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Old 09-06-2011, 06:18 PM   #11
simply Nathan
formerly known as 'Kenneth Latrans'
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Wyoming, Michigan
Default Re: No Campaign Without Cat Girls

Here's the cat-related templates I've built.

(For a campaign designed for players to need only GURPS Lite and some GM handouts for things like races and magic)

20 points
A furry is a hairy person with the head and tail of an animal. The majority of their ranks are canines*, big cats, and rodents* (in that order). As a result of their bodies being chimeric, they have low HT.
Figure height and weight the same as for a human of equal ST, reduce by 10-20% for small animals(foxes, house cats, bunnies, etc.). Cut age in half.
Attribute Modifiers: HT-1[-10].
Advantages: Acute Taste and Smell 2[4]; Animal Empathy[5]; 15 points chosen from Catfall[10] and Flexibility[5], Combat Reflexes[15], Empathy[15], and Perfect Balance[15].
Perks: Fur(immune to sunburn)[1].
Disadvantages: Odious Racial Habit(scratching)[-5].

Small cats usually take Catfall with Flexibility; large cats usually take Combat Reflexes.
*Canines usually take Empathy, rodents Perfect Balance or Combat Reflexes -- but they're not relevant to this thread.

(For a pick-and-mix idea, where people take whatever combination of the animal's appearance, abilities, and personality they fancy; I didn't get very far on the project, but was ambitious enough at the time to think I could write GURPS: Furries.)

Skin deep(+7): Fur[1]; Sharp Claws[5]; Sharp Teeth[1]; Tail
Underlying(+30): SM-2; ST-4[-40]; DX+2[40]; Catfall[10]; Combat Reflexes[15]; Night Vision 5[5]
Personality(-7): Curious(12)[-5]; Loner(15)[-2]

Skin deep(+6): Fur[1]; Blunt Claws[3]; Sharp Teeth[1]; Partial Camouflage[1]; Tail
Underlying(+68): DX+2[40]; Enhanced Move 2(Ground Speed 20; Costs Fatigue, 6 FP/minute, -30%)[28]

Skin deep(+7): Fur[1]; Sharp Claws[5]; Sharp Teeth[1]; Tail
Underlying(+60): ST+3[30]; DX+1[20]; DR 1[5]; Night Vision 5[5]
Personality(-20): Chummy[-5]; Laziness[-10]

Skin deep(+8): Fur[1]; Sharp Claws[5]; Fangs[2]; Tail
Underlying(+65): ST+3[30]; DX+1[20]; HT+1[10]; DR 1[5]

Skin deep(+8): Fur[1]; Sharp Claws[5]; Sharp Teeth[1]; Partial Camouflage[1]; Tail
Underlying(+75): ST+3[30]; DX+1[20]; Combat Reflexes[15]; DR 1[5]; Night Vision 5[5]
Personality(-5): Selfish(12)[-5]
Ba-weep granah wheep minibon. Wubba lubba dub dub.
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aslan, cat girls, catgirls, catpeople, cats, girls, meeran, nekojin, nekomimi

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