Originally Posted by Kromm
Whereas in my case, sleep is just an annoyance that I don't need when I'm hypomanic (common) and can't get while dysthymic (rarer). In 30 years, I'm not sure I've ever fallen asleep during a game, whether as a player or as the GM. I'm that annoying fidget who just has to stand rather than sit still, who talks all the time, and who gesticulates wildly, sending his eyeglasses into your forehead. I sometimes suspect that I focus my players because they're afraid of the maniac and/or can't sleep around his nonstop chatter.
Oh, I'm that guy too. If I'm sitting on a chair
without an affectionate Siamese cat in my lap, I'm usually hyperactive and gesticulating wildly. Or discovering what strange objects on the table will stick to my forehead. But, if you let me sprawl out on a couch, then the cats flock to me and I quickly fall into a kitty-coma. Heck, before the ferret died, they once found me on the living room floor (my character was being held prisoner, so I couldn't know what was going on) with the ferret and one cat on my chest and the other cat on my stomach, and all four of us sound asleep.
Originally Posted by Kromm
Oh, and to bring it back on topic: My habit of drinking things like quadruple-espresso iced coffees whilst gaming doubtless makes all of the above more pronounced. I approve heartily of coffee during gaming.
Coffee BAD! That's personal. I can't
stand the taste of coffee. I'd much rather drink water or lemonaide. And I drink
a lot. I'll usually put away two pitchers of water by myself. Fortunately, there's a bathroom right off of the room we game in.
Also, back on topic, MonkeyFist and I usually make sure to stay around to help clean up. Last night, after the game, a huge philosophical debate erupted and Gummi quietly escorted us out admiting that we really didn't want to get involved. We offered to stay and help clean up while the debate was raging, but he felt it would be safer for us to just go. He looked like he wanted to go with us.