersoldier children" can be taken in two completely different directions.
After the first couple of fights between Joan and Golf there is a note pinned to the staff room notice board "Any teacher arranging students into groups alphabetically will be responsible for organizing the repairs afterwards" Habitat Mortimer Hamilton is called a fossil by some members of the faculty, politically incorrect by the principal and Sir by his students. Several years past retirement age Mortimer Hamilton is the only qualified teacher willing to teach the "gifted" problem students at Rutherford. All the difficult and disruptive students end up being his responsibility. It takes a special kind of person to manage troublesome students who can set the class room on fire with a thought. Mortimer grew up in a very patriotic family, his father had served with distinction during WW2 and was among the allied soldiers that raided the first Erweiterte-Soldat laboratory. While he was there he was exposed to the chemicals involved in the German super soldier program. It wasn't until years later when Mortimer was born that the effects became apparent. Mortimer had the ability to alter his body to mimic the characteristics of his environment. By the time he was old enough to volunteer for the army he had mastered his abilities and was quickly selected for the Army's newly formed 2nd Air cavalry. The first Unit to bear the name "The Unbelievables" Serving with distinction in throughout Indochina, "Habitat" as he was now known had a long and eventful career. He finally settled down when he was in his 50's and got his teaching degree. Powers - Can alter his body to match the characteristics of his surroundings. He calls this "harmonizing" e.g. He can have a body comprised of jungle materials when in the jungle. - When Harmonized his abilities vary based on what material he is made out of. - Has some control over his environment when he is harmonized. i.e if he had a body of water he can shape nearby water into jets and waves. Weaknesses - almost 70 - blunt to the point of rudeness. Motivation - genuinely enjoys teaching - takes professional pride in helping his students. Especially when it comes to improving their character. Habitat is so far from politically correct that the more delicate members of the faculty tend to go pale soon after he starts speaking. He is honest, direct, patient and never condescending or patronizing to his students. Prone to going off on a tangent and telling war stories. Habitat's teaching methods are the most old fashioned of any teacher at Rutherford and he enforces rigid discipline in his class. As his powers have let him experience a huge range of abilities he is frequently called upon to help students who have difficulty controlling their powers. Oddly enough the students in general seem to like and respect him more than most other staff members.
Waiting for inspiration to strike...... And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn Last edited by (E); 02-19-2016 at 08:56 PM. |
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#13 |
Join Date: Jul 2005
Leo Osen had always been sickly. When the pharmaceutical company that provided Leo's mother with cancer treatment meds during his birth was sued nearly to oblivion for terrible side effects, it was bought up by another firm... that tried to help the survivors... Their efforts saved Leo's life... but also had unintended consequences. Leo's "new" condition was far worse. Punitive damages... punitive damages... the firm got Leo's family to settle out of court.. As a part of that settlement, Leo would be sent to a special school where he shared a class with Daedalus... just as the firm had anticipated, Daedalus made him a suit to make his life more bearable... Powers 1) Leo's body generates a minimum of a gallon of blood per minute... it hurts some and pumps out, relatively harmlessly, out his pores. 2) Leo's skintight supertech/magic super bodysuit stores the blood into a properly chilled pocket dimension to about 100 gallons. The suit is self sealing, provides kevlar level protection, and keeps Leo relatively comfortable in outside temperatures of 0-120 degrees. 3) Leo can control appatures anywhere on the suit to open up and gush out his stored blood. This ability is not only disgusting, but the high pressure blast is about as powerful as a fire hydrant opened up, at least while the blood lasts. 4) Myserious. Leo's got a mysteriousness to him. Very few people know even part of his background - and he doesn't show off his powers or anything... To most of the girls at the school, he is the mysterious man in the cool yellow and red magic symbol costume. Because he can't get close to people without revealing his situation, it is only natural that everyone wants to get closer to him... Personality 1) Loves video games, reading and basketball. 2) Has a brotherly affection / and brotherly frustration relationship with Daedalus. 3) Cares for the underdog, especially someone who gets picked on. 4) Has a rivalry with Golf; the two are likely to be partnered up since neither likes to be partnered up together. Namesake: because of his hazmat-yellow jumpsuit, Leo identifies with the name "Hazard." Atonement calls him "Halo" because Leo has a good streak in him, and because when Atonment first met him, Leo was playing Halo in the computer lab.
