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Old 10-17-2014, 11:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Default GURPS online. How would it work out?

If you like to play computer games based on table-top RPGs than you might question how GURPS would work out? It's universal so it could be any genre. Would it entirely online? How would elites affect casuals? And how do the players create their own worlds? Post your theories if you wish, here's mine.

GURPS online would be a sandbox RPG. People could create their own servers like in minecraft. A single-player option would also be available and you can invite friends to it as a private server. World customization would have to be simplified (a lot).

World customization could be simplified by choosing which genre your world is (Fantasy, sci-fi, Horror, realistic,etc). You'd obviously have your TL to customize it even further to create an uncommon genre or very common depending on what you pick. The genres you pick will decide what's possible and what's in your world. Then you have to pick how many points a character can begin with.

The starting point amount for your world would decide how many points any char on that server has at first. Notice I say "at first', this is because their will be ways to gain more points (like tasks or achievements). So if you want to play a meek to manly adventure world start low, If you want to be a super-hero start high. Of course this leads us to Character Customization.

Your character is a main focus when it comes to play. You have templates (depending on what genre and TL you chose) that you can use but you don't need them. You will be given a list of skills but you can minimize it by what you can afford. Race is also something that is implemented (again it depends on genre and TL).

That's what I thought of for online. If you want to add anything to my theory feel free. If you want to make your own,go ahead. If you don't like online, well get out this thread, if you don't like it don't be hateful!
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Old 10-17-2014, 11:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2009
Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Roll20 works well for online GURPSing. It's a well developed tool.
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Old 10-17-2014, 11:35 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2014
Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Umm you realize that you roll 3 d6 right? And I don't think it's unclear when I say GURPS online, I mean an MMO. If the whole server thing didn't make it clear than I don't know what. But sorry for confusion guys.
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Old 10-17-2014, 11:50 PM   #4
David Johansen
Join Date: Dec 2005
Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Yeah, Minecraft is certainly the way to go. I think you could implement the whole game. Just don't have the endless alternate weapons of WoW. A broad sword is a broadsword.
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Old 10-18-2014, 12:46 AM   #5
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Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Originally Posted by David Johansen View Post
Just don't have the endless alternate weapons of WoW. A broad sword is a broadsword.
That's something that bugs me in computer RPGs in general. "These two swords are essentially identical. But this one is higher level so it does x10 damage." A GURPS-based MMO would be able to avoid that, while still providing for equipment improvements through weapon quality and enchantments.
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:49 AM   #6
The Benj
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Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Originally Posted by vierasmarius View Post
That's something that bugs me in computer RPGs in general. "These two swords are essentially identical. But this one is higher level so it does x10 damage." A GURPS-based MMO would be able to avoid that, while still providing for equipment improvements through weapon quality and enchantments.
Is that really so different from having swords made of different materials, of differing craftsmanship and with different enchantments?
I prefer the more complicated version myself, but the simplified abstraction is far from confusing.
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Old 10-18-2014, 07:11 AM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2007
Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

Warcraft weapons also empower the wielder. A closer analogy would be "these two GURPS broadswords are essentially identical. But this one is ordinary, while this one gives you +30 ST while you carry it".

(The dynamic range in WoW is huge, even within a single character level. They just got done reworking their stats as the geometric growth finally got to the point where they were having trouble simply displaying the giant numbers.)
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Old 10-18-2014, 10:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

I think a relatively simple 2.5D tile-based game would be the best for mapping (even if the end result is 3d rendered) with an extensive set of choices for creating the character figures. My thought would lean toward how the video game Shadowrun Returns works except sell parts packs DLC style.

Frankly, there's already a product similar in concept called RPG Maker, though without using scripting it tends to focus on original Playstation-quality Japanese-style RPGs. With scripting it can be quite flexible in how gameplay works and they also sell parts packs that are functionally DLC.
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Old 10-18-2014, 11:34 AM   #9
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Default Re: GURPS online. How would it work out?

For the record, this is a very old idea, and was actually "attempted" at one point:

Also for the record, SJ has said (to paraphrase) that he would likely get behind a computer game except that all the prior attempts were half-cocked or never went anywhere. If someone were to present a complete, solid product, he might support it (though after the fact).
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