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Old 02-16-2016, 04:23 AM   #1
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Default Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

As per Lemminglord's framework and ericthered's suggestion, create a super character idea for a high school setting that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. All the positions in the high school are open, pupils and staff. For a bonus challenge link your character idea to a previous character.

To kick things off

A is for Atonement.

The principal of Rutherford High school, Albert Miller is a likable man who looks to be in his mid to late 40's who handles all the ups and downs of running an large High school with a calm and relaxed manner. More observant people will notice two fingers are missing off his left hand.

Albrecht Mueller lost two fingers during the battle of the somme and in the process earned the military merit cross. Young and bitter about his injury Albrecht drifted in the years following the war and became involved with a Nazi Occult group.

During WW2 Albrecht was involved with the Nazi Super soldier program as an Occult advisor. It was there that he was accidentally exposed to a chemical cocktail that altered him in ways he would not fully realize for years to come. Taken by the Russians at the end of the war he forced to work on their supersoldier experiments.

By the 1970s Albrecht realized he wasn't aging and defected to the west before anyone else caught on. He was debriefed by first the English and later the Americans who recruited him to assist their supersoldier experiments.

Completely disillusioned with the motives and means employed by governments in their quest for power Albrecht (now known as Albert) chose to act. Using the powers he had kept secret for the last 50 years Albert went down to the cells where some of the experimentees were being held for "national security" reasons.

Albert's exposure to those chemicals all those years ago had granted in addition to the immunity to aging the power to see other people's "abilities". A simple spell learnt from a Thule society grimoire clouded his face in shadow and another projected Albert's own guilt for his past acts upon the guards incapacitating them. Going to one of the cells Albert knelt and started talking in a soft voice "Hello William you don't know it yet but you can talk to computers"

As Albert left with the former prisoners one of the guards gasped "who . . ." "I am Atonement" came the reply.

- unaging and superior health
- Can (given time) detect other people's powers (some of the time)
- Slight magical ability

- As susceptible to injury as anyone else
- wanted by certain clandestine government departments. But they don't have.much to go on.

- Has a lifetime of guilt he is trying to find redemption for
- Is completely determined that anything like the concentration camps or gulags will not happen again.

With Williams help Albert got set up with a new Identity and a New career, school teacher. To Albert's surprise he was good at his job and in a couple of years got offered the job of principle at Rutherford. He now uses his position to help the young and gifted make a positive mark on the world in the hope that they can prevent a world with concentration camps.

If he feels the need Albert can act swiftly, decisively and without mercy.

He has no other resources aside from what he can redirect from the school system. Scholarships and outreach programs are the net he uses. He teaches history and runs a community funded program for "young people with untapped potential"
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Last edited by (E); 02-16-2016 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 02-16-2016, 08:04 AM   #2
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

Great new thread!!!

"The Bard"

Theresa Blythe was a college psyche major who signed up for an psyche experiment involving temporary memory engancement medication. The meds had the side effect of activating her latent metahuman (and some unpleasant) traits. She settled out of court with the government, and took tenure in a cushy job rather than take a "handout."

The job was drama coach of thenew top secret school for supers. Her first day was troublesome as she managed to alienate her new boss by discussion of how nazis are used in fiction. The principal, "Atonement," has since been strict with Theresa, requiring her to be taking full college credits to complete an actual teaching degree (rather than a certificate).

Costume: because Theresa looks very mych like raw hamburger unless she is concentrating, she wears a full bidy suit with a black and white domino mask and the deama/comedy masks insignia.

1) if she concentrates, Theresa can rearrange her skin and muscle tissue to emulate anyone of about the same size. She can also copy voices she has studied.

2) if she concentrates, she can enhance her strength to peak human female of 5'8" levels.

3) while concentrating, she can regenerate skin or muscle damage at 1000 times the normal human rate.

4) she can remember everything she focuses on.

1) Job security
2) Helping kids achieve their dreams
Villain's Round Table

Last edited by LemmingLord; 02-20-2016 at 07:05 PM.
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Old 02-16-2016, 09:59 AM   #3
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school


Antonio Mendez is 13 years old, and constantly accumulates a cloud of ectoplasm around himself. In its raw state, it doesn't effect anyone not attuned to mystical activities. If it is allowed to build up, however, it will eventually condense into something firm and concrete.

Tony can control what it forms, and a wide variety of results are available, from food to statues to kerosene to creatures. Most creations don't last longer than about 10 hours, less if they are broken up.

