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Old 09-10-2023, 05:00 PM   #1951
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Surveying a considerable amount of collateral damage to structures in the wake of the fight:

"It's true. You can generally tell where we've been."
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Old 09-13-2023, 10:18 AM   #1952
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Major*: "Its not the alligators that bug me, its the sharks."

Doctor: "Damnit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a big game hunter!"

Doctor: "I'm trying to heal, not take potshots at dinosaurs"
Major: "Alligators aren't dinosaurs"
Lieutenant: "Only one way to be sure!"

Lieutenant: "Now there is blood in the water!"

Doctor: "Why are you so intent on harming ocean life?"
Major: "Its a manifestation of the ocean that I can shoot!"

*With phobia of deep water
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Old 09-16-2023, 12:53 AM   #1953
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"I don't trust this place. Especially given the red-eyed squirrels...."
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Old 09-16-2023, 02:04 PM   #1954
Night Watchman
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

"Ashok is a junior Indian policeman, in the state of Assam. He makes very good tea."
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Old 09-17-2023, 10:42 PM   #1955
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Jasmine: "I'm technically French, I was born in Champagne."
Mika: "I've heard water births before . . .."


James: "Do we know who 'The Shadow of Death' might be?"
Zeus: "Um, my wife?"
Hercules: "Mom?"


Mark: "That's why they contacted Halycon, he's . . ."
Chaos: "An actual adventurer."
Kitasi: "Yeah, he didn't just stay at a Holliday Inn Express, last night."


GM: "The ship didn't think it would be terribly protective."
Myles (OOC): "We didn't want it to be 'terribly' protective, we want it to be 'wonderfully' protective."
Sean (OOC): "Can I have one invincibility?"


Bella: "Pegasus, if you lose contact with us, blast in and save us."
Stellar Pegasus: "Um . . . uh . . .."
Myles (OOC): "Those might be mutually exclusive."


Myles (OOC): "Had the ship used any word other than 'bomb' we might not have gone in."


Myles: "I'm going to be over here, outside of fireball formation."


GM: "I don't know that The Stellar Pegasus counts as a Holliday Inn Express . . .."


Myles (OOC): "It's great tactics to send two up above then four more, down where no one can see them."


GM: "Sean, on your turn, other than changing your pants, what would you like to do?"
Sean (OOC): "Order some depends."


GM: "Bella, I said roll for damage, not stats!"
Myles: "He takes a savage war knick."


GM: "Everyone, give me an IQ roll."
Sarah: "I left that in my other character."


GM: "Well, Sarah is going to go first, and trigger all of the cascading waits. Which will be hilarious one way or the other."
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Old 09-24-2023, 10:05 PM   #1956
Mark Skarr
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

GM: "You know that 16 he just rolled? I didn't need to save it, he rolled it again."


GM: "You've never heard an AI be flummoxed before."


Sarah (OOC): "Oh, no, we can't trust them at all, but the moment a pretty girl shows up, you'll spill your guts."


Bella: "Cow. Cow Squeezings. Pig."


Sean (OOC): "Sarah got kameameha and I got spirit guns."
GM: "Force push--destroy droid."


Sean: "Pegasus, begin playing Star Wars."
Stellar Pegasus: "I'm sorry, I cannot infringe on copyrights at this range."


Selara: "You are a very eclectic group."
Sarah: "You can say that again."
Selara: "You are a very eclectic group?"


Stellar Pegasus: "I know what a dragon is. I've looked at the human internet."
Party: "We're sorry."
Sean: "Thank you for not going all Skynet on us."


Ying: "That's on my list--to learn some history."
Sarah: "I didn't learn it on Earth, and you can't make me learn it here! I'm more interested in making history!"
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Old 09-27-2023, 04:34 PM   #1957
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

The Ocean-Phobia character states he is not willing to pilot the submarine drone.

Other PC1: "You don't want to be vicariously in the water?"
Other PC2: "Maybe he needs exposure therapy"
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Old 10-07-2023, 04:58 PM   #1958
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Fresh from this afternoon's gaming we have another go at Shadowdark.

"Ooh! More clay jars! Let's see if they have gold coins in them!"

"You see a group of monsters like octopuses with glowing red eyes floating in mid air coming at you!"

"Let us break their pots and take their gold coins!"

"You know those glowing red eyes? They haven't stopped glowing even though the monsters are dead."

"Lets take the eyes and put them in a glass jar. Maybe we can save some money on all this lamp oil we're burning."

"Way to go Garotte (pronounced "Garrett") your natural greed and sacriligiousness has caused the GM to invent Unluck Tokens on the spot!"

"Now hand me one of your unluck tokens and roll a Dex save with Disadvantage!"


"Now do it again!"


"One more time."


"Well maybe that'll teach the Gods to not waste their time cursing you."

"Now it's the Ettercaps' turn and the one in front misses you with his bite. The ones behind him miss you with their flung webbing except for the one in the very back who rolls a natural one and web-poisons one of his own."

"I am an Ettercap! Why am I not immune to Ettercap poison!"

"Slab Stonehammer strides forward squishing the dead Ettercap under his boots and attacks the next one in line."

"The Ettercap in back rolls another natural one."

"Stride. Squish. Smite."

"Natural one. "


"Natural one."

"You know that's four natural ones in a row? This guy in back is like an Ettercap serial killer".

"I am Slab the Ettercapper!"
Fred Brackin
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Old 10-11-2023, 11:25 AM   #1959
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

In a campaign where a PC had to buy freight handling to make things fit on the party vehicle:

GM: "You're looking for a staging area... what's an appropriate skill for that? oh, its Freight Handling, isn't it."
PC: "My most important skill in this game!"
new PC: "Freight Handling wasn't on my radar when I built this character"
PC: "It wasn't on mine either"

GM: "please roll navigation"
PC: "My other most important skill in this game!"

PC with quirk "bad with computers" on someone else flying the drone around:
"Considering we're flying this using a pocket computer, it might be for the best"

"He's the opposite of the Major. He's good with computers and he never gets shot!"

NPC Translator: "They don't have a word for nuclear bomb in their language and I'm not going to add one!"
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Old 10-12-2023, 04:53 PM   #1960
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Same character for both:

Upon return from Barsoom with a wound healed: "A spider knit me shut."

Upon being asked if ready to face a boss monster: "I'll be fine.... As long as the shrapnel doesn't cause fatigue."
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actual play, funny

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