Originally Posted by DouglasCole
I've done this. It creates obvious breakpoints, which is bad. But it also means that defaulting from a very high Stat becomes much more sensible.
The way I did this was that the first point gets you from DEFAULT to DEFAULT+4, and then increases from there.
Default: 0pts
Default+4: 1pt
Default+5: 2pts
Default+6: 4pts
Default+7: 8pts
For average skills at IQ/DX of 10, this has zero impact. For low IQ/DX, the points in skills have even more impact than ususal. For high IQ/DX, it's lower.
Frex: At IQ8, 8pts in an average skill by RAW gets you Skill-10. Using STAT/2, you get Skill-11. For IQ18, RAW gets you Skill-20. STAT/2 default is 9, 8pts gets you Skill-17.
I'm 99,9% sure I've suggested this simple fix before: Round
up for E and H skills and
down for A and VH skills.
Or if for whatever reasons the other way works better, round down for E and H skills, and up for A and VH skills.