Tony has a troubled past: His condition is the result of mysterious conditions around the time of his birth. His mother claims he's the result of an attempt to summon a demon. He was abused by his stepfather, and still suffers from recurrent nightmares. The nightmares unfortunately trigger his ability. Half of his family was killed when he summoned a 'werewolf' that tore through the house on a savage rampage. Afterwards the school arranged for his disappearance and presumed death and moved him to the school to protect others.

Tony's family went to the cathedral a few times a year, and he grew up calling the creatures he summoned demons. Various school staff have worked with him to get him to understand that the minds of these creatures is created from templates in his own -- though he has no control once they're created. Theresa Blythe in particular has worked with him to create strong personas in his mind, so that creatures that show up can be more functional and less childish. She's also worked with him on getting them to look more human.

Tony is still wracked by guilt, and isn't making good progress on controlling his inner demons. or his outer demons. Of more interest to him is sculpture, and he's taken to making statues out of ectoplasm. Mostly abstract art.

Tony can create anything he has the skill for. Most of the time, that means solid objects, but he has two wide exceptions: food and creatures. The food looks 'hand made' and is of varying qualities, but you can eat as much as you want and not get fat --- but you can't live off of it either. The creatures are tough, resilient, blatantly supernatural, and mostly have very simple personalities. He has no control once he's created them, though many take kindly to his orders for some reason. He's tried making mechanical objects, but can't really make it past a few simple hinges.

1) can conjure solid objects, food, and creatures
2) has a minor magic sense and can see the active magic of others.

1) Be accepted. Tony came to the school much younger than the others, and has been 'the little kid' since then.
2) Inner turmoil, PTSD, and guilt.
3) has something of an artistic streak

1) Cannot control powers when asleep.
2) only has a set amount of ectoplasm to work with, it returns gradually.
3) gives off an incredibly strong magical signal to anyone who can sense such things.
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Old 02-16-2016, 02:15 PM   #4
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school


Atonement, School Principal, Real name: Albrecht Mueller, aka Albert Miller
-Unaging, Very Healthy, Power detector, Some magic
-Enemy, Human frailty
-Getting Humans and supers to co-exist, Lots of guilt
A 120ish year old former callous scientist. Now determined humanitarian suffering from the guilt of what he has been involved in.

The Bard
, Drama teacher, Real name: Theresa Blythe
-Morphable body (Within Human parameters)
-Voice mimicry
-Can increase strength to peak (for a 5'8" female)
-Regeneration of skin and muscle at 1000 times normal
-Enhanced memory
-Powers require concentration
-Disturbing appearance when not concentrating
-Helping kids
-Job security
The Bard aka Theresa Blythe has the ability to mimic other people.

Conjure, Student, Real name: Antonio Mendez
-Can Create objects
-Can Create short lived creatures (10ish hours)
-Can sense magic
-Power can activate while sleeping
-Has a finite amount of raw material that replenishes slowly
-Obvious to magical senses
-Be accepted
-Artistic streak
Antonio Mendez has had a hard time growing up and his powers have made it harder.

Daedalus, Student, Real name: Samuel Draven
- Savant Gadgeteer
- Savant Enchanter
- Can design objects that involve both super science and magic
- The physical design grants the ability for the recipient to create the item.
- Autistic
- Lacks many basic life skills
- No long term motivations
Daedalus is possibly the most gifted craftsman on the planet when it comes to magic and "super" technology, but can't take care of himself any better than a 4 year old could.

Danni Boi , Security guard, Real name; Danielle Boise, aka Skream
- Mood and emotion projection through song
- Sound Blast
- Can shatter anything brittle with sound
- Experienced fighter
- Very protective of Sam/Daedalus
- Not particularly fit
- Ensure Sam/Daedalus has a safe upbringing and has the best possible chance to live a normal life.
Danni Boi was once the super villain "Skream" while she now looks like a soccer mom she has not completely lost her edge. She works at the school to stay close to her son "Daedalus"

Electroplasm, Student, Real name: Sarah McAlder
- Electrical discharges, distraction level
- Control over electronics
- Ability to remain unseen, but only in well-lit areas
- Powers only available when "projecting" her "ghost"
- Powers difficult to control under stress
- Body vulnerable during excursions
- Improving her control over her abilities
- making sure her powers don't hurt anyone
Sarah is a bright girl who can project an electrically empowered consciousness. She is still learning how to handle her ability.

Feign, some time student
- Retractable spikes and teeth
- Tough hide
- Agile and acrobatically unpredictable
- Conjured
- Poor grip
- soft spot for Daedalus
Feign is one of Conjure's creations, a blue and green fluffy wolf/T-rex hybrid.

