12-10-2021, 06:19 PM | #21 | ||||
Join Date: Sep 2004
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
The +25% for a 1 yard area isn't something I've ever used. Quote:
You wouldn't require Obscure for a Summonable Ally, Snatcher, or Create for something placed in the way. Nor would anyone suggest you require it for TK on Control when you move something in the way. Visible walls, either material or energy, will tend to block vision by existing so I still don't see why this wouldn't be a valid fixed (chosen at creation) special effect based on the material or intensity of the wall. Quote:
12-10-2021, 07:11 PM | #22 | |
Join Date: Aug 2018
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
1-damage innate attacks cost 0.25 dice so I figured 0.75 (¾) DR and 0.125 (⅛) HP.
Technically a 1d-4 innate attack attack would be cheaper (1-0.3*3=0.1 dice) and have 0.3 DR and 0.02 HP That's if you ignore the "round up" instruction which would just be 1 DR and 1HP since that gets a bit overpowered (especially in the 1d-4 = 0.1 dice case) That's an issue the 1d-4 attack has w/o walls too (due to minimum 1 damage for non-crushing attacks) which is why I bet a lot of GMs might ban it or else give diminishing discounts. Quote:
Though it can't take some limitations that Crushing Attack can (no Knockback for example) so that can also be competetive. -20% to 5/level makes it 4/level just like Toxic Attack, you need another -20% to make it 3/level like Small Piercing. You can get that with No Blunt Trauma, but Piercing can take that limitation too, so it still wins. No Wounding is another way to make walls cheaper (no damage to slam into them) which isn't much of a concern for Small Piercing since it doesn't focus on creating wounds anyway (bad wounding modifier). The lower wounding modifier is part of the per-dice pricing system of Small Piercing which makes me wonder if it's really fair for the per-dice pricing system to be the basis of the DR/HP you get via Wall enhancements if you're just going to take No Wounding anyway and negate that benefit. IE if you're going to make a No Wounding wall, is there any reason whatsoever to base it on Large Piercing instead of Small Piercing? |
12-10-2021, 07:26 PM | #23 | ||||
Join Date: Jun 2013
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
I mean, that's what Wall is, at least when permeable - you pay extra (+30% or +60%) and get less of an area to work with (much less as you increase Area Effect), but you can shape it however you'd like (either upon creating the ability, or each time you use it, depending on how much you paid). I just think the cost - both in price and lost area - is too high. I consider the ability to make the Wall rigid to be a Feature of sorts, not baked into the price - as I previously noted, if being able to make it rigid is superior to being able to make it permeable, then you clearly overpay for the latter at the very least. Personally, I think the two seem about equivalent - a rigid wall blocks projectiles, but from both sides, and is readily destructible, while permeable walls don't block projectiles* and are less destructible. *I'm not certain if it would be appropriate to allow a permeable wall - or any persistent AE, including an Aura - to damage a projectile en route. It makes a great deal of sense if they can, but projectiles will often have low enough HP you can readily destroy most with low-damage (not to mention potentially knocking them off target if your AE does knockback). Projectiles also typically spend very little time within any given hex, but GURPS doesn't really account for that - a speedster running through a hex of persistent burning IA at 100 mph (~Move 50, so spends only 0.02 seconds in that hex) takes the same amount of damage as someone who stands in it for a full second. Quote:
Yeah, I don't think I'd allow a Piercing Wall. It really doesn't make any sense to me - I think of "piercing" as "crushing that penetrates deeply," like a bullet. And, yeah, making a Wall Small Piercing is pretty hefty munchkinism - the point of a rigid Wall is more to put a physical barrier in the way than to try to wound people who Slam into it.