Villain's Round Table Last edited by LemmingLord; 02-19-2016 at 08:53 PM. |
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#14 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
Ion storm
It is something of a miracle the Adam Stern exists at all. His parents are Doc Demonic and the Arc Angel the founding members of the east coast's premiere super team "celestial force". Due to Arc Angel's unique biology she never expected to get pregnant much less carry a child to term. Doc Demon's technical wonders revealed flaws and gaps in Adam's body prior to birth and he rushed to create the means to keep Adam alive. One of the treatments involved implanting micro factories* programmed to produce nanites powered by Adam's own bioelectric field. These nanites have the ability to maintain and repair Adam and to improve his health in general. There was one miscalculation though Adams bioelectric field worked differently than expected. It was close enough that when combined with multiple surgeries and stays in hospital Adam survived until adolescence. Doc Demonic had pulled some strings to get Adam enrolled at Rutherford where his unusual features (golden glowing eyes) would not be out of place. Adam was a sickly but cheerful and likable person until he played a practical joke on Sarah (Electroplasm) and she zapped him in retribution. Adam's body absorbed the charge and a bit more besides. Sarah fell to floor with the sudden loss of power and Adam jumped up to help her and went clean through the windows on the other side of the classroom. Two stories later he landed on Catherine Grendel and a parked car. After apologizing to Catherine he jumped back into his classroom and checked on Sarah. Then grining like an idiot he yelled with glee just before his legs gave out. Waking up in hospital Adam informed his relieved and proud parents he liked the name "Ion Storm". Powers - Can absorb energy to super fuel his body, works best with electricity but he discovered he can also use anything in the electromagnetic spectrum from radio to infrared. - stronger, faster, tougher when "charged". The power of the charge determines just how much better he is. - can deliver an electric shock, still learning the fine points though. - fast or better regeneration (when charged) - can play with electrostatic repulsion/attraction, still learning if he can do anything with it yet. - Doc Demonic is fairly sure he can make weapons/gadgets that run off Adam's "charge" - hasn't yet found the limit of how much charge he can hold. Weaknesses - without a charge becomes sickly(carries a battery strong enough to keep him healthy) - Vulnerable to cold and "negative" energy/attacks - still has many health problems to work out. (Dad is making him a new kidney) - glows when charged - can be earthed out - can't hold a charge for more than about an hour in dry conditions. - Not always sure when exactly he is going to run out of juice *Future tech from a time travel adventure.of the celestials. A one off
Waiting for inspiration to strike...... And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn Last edited by (E); 02-23-2016 at 05:48 AM. |
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#15 |
Join Date: Jul 2005
"Java Junkie"
Haylee Vanderholt Haylee was lost in the woods at the age of ten when birds of prey answered her calls for help. She has come a long way since this first powered moment when she could send the birds to find her parents, and to guide her to them... Now 16, Haylee now goes to Rutherford, hoping to understand her true nature... Namesake: Haylee works at Starbucks to pay for her coffee habit. She also has picked up some physical tics from birds making her look jittery. Powers: 1) Haylee can speak with birds of prey, and they obey her commands. 2) Haylee has extremely good vision. 3) Haylee can shapeshift into a hawk for short periods of time. Weaknesses: 1) coffee fiend 2) attachment to birds of prey
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#16 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Toronto, Canada
Kim Cavanaugh Like many bright children, Kim found high school classes no challenge, and went looking elsewhere for bigger excitement. He wandered from morality to religion, from religion to mysticism, and from mysticism to the occult. Fascinated, he began performing the rituals he was reading about. Most did nothing. Well, nothing beyond leaving weird smells and odd scars. But the last one, it did more. Much more. When the blood was spilled and incense burned into blinding smoke, a voice from the brazier answered. It told Kim he now had the power of death itself. For the rest of his life, if he stared into a mirror and repeated a name three times, that person's death would soon follow. But only life can pay for life; one other would also die, someone Kim was close to, someone he cared about. When Kim awoke the next morning, he didn't know what to believe. Surely, all of it has been a dream. Kim stared into a mirror and three times repeated the name of the bully who had tormented him in freshman year. The next day, Peter Sevcik drove a stolen car straight into oncoming traffic at well over a hundred miles an hour, and crashed and died on the spot. The driver in the other car, Kim's favorite teacher, died the following day. Proof? Maybe? Kim tried again, this time naming the biggest of the big bads from television, Osama bin Laden. A day passed. A week. Nothing. So just a coincidence? No. In the third week Navy SEALs shot Osama bin Laden dead in his home in Abbotabad. And Kim's older sister died of alcohol poisoning at a college party. Kim hasn't named a name since. He is now a deeply, deeply conflicted young man, well on his way to serious substance abuse and maybe mental illness. Last edited by Johan Larson; 02-20-2016 at 06:18 PM. |
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#17 |
Join Date: Jul 2005
Laney Wilder The government teacher, vice pricipal and, in fact, the liaison to the top secret government agency reporting directly to the president for tracking (with a light hand) superhumans. Powers: 1) psychic ability to disable powers requiring concentration or activation. 2) psychic ability to cause unconsciousness 3) psychic defenses against mind control 4) special agent training Weaknesses: 1) abilities are relatively short range 2) trustworthy. Puts kids furst.
