01-25-2010, 01:17 PM | #441 |
Forum Pervert
(If you have to ask . . .) Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Somewhere high up.
Re: Memorable Quotes.
The party has just searched the basement of a destroyed hospital and found a room, hidden from the rest of the facility. We all got "coccoon" feelings in there. We heard some shuffling around under the debris and decided to get out. Outside, the Sherriff was waiting for us (we had an FBI agent, so we were good).
Tanya (me): "Yeah, we found a hidden room down there. When we started to look around we could hear something moving under the debris, so we left." Sherriff (NPC): "That's probably wise, I'll give Animal Control a call." Tanya: "Have them take a shotgun in." Sherriff: *Strange look, but makes the call* Melissa (FBI PC): "You sure you should have told him that?" Tanya: "What? I wanted to tell him to take in flamethrowers and grenades, but I didn't think that would be appropriate." Melissa: "I guess. I think I'm still kinda freaked out." Tanya: "It's okay. But, if something happens to Animal Control, we should send in the marines." Steve (another PC): "The Marines? What for?" Tanya: "Because I don't want to give that thing a steady diet of slightly tougher adversaries until it's too dangerous to fight. If Animal Control can't fight it, I say we blow the **** outta the thing." My character, Tanya, had a number of visions that had monsters in them. None of the party had seen anything yet, and I'd only had visions. But, other visions had come true, so I was taking no chances. |
01-30-2010, 09:27 AM | #442 |
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Nova Albion
Re: Memorable Quotes.
A couple from a con game that I remember well, both delivered by me. The setup: classic sitcom characters (Mr. Ed, one of the Beverly Hillbillies, Hogan's Heroes, the Professor from Gilligan's Island, Maxwell Smart, the Fonz... you get the idea) are trapped in the Land of the Lost, along with the Brady Bunch. Weirdness ensues. Hero system. Yours truly is playing Gomer Pyle, on the grounds that I can do clueless without context just fine, and since I grew up in England, never got to see any of this stuff.
Ellie-May Clampett's just cooked a meal, and we've all had to make health rolls because apparently she's a bad cook. Most fail, some critfail (resulting in somebody puking on Maxwell Smart's shoes and shorting out the phone)... I roll three ones (best result possible) and ask for seconds. "What? It's better than what they give us in the mess hall!" Later on, I've been "bullied" into checking out the other compound (which will turn out to contain the Brady Bunch, but we don't know that yet). It's guarded by Sleestaks. I'm supposed to be sneaking in quietly, but I've failed my roll to avoid being noticed... so they see me. They're not that bright, so they're sort of milling around in a group as I consider making a break for the wall and climbing it... since I had crazy bonuses to "getting entities to like me", I just said "Hi, fellows! Any chance you could give me a boost?" and watched as the entire table stopped dead; everyone dissolved into laughter. |
01-30-2010, 05:05 PM | #443 |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: The armpit of the Icegiant, Sweden
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Some from our recent GURPS Traveller campaign...
A guy got infected with a lethal alien fungus and thought it best to take drastic measures: Guy nr 1: You CUT OFF YOUR OWN ARM?! Guy nr 2, one arm short: Not at all. *wounded voice* It was HE who did it! *points to the party medic* Another time, one of us suggests one of those million-to-one plans, involving hijacking a pirate-run space station masked as an asteroid. My character: Your plan - it's completely INSANE and SUICIDAL! *beat* *big grin* I LOVE it! Another time: we take the law into our own hands rather violently. After the action the medic mentioned above calls the local law enforcement... Mr Medic: Erh, hi. I'm just calling to say, well... Cop: Well what? Mr Medic: I'm afraid we have caught your murderer... Cop: What?! Mr Medic: *sheepishly* Sorry, we didnt MEAN to... Erik |
02-07-2010, 12:32 AM | #444 |
Forum Pervert
(If you have to ask . . .) Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Somewhere high up.
Re: Memorable Quotes.
We got to our friends house for gaming and they were finishing up with their morning D&D group (I work nights, so I game in the afternoon). MonkeyFist and I were bringing in our stuff as they were finishing up.
Apparently, they were in someone's well-appointed home and one of the female characters was coming down the stairs. Female Player: "Lori is coming down the stairs, wearing this:" she hands a picture out that looks like something I'd render. In character: "I apologize for wearing these rags . . .." Me (looking over a shoulder): "Rags? Dear, that looks like a ball of yarn held on by imagination." |
02-11-2010, 04:41 AM | #445 |
Join Date: Jan 2010
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Marque ( Mar-Kay ) a character who had studied engineering yet failed to find a proper job had previously found her calling in doing mercenary work. Thus at one point she and another character, Terry, meet up and chat about their past. It's important to note that neither have any concept of subtlety or modesty.
