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Old 03-06-2021, 02:09 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Default [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

This is the OOC for my DFRPG campaign. The PCs have arrived at Starhold Keep, a military outpost at the edge of the wilderness known as Hell's Throat.

Players, if you're in this campaign, post here ASAP before you post IC. Introduce your character, introduce yourself, ask questions. I will probably roll dice for you all, but you should note the numbers in your posts.
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Old 03-09-2021, 11:42 PM   #2
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Hi!! Everybody, I will be playing as Gathika.

Gathika is a bloodthirsty cat girl, seeking vengeance for her hometown’s destruction.

She resembles the puss in boots; Gathika is short (5’1”) and has blonde hair and green eyes. She always keeps her sword close, since it is the only memory left of her family.

She is a healer, it is rumored she received her powers from the Elder Things.

You may think she looks distracted and might find her speaking alone at times, but she is talking to beings from other dimensions. Gathika loves the dark and the uncanny, it is what had her invested in hidden lore.

She also loves shopping.
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Old 03-10-2021, 02:10 AM   #3
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Bain approached the boulder and checked its size; using his information and his knowledge in archery (as a proxy for ballistics), he tried to determine from what direction came the boulder. And so, Bain asked himself: How big is it? Does it look like it has been “processed” for its use as a projectile? What lies over there? Could it be Hell’s throat?
The boulder is about the size of 2 fat men curled up together and weighs the same as 10 men. He can't determine what exact direction the boulder came from, he can pick down that it came from the west. The boulder was not carved into its size - it is natural. Hell's Throat is north-east (mostly north) of the Keep.

Bain decides it is time to start moving; he walks to Starhold Keep’s base, with the intention of introducing himself to the soldier’s chief and discuss his mission.
The Keep is governed by a commander, and I doubt he would allow you an audience. At best, you may talk to a sergeant who governs a squad.

Remember, the section on town has rules about gathering information, looking for work, and so on.
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Old 03-10-2021, 02:00 PM   #4
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

I will playing as Telrith Stone-Friend.

Telrith is a student of the element of earth, and one day hopes to be its master. He's only a little tall and fairly thin, especially compared to the tower-shield he (or his minions) carry around. He regularly conjures up earth elementals and aspires to build an army out of them. He has come here primarily to test and train his conjured creatures in battle.

He can be a bit funny about his chosen element, naming every elemental he creates, speaking to geological features as though they had feelings, and occasionally picking up rocks off the ground to collect.

I don't think we have any particular reason to be a group... anybody have leadership on their sheet?

EDIT: post references:

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Last edited by ericthered; 08-30-2021 at 08:27 AM.
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Old 03-13-2021, 07:20 PM   #5
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Gathika has a remarkable skill, she can make food last longer and improve its servings 1x3 (essential food)
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Old 05-02-2021, 11:51 AM   #6
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

The arrow strikes the leg (no multiplier), dealing 3+6+4-2 IMP = (11*1) damage, for a total of = 11 HP. The target should be crippled.

What is the target's reaction? What happens with the enemies?
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Old 05-02-2021, 07:45 PM   #7
vicious Violence
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Before anything Vic will give the "live" arrow to Bain, being careful not to put it out.

Vic shall employ parry missile weapons with arrows shot at him, he will do a retreat parry +1. Including his combat reflexes bonus, his parry missile weapons will start at 14.

If there are successive shots against him, he will try extra effort to gain a +1

Vic will do dodge once the penalties make it harder to parry than to dodge.

Last edited by vicious Violence; 05-02-2021 at 07:59 PM.
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Old 06-06-2021, 01:29 PM   #8
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The right (east) is where we came from, correct? Or is that and the exit the others ran down two separate passages?

Right now we are at the entrance chamber's exit. The chamber is this place which hosted a series of niches with skulls, with an exit door leading to a corridor.

Starting from the exit door, the corridor runs to the left and to the right. We have not seen what is in the left.

We took the right, and found a small room with 3 guys and Telrith somehow spied into the mess hall that lies beyond the room.

After you asked, the mess hall (dining room):

Originally Posted by ajardoor View Post
(...) has an exit further to the left (or west if we're talking compass directions) that leads to another large room, and a downward slope to the north (...)
When we fell back, we ran back to the exit door, and stationed there to defend against the pursuers (we were facing to the right).

After the defense, Bain placed the cart behind him, in the left corridor (exit door wise).

So, from the entrance chamber:

The exit door is facing west.
The right corridor is facing north and leads to a small room and the mess hall.
The door located by the left (west) within the mess hall, leads to a large room.
But if we keep going straight (north), within the mess hall, there’s a downward slope.
The left corridor is facing south. We haven’t been there.
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Old 06-08-2021, 03:39 PM   #9
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Thanks, Ajardoor.

Bain will shoot a "fire arrow" to reveal the pass. This should provide us with information about the corridor before we advance.

He puts off the fire in the room so the light of the arrow becomes more visible (i.e. not total darkness). He also takes a moment to have the party adapt to the environment as he explains the plan.

At the end of my IC post I entered a question; the plan is rolling observation rolls to gather information in its regard. The others in the party could take 3 perception rolls instead. This means the group has four chances to gather information regarding the question:

Originally Posted by Hide View Post
(...) As the arrow flies, the pass will be revealed… The party strain their eyes against the darkness… what will the arrow tell on its travel?[/I]
*Additionally, Bain will assess his shooting to estimate the distance traveled by the arrow.

And if Erick agrees with the plan regarding his elemental. We send the elemental with the torch, after gathering the results.

Bow 13 (SL 15 +2+2-1-5: acc bonus, aim, fire arrow, darkness).
*Considering the margin of success, the arrow travels properly a 20-50 yd of distance if it does not hit anything first (taking into account a potential bonus from "firing downward" for the longest distance). How long is the corridor? What did it hit?

Since Bain let the party adapt to the darkness, and since we are using a fire arrow, we may have reduced the observation penalty. We can set fire to the room’s sconces after Bain shoots.

Observation 12:

We could also roll some barrels in fire down the slope, are there barrels in here?

Awaiting output.
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Old 06-08-2021, 05:43 PM   #10
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Crawl! OOC

Gathika rolled per (12) and got a 10.
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗
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