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#18 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
Mr Mason
Frank Mason teaches what passes for the "shop" class at Rutherford. When serving as an observer during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Frank received a shrapnel injury to his head. Life saving brain surgery followed. While healing Frank discovered he could enter a detached mental state and build and understand the most wonderful things. Several years spent studying meditation past before he mastered his abilities. He was then recruited for a Q division. When Rutherford opened it was suggested that he seek a position there by his superiors. Frank still secretly works for a part of the government and his boss is a lot nastier than Langley's. However Frank has developed a soft spot for one of the other teachers and enjoys the challenge that the students give him on a day by day basis. He has begun to question the hard line his superiors want to take. Powers - low to mid level Gadgeteer, switchable. - many gadgets, some clandestine Weaknesses - has trouble doing anything not tech related when his powers are active - uncertain where his loyalties lie. - having more and more difficulty turning his ability on - has used drugs to help activate his ability in the past. His bosses have the photos Personality - Deeply conflicted
Waiting for inspiration to strike...... And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn Last edited by (E); 02-22-2016 at 03:45 AM. |
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#19 |
Join Date: Jul 2005
"Neon Punch"
Shon Stoneman was star athlete in little league, do much so that his youtube videos making other kids look they are standing still led to a note dropped to Atonement. Atonement flew down to Arkansas and confirmed with his special senses the boy was powered. A clandestined shadow organization attempted to capture the boy, terrifying the parents. Shon didn't like having to give up his profession sports track, but his parents were convinced to ho into a very special relocation program in Rutherford. Powers: 1) superhuman reflexes. 2) peak human running speed 3) accurate throwing and catching skills. Wesknesses: 1) misses old friends 2) misses promising career in baseball 3) likely to make contact with okd friends, possibly leading to the shadow organization not only capturing him, but all those school friends too. Personality: 1) depression and anger over predicament 2) likely to sneak out 3) "i hate my life." Namesake: old team "the neons" put him in the home run position for what they called the "neon punch."
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#20 |
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
Terrance O'Connell is the great nephew of Habitat and soon after he was born it was obvious that his powers where going to kill him sooner or later. While he had a very similar power to Habitat he had a lot more difficulty getting unstuck and by the time he was three he had lost several of his fingers and part of an ear. Fortunately his other great uncle "Blackjack" was the highest ranking super in the army and was privy to many of the super related projects that were being run. One of these was a treatment to remove a "type 3" super's abilities. But it had not been tested. Seeing no other choice Blackjack put forward the idea to his niece. She said yes. The treatment failed, spectacularly, Terrance's powers where amplified and altered. Now Terrance is always made of something he is close to (less than a couple of inches). "I am at one with my universe" is how he puts it. Powers - Can cause his body to be made of any material that is with in a couple of inches of himself - has some control over his body's shape (he can do clothes and small accessories. - Can merge with anything near him (provided it is bigger than him) - while merged can see out of what he is in - while merged can stick out any part of his body - if merged with something large can move through it very quickly. - immune to "neutralization" powers as a side effect of the failed treatment - immune to most forms of mental attack Weaknesses - can't do gases and some liquids - doesn't have a normal body - when he isn't close enough to mimic anything his body begins to break down. Personality Terrance is a bit of a stirrer and delights in practical jokes. Delights in being the center of attention Slightly spoilt by his mother while growing up he has few boundaries. However his mother is back on active service and he is a boarding student now. His fingers and ears grew back.
Waiting for inspiration to strike...... And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn Last edited by (E); 03-03-2016 at 04:11 AM. |
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