Golf, Student, Real name:Golf, Alias: Gemma Mueller
- Strength, Speed, increased bone density and toughness.
- Enhanced memory and senses
- Control of her own temperature and facial structure
- Well trained martial artist.
- poor social skills
- Anger management issues.
- Hates guns
- Traumatized
The offspring of two runaway super soldiers, Golf grew up in the wilderness and saw her parents get killed. She now has to deal with the trauma.

The Grendels, Students and parents, Real names:various taken from myth, history and classic literature.
- Bullet proof skin, general toughness
- Super vision
- Resistant to magic
- They lack super strength
- Their powers are well known and understood
- Proud of heritage and loyal to each other
- Acquit the family well
- All the cares of normal teenage life.
The Grendels attending Rutherford are the children of members of an occult super soldier program. Proud of who they are, the dozen or so grendel children tend to do well at Rutherford.

Habitat, Teacher in charge of problem students/detention, Real name: Mortimer Hamilton
- Can alter his whole body to match any part of his environment.
- Variable abilities based on what he is mimicking.
- Almost 70
- Blunt and not politically correct.
- Enjoys teaching, really likes have a positive influence on troubled kids.
An experienced war veteran turned teacher, Habitat is blunt, direct and no nonsense with his students who in turn usually appreciate his honesty and candor.

Halo/Hazard, Student, Real name: Leo Olsen
- Generate blood, constant
- Supersuit, created by Daedalus, stores and releases blood.
- Mysterious vibe
- Wears suit constantly
- Loves video games, reading and basketball.
- Has a brotherly relationship with Daedalus.
- Cares for the underdog, especially someone who gets picked on.
- Has a rivalry with Golf
Halo/Hazard is a mysterious seeming student, slightly stand-offish and never seen without his suit. Unlikely to use his powers without good reason.

Ion Storm, Student, Real name: Adam Stern
- Can Supercharge his body with electricity and other energy
- Poor health
- Can lose his charge
- Friendly kid
- Good natured
- Keen to live life
The son of two supers Ion Storm was never expected to survive his unusual genetics. Now a few years on the positive side of his genes is apparent.

Java Junkie, Student, Real name: Haylee Vanderholt
- Can speak with birds of prey, and they obey her commands.
- Extremely good vision.
- Can shapeshift into a hawk
- Coffee fiend
- Attachment to birds of prey
Works part time as a barista, Haylee has some bird like tics

Killer, student, Real name: Kim Cavanaugh
- Magical talent
- Can death curse at a cost
- highly intelligent
- tormented by cost of powers
Kim is in a very bad place and is need of some help otherwise his life looks poised to go down hill.

Langley, Vice Principal, Real name: Laney Wilder
- can disable powers requiring concentration or activation.
- can cause unconsciousness
- defenses against mind control
- trained agent
- Government liaison
- Short range abilities
- Students first mentality
Rutherford's official G man, a psychic with ties to the office of the president.

Mr Mason, shop teacher, Real name: Frank Mason
- Gadgeteer
- many small gadgets
- has trouble doing anything not tech related when his powers are active
- having more and more difficulty turning his ability on
- has used drugs to help activate his ability in the past.
- Deeply conflicted
Frank is a plant for a nastier part of the government, his powers are beginning to fade.

Neon Punch, Student, Real name: Shon Stoneman
- superhuman reflexes.
- peak human running speed
- accurate throwing and catching skills.
- Shaken by change from old life
- May accidentally reveal his location to those following him
- depression and anger over predicament
- likely to sneak out
- "I hate my life."
Shon is a younger student who was displaced from his old life, suddenly moving to Rutherford to avoid kidnapping

One, Student, Real name:Terrance O'Connell
- Can cause his body to be made of any material that is with in a couple of inches of himself
- Can merge with anything near him (provided it is bigger than him)
- immune to "neutralization" powers
- immune to most forms of mental attack
- doesn't have a normal body
- when he isn't close enough to mimic anything his body begins to break down.
- Class clown and Stirrer, but otherwise not too bad a kid
One is always made of something else and is literally part of the scenery.

