Originally Posted by Varyon
The rule from Ritual Path Magic is that magically-conjured food needs to last at least 3 days to provide sustenance. That's looking at things a bit more scientifically, however (that's roughly how long something takes to go from snack to stool) - the metaphysics of your setting may well decide once something has been "consumed" (at whatever point of the eating+digestion process you set that - RPM appears to set it at "the waste has left your body") it's now a part of you, and thus no longer under the dominion of the person who conjured it up - which also means their limit is reset, so they can make more.
I'd definitely do it by the latter. Things get incredibly convoluted and just annoying for everyone involved if I do it 'scientifically'. Plus, that would entirely undermine the idea since most people want to eat more than one 'basic' meal every three days. That's neat to know about RPM, though.