<Marque> "I found a lifestyle I enjoy here. Merc-ing may be entirely irrelevant to my studies but I enjoy it." <Terry> "You've never built a trebuchet to bring to a duel? <Terry> "Or calculated the force vectors and structural integrity of the optimal threesome?" <Marque> "Does rigging a makeshift ram-pump count?" <Marque> "And I have to admit I ran some comparative studies..." Referring to the above mentioned threesome. <Marque> "Field testing beats theory hands down." * Terry just facepalms. |
02-11-2010, 06:11 AM | #446 |
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Re: Memorable Quotes.
While playing a steampunk campaign, two players kind of hated each other in the beginning, but this changed after a while after series of life saving.
And there was one quote that made everyone laugh for a while: P1: (phyisicaly strong and handsome)"I kind of like you, little man. You ain't that bad." P2 (a mage, in and out of character in the same time): "If I had 120 energy, I'd like you a lot more. (he was referring to a spell called Body Exchange) |
02-12-2010, 07:17 AM | #447 |
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Bowerstone,Middle Earth
Re: Memorable Quotes.
In a very liberal Psi campaign...
I was a psi elementalist type. I used Ice attacks and could bsasically do anytihng with ice. when we all got new armor in the campaing I had these three ammo loops in the front, ammo loops the size of a fuel rod. Also the perfect size for freezie pops. Whenevcer the game would get too serios my char aatter would go around saying "freezie pop?". It was hilarioius.
"gimme back dat filet a fish" |
02-12-2010, 10:35 PM | #448 |
Join Date: Apr 2005
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Hmm, suppose there's actually one that's been quoted several times in a game I'm in, it should count. Werewolf campaign (Old WoD). The storyteller wanted to enforce IC/OOC boundaries, so he has this odd hand-to-head gesture to signify OOC comments. The theurge of the group also has mind-speak, which he can signify with another (Fortunately, very different) hand-to-head gesture. Anything said without those is considered in-character.
Now, my character is the only one who has any actual experience. He's proven himself enough to have a rank, and due to various events, ends up having to take care of a teach several garou (And a couple other shifters, even) who just went through their first change. Joy. First impressions are not great, as they seem to be rather chaotic screw-ups that I'm basically stuck with (Though my opinion changed the first BIG fight we had, where everyone kicked serious amounts of wyrm hinder). Anyway, one of the new shifters had his father killed by some corrupted air spirit that sucked all the heat out of him, leaving the guy permanantly frozen. Kinda tied in to his first change, unsurprisingly. Unfortunately for him, his father kind of ends up in several disgraceful situations. First he's stuffed into the back of a car with a whole bunch of tofu for transport. When one of the characters (Who had been kind of freaked out by some things and not holding up too well) came across the body, she puked on it. Then the very-feral lupus ragabash started licking at the body, as if too clean it... But it was still supernaturally cold, and he got his tongue frozen to it instead. And then, just to really top it off? The theurge looked over to the dead guy's son, did the hand-head gesture, and said, "Heh, it's a popsicle. Get it? POPsicle. Because it's your dad. And he's dead and frozen." He chuckled... Then suddenly the horror struck that he'd been doing the mind-sending gesture, not the OOC gesture. Cue my philodox trying to interpose himself between a majorly-enraged naga and a paniced theurge... So now every now and then when the theurge says or does something stupid, or just any time we feel he deserves it, we look over to him and say "popsicle." We just remember to keep it OOC :> |
02-14-2010, 02:08 AM | #449 |
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Life imitates art--I'm in Pohang
Re: Memorable Quotes.
Ah hand gestures.
For a year in Vampire LARP I played a mute character--actually a long-running character who'd run afoul of some Tremere. This gave me the opportunity to render some common game terms into ASL, some of them not very polite. "Prince" I used hand to forehead. "Prince Severus" would be a letter S (in ASL) to forehead. Her brother's name was Len. He was a Prince--Prince Len. (Letter L on forehead, like "loser!") I got no end of humor out of that, since I could as easily have used his last name.
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
02-14-2010, 11:40 AM | #450 |
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Re: Memorable Quotes.
GM (recapping): "...and the room with the rope bridge guarded by harpies over the water filled with shark men."
P1: "One might even call it a bridge over troubled water." GM: "One might. But I didn't." P2: "Don't, we migth have to start singing." P3, with a pained expression: "... too late ..." later: P3: "These tunnels were clearly carved by a gellatinous cube with hiccoughs." GM: "Hickory smoke and coke would probably taste like JD and coke, but nonalcoholic." P1: "You're all fired."
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