Snipped for size reasons

- Magic exists
- Powerful magic users are typically a bit unstable.
- "Super" experiments go back at least to the 1930's
- Drugs can trigger latent abilities.
- Teenage hormones/puberty can interact unpredictably with powers.
- More than one super soldier program has produced results. Some of the projects are more "shadowy" than others
- having only 20% of each "batch" of super soldiers going renegade is considered a good result.
- Some super soldier projects use occult methods.
- Child supers are sometimes targeted for kidnapping.
- Two factions within the government exist, One want supers very tightly controlled the other extends supers the rights of ordinary citizens
- Aliens exist

Other Supers
- Thunderborn, hero, Supersonic flight among other powers.
- Witchlord, Villain, Warlock and traveler of worlds, Deceased
- The Unbelievables, U.S army Air Mobile supers unit, where the more "irregular" supers end up if they join the army.
- The Celestials, a Premiere super team
- Arc Angel, Celestial, Powerful electrical abilities as well as flight
- Doc Demonic, Celestial, Gadgeteer, Demonic style winged powered armour.
- Gabriel, Celestial, Supersoldier with telekinetic flight.
- Blackjack, Unbelievables, Colonel, Unknown powers.

School, Rutherford High School
- Has a "boarding" school section
- Government involvement
- "Unusual" events are not uncommon
- Has some normal students
- Feud of sorts between Golf and Joan Grendel
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Last edited by (E); 03-03-2016 at 04:36 AM. Reason: Update
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Old 02-17-2016, 04:47 AM   #5
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

Daedalus and Danni Boi

Everybody knows the story of the supervillian Skream, the Sexy Siren whose voice brought Thunderborn to his knees. From her beginnings as a rockstar, the botched throat operation that triggered her abilities, her off again on again romance with the warlock Witchlord. People are still speculating about what Skream managed to do in that final spectacular battle over Manhattan before she vanished from the headlines.

No one however associates the pin up supervillian with the slightly disheveled looking school security guard and solo mum Danielle Boise. Every day Danielle comes into school in her minivan and drops her son Sam Draven off to his special needs teacher and heads to the office to start her work day. Usually whistling a few bars of Danny Boy.

Sam's father is Witchlord the infamous master of the darkest arts. While he is currently missing believed permanently dead. Before he left he made sure his family well cared for (in his mind anyway). He cut a deal with a Stranger at some crossroads to enhance his lover's voice and journeyed beyond the material world to ensure his son was blessed with unparalleled gifts.

Samuel Draven was given the pseudonym Daedalus by the principal who has some fond memories of a classical education. Sam is quite far along the autistic spectrum and has little ability when it comes to dealing with other people or taking care of himself. However if he likes you, just maybe, he will get out his pencil and start to draw. What he creates will be an intricate plan for a bespoke superscience creation or possibly an enchantment of sophisticated elegance. Once or twice he has even created an intricate blend of both. His drawings empower the recipient with the ability create what he has designed. They are each as unique as a snowflake and no one has ever managed to duplicate even part of one of his designs. Since gaining his pseudonym he signs his work to match.

Danni Boi
- Mood and emotion projection through song, she can calm a crowd with the right song choice or send them off to slumber with a lullaby.
- Coherent sound blast that can easily knock a person over and leave their ears ringing.
- Can shatter brittle material if she takes the time to find its harmonic frequency.
- Has an armoured suit made by Daedalus if she has the time to put it on. Otherwise her "generic" security guard clothes incorporate a fine layer of kevlar.

- Very protective of Sam/Daedalus
- Not as fit as she once was.
- Has lost or sold much of her old equipment and hasn't fully adapted to its absence yet

- Ensure Sam/Daedalus has a safe upbringing and has the best possible chance to live a normal life.

- Can create plans for superscience and/or enchanted creations that allow the recipient to create what's been drawn. No one else has ever been able to combine science and magic like he does.
- Is watched over by his father, a powerful warlock who has the attention span of a bored puppy and also happens to be dead.

- Unable to take care of himself, functionally similar to a 3 year old.

- Nothing beyond his current wants.

When Danielle became aware of Sam's difficulties she began looking for people who could help. The first people she found just wanted to exploit Sam's abilities, escaping their clutches exhausted her resources and left her no closer to her goal of getting help for Sam. Coincidentally her old sports car suffered catastrophic engine evaporation while driving past Rutherford High school. (The Witchlord's messages from beyond the grave lack the subtly of most other spectral entities). As a result Sam has a place to learn, Rutherford has a staunch defender and Danielle has a regular paycheck.