GURPS Overhaul |
12-10-2021, 07:52 PM | #24 | |||
Join Date: Sep 2004
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
[quote] Well, particularly with a +60% Wall, how do you determine the target point? Is it the center of mass of the arrangement?[/quot] With either +30% or +60% you determine the shape and orientation before using it (it's just a matter of when). +60% would should let you pick a point and extend from that however you want but you have to specify the shape (with orientation) before rolling to hit. IME, most +60% walls tend to extend from either from user or very close so scattering won't be an issue. YMMV. Quote:
12-10-2021, 11:25 PM | #25 | ||||||
Join Date: Aug 2018
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
I wouldn't allow that to round up - it's pretty blatant munchkinism - and thus wouldn't allow it. [/quote] I don't like rounding up either, I like keeping decimals :) Quote:
For the same reason, a "no wounding impaling wall" would also not make too much sense. This would raise the specter: should all no-wounding walls be based on the 5/level baseline of Crushing and Normal Piercing? Quote:
I think "he doesn’t damage his foe" it just meant for the standard IA where you immediately attack/defend: in that respect you exhausted your attack's power cancelling out the attack, but any lingering effects (per second damage) should probably effect them as if they got caught in the AE. So in the case of walls, it still seems like it ought to create the Wall, albeit possibly losing some HP if the DR wasn't enough to stop all the incoming damage. - - On semi-related note... anyone ever notice that weird bit on P168 where you can add shield DB to a Power Parry if the attack you're responding to has Blockable or Melee? The whole point of a power parry roll is "I react quickly enough to roll my dice and subtract the result from the incoming attack's damage roll", right? How would "I'm wearing a buckler" help with "I react fast enough with my telekinetic Crushing Attack to slow down the incoming Impaling Attack" vs an arrow or spear? Really strange to conceive. Quote:
Which is of course not -2/-1/0/1/2/3 it is 1/1/1/1/2/3 Even standing in a fire is 1d-1 which is actually not 0/1/2/3/4/5 it is 1/1/2/3/4/5 So getting a full -0.9 or -0.3 to "dice" (cost) for the -3 or -1 to damage seems off since for a lot of those results the deduction won't reduce the output at all. The big issue here is "if you can never do less than 1 damage, should your ability cost less than the 0.25 dice it costs to always do once damage" There could be an advantage to "I always know how much damage I do" so you can do measured destruction and avoid killing people. 1d-1 burning is pretty chaotic (1-5) and compared to "a fixed 1" even 1d-3 is chaotic (a third of the time you do double or triple the 1 damage) Chaos can also be amplified by critical hit multiplyers. So in that way I could see "I'd rather pay 0.25 for 1 damage than 0.1 for 1d-3 damage" but it still seems like there should be diminishing discounts when the minus only affects your maximums and not your minimums. Like maybe it's -0.3 for the first, 0.25 for the 2nd, 0.20 for the 3rd, 0.15 for the 4th, 0.10 for the 5th? That's just for crushing too (where the first -1 reduces your dmg to 0) it should prob be .25/.20/.15/.10/0.05 for the five possible -1s you apply to 1d. This also fixes the issue of being able to design all the way to 1d-5 which at -0.3 per -1 takes you into negative dice. Instead you're looking at 0.75/0.55/0.40/0.30/0.25 cost progressions... which conveniently works out to "0.25 for 1d-5" equivalent to "0.25 for 1". Crushing Attack which has "minimum 0" could benefit from a different scale though I can't really fathom how to assign it. The -1 penalty is progressively way huger here since you're reducing the chance of doing 1 damage as well as your maximum. |
12-11-2021, 09:38 AM | #26 | |||||||
Join Date: Sep 2004
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
What ability are you trying to make - a wall of marshmellows that doesn't hurt someone that impacts it? In what way are marshmellows piercing, ever? Quote:
I wouldn't allow most permeable walls to Power Parry. Except for attacks in direct opposition, it doesn't really make sense. Reality check wise most projectiles couldn't be deflected or destroyed while energy attacks might not have anything the wall would damage. As a comic or movie trope, I'd allow a water/ice attack to parry a fire/heat attack. Quote:
Second, it's only rigid walls that have an issue with fractional dice. Fractional damage on a permeable wall works just like fractional damage with any other innate attack. |
12-12-2021, 09:47 AM | #27 | ||||||
Join Date: Aug 2018
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
so your wall could deliver a side effect to those who ram into it, and like with Innate Attack that could represent a certain delivery service which crushing-only DR doesn't help against Crushing, usually. Quote:
Not doing so should probably require Takes Less Time even though that's not supposed to be able to allow attacks to be done as free actions. A parry of course isn't quite a free action, you have a limited amount of them, especially in the case of Power Defenses where you get one (parry, block or dodge) per turn period. you probably mean Power Dodge as Power Block is for already-active abilities to see if you either double the effectiveness (resistance, DR, etc) or it has zero effect Quote:
If the power parry succeeds, it doesn't say to act like the shield stopped the attack, you just subtract damage as usual. Quote:
1d-3 attacks (non-crushing) always doing a minimum of 1 basic damage while costing 0.1 dice is a universal quirk of innate attacks (including permeable walls and other AEs) |
12-12-2021, 10:05 AM | #28 | |||||||
Join Date: Jun 2013
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
Damage: If the projectile takes enough damage to be reduced to 0 HP, apply a retroactive -1 to the roll to hit (so MoS 0 becomes a miss, and rapid-fire attacks might have one - or more, if using Very Rapid Fire or a fractional-Rcl houserule - projectile miss). If the projectile takes enough damage to be reduced to -5xHP, this increases to -2. If the projectile takes enough damage to be reduced to -10xHP, reduce Armor Divisor by a level (no AD becomes (0.5)) and increase the retroactive penalty to -3 - if this causes a miss, the GM may rule the projectile was simply vaporized (or whatever is appropriate for the damage source) en route. Knockback: If the permeable Wall would cause Knockback to the projectile, add the yards of Knockback to the Range the projectile traveled, for purposes of determining if the projectile crosses its 1/2D or Max thresholds (for half damage or being unable to reach the target, respectively). Optionally, if this puts the Range into a worse range band (say, 5 yards of Knockback on a projectile that traveled 17 yards - this takes it from -6 for 20 yards to -7 for 30 yards), apply the difference in the penalty to the initial attack. Quote:
GURPS deals with integer values for damage, DR, HP, etc. I suppose the 1d-4 isn't quite as bad if you use fractions for such - although I'll note 1d-4 is RAW unavailable, as RAW only lets you get down to a 1-damage IA (for 1/4th cost; 2/7ths would be more accurate, but mathematically annoying). To go further (only valid if you allow for fractions), I'd say multiply the cost of a 1-point IA by the damage (or average damage, if you want a dice roll involved). In the case of 1d-4, the 0.5 point average means half the cost of a 1-damage IA. I hate treating "small impaling" as some form of piercing. Needles and the like should treat DR, IT:DR, Vulnerability, etc as though they were impaling, not piercing (a needle should get through Kevlar more easily than a bullet). Of course, in this case there's still the issue of paying far less for a perfectly-functional Wall just because you'll do less Injury in the off-chance someone decides battering it down with their own body (rather than using weapons) is a good idea. The wounding modifier of a Wall (and its interaction with armor etc) is generally a minor component of its cost. A minimalist Wall has +95% worth of Enhancements - and that's very much a minimalist Wall, with only 3 hexes to work with (Area Effect 1 yard +25%), a 10-second duration (Persistent +40%), and a set shape (Wall +30%). Most Walls will have much more than this (larger Area Effect, longer Duration, and possibly a more variable shape). At this level, making it so the Wall does no injury at all (No Wounding -50%) changes its cost from 195% of the base IA to 145%, and even letting No Blunt Trauma -20% and No Knockback -10% apply only gets that down to 115%. If the player wanted a damaging effect, he/she'd have a permeable Wall. The point of going rigid is that it physically prevents foes - and their projectiles - from going past them (a permeable Wall prevents the former by threatening damage - anyone willing to take the damage can just walk through). A foe can still get through a rigid Wall by destroying it first, and Slamming into it is typically not going to be their best bet to do that. So, again, the damage type of the Wall generally only matters if the foe is trying to get through it by Slamming (rather than by just attacking it). An exception is when a character throws up a Wall in front of a charging foe, forcing a collision. That's also when I'd expect the player to be wiling to pay a premium for a cutting/impaling Wall, and why I'm largely OK with those being priced the way they are. But usually, that's a pretty niche application of the power, so getting the whole thing at a huge discount (a 1d pi- minimalist Wall would cost [5.85], but a 1d cr minimalist Wall with nbt nkb nw would cost [5.75]) to account for reduced Wounding when that niche shows up is rather unbalanced. Quote:
Of course, for rigid Walls you don't actually roll, so you'd just use average damage. With normal Wall rules, I wouldn't allow for anything less than an average damage of 1. With my tweaks, I might be inclined to allow it, but you'd have to assign everything to HP, lacking DR - a 1d-4 cr Wall would give Cover DR of 0.5, so it would have HP 2. Quote:
I suppose you could have it be that, if your shield's DB makes a difference, the Power Parry fails but the attack hits the shield.
GURPS Overhaul |
12-12-2021, 12:58 PM | #29 | |||
Join Date: Sep 2004
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
12-12-2021, 02:52 PM | #30 | ||||||||||
Join Date: Aug 2018
Re: Questions about Innate Attack (Wall)
I guess the question is: what is the cap on the collision damage that rigid walls can actually cause compared to their permeable form? Quote:
So to actually negate teh damage safely you'd need to rely on DR. Quote:
How much Penetrating Damage you get (how much DR your Basic Damage interacts with) matters not just for wounds but also the HT roll penalty for Side Effect. Quote:
could also help if your Innate Attack skill for shooting your power was much higher than your other combat skills for parrying or Basic Speed for dodging |
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