While going through some paperwork Danielle recognized a name from her past, Anthony Mendez's mother, sure she had seen this name before she has begun going through some of Witchlord's old papers.
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Last edited by (E); 02-17-2016 at 04:58 AM.
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Old 02-17-2016, 09:32 AM   #6
Irish Wolf
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school


Following a bizarre accident (while she was trying to build her own Tesla coil), Sarah McAlder found that she had been gifted, if that's the term, with a strange ability - she can project her consciousness outside of her body, in the form of a girl-shaped cloud of charged ectoplasm, what she thinks of as her "electric ghost". At first she used this ability to spy on others, giving her an edge in the traditional childhood game of gossip; soon enough, however, she discovered that she could exert control over electronic devices as well. She was found out when she went a bit far in adjusting her grades in the school computer, When Atonement heard of this, he pulled some strings to get Sarah transferred to his school. Now, along with the normal curriculum, Sarah is learning to better control her abilities as Electroplasm.

Over the course of the past few years, as she has begun experiencing menstruation, Sarah has discovered another problem - under conditions of emotional stress, she loses control of her powers, and her "electric ghost" disassociates from her body at random.

Powers (only usable in "ghost" form):
- Electrical discharges (low power, akin to touching an electric fence)
- Control over electronics
- Ability to remain unseen, but only in well-lit areas (in shadow, discharges are more noticeable)

- Powers difficult to control under stress
- Body vulnerable during excursions
- No usable powers while in her body

- learning to keep her "ghost" under control
- making sure her powers don't hurt anyone (she's basically a good kid)
If you break the laws of Man, you go to prison.

If you break the laws of God, you go to Hell.

If you break the laws of Physics, you go to Sweden and receive a Nobel Prize.

Last edited by Irish Wolf; 02-17-2016 at 09:36 AM.
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Old 03-02-2016, 08:02 PM   #7
Johan Larson
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

Originally Posted by (E) View Post
-Getting Humans and supers to co-exist, Lots of guilt
Now determined humanitarian suffering from the guilt of what he has been involved in.


- Autistic
- Lacks many basic life skills

- poor social skills
- Anger management issues.
- Hates guns
- Traumatized

- tormented by cost of powers
Kim is in a very bad place and is need of some help otherwise his life looks poised to go down hill.

Mr Mason
- having more and more difficulty turning his ability on
- has used drugs to help activate his ability in the past.
- Deeply conflicted

Neon Punch
- depression and anger over predicament
- likely to sneak out
- "I hate my life."
Christ, what a bunch of head-cases. This high-school needs a psych ward.
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Old 03-03-2016, 03:58 AM   #8
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

A little late but here is my entry for Z


The school janitor Zeb looks to be a hard worn sixty and is almost completely bald except for what could only be called an "optimistic" comb over. Baggy overalls and ragged tennis shoes complete the image. Seldom seen without his mop or broom Zeb heads out side for a quiet smoke at least once every half hour.

Zebulathor is a master of the magical and martial arts and is a hint under three hundred years old. His last apprentice went on to name him self Witchlord and cause all kinds of strife. Looking for a new protege Zeb came to Rutherford, Atonement is not quite sure why he hired Zeb and finds his mind focusing on other things when he tries to think about it. Due to all the unusual senses possessed by the staff and students Zeb has had to forgo his usual array of glamours and illusion spells while at Rutherford and finds the change quite refreshing.

The reason Zeb goes out for a smoke every half hour or so is a side effect of a fire breathing technique that he has not fully mastered, while he can breath fire when he wants to he can't completely put it out and after a half hour he has to expel the built up smoke. Happily observing from the back ground he has his eye on Kim Cavanaugh (Killer)as a possible apprentice, the tangle of magic surrounding the boy seems like an interesting enough challenge to unravel anyway. Zeb has already started talking to Edgar Simmons (polaris) with an eye to training him in the Martial arts, Zeb feels that Edgar's ability properly trained and developed will allow Edgar to have complete instinctual knowledge of his body position thus allowing a for greater acrobatic ability than normal practitioners.

- Magic, powerful Sorcerer
- Fire Breath
- Master of the Martial arts
- Relies on his staff for most magic
- Smokes
- Eccentric
- Find talented proteges

Originally Posted by Johan Larson View Post
Christ, what a bunch of head-cases. This high-school needs a psych ward.
I'm not disagreeing.
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Old 03-03-2016, 09:57 AM   #9
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Default Re: Alphabet Brainstorm 3, High school

Originally Posted by Johan Larson View Post
Christ, what a bunch of head-cases. This high-school is a psych ward.
Fixed it for you.

Supers generally end up with a bunch of crazy people. Here they have the option to be sympathetic and turn out ok instead of as a supervillian.

Also, The Janitor has ulterior motives. That's funny.
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