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Old 04-26-2006, 10:13 PM   #161
Not another shrubbery
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Almafeta
My rule of thumb is that -40% should roughly halve the utility of a power. In this case, I think that it's appropriate for both powers.
Utility can be a tricky concept when applied to limitations. If the power's usefulness is truly halved, then the intuitive (and correct, IMO) approach would be to rule it -50% limited. The problem is in determining when a limiter is actually reducing the usefulness by half [a less common effect than might be initially suspected]. Frinst, take a typical Accessibility limit (Only at night). For most games, this cuts the time the trait is usable roughly in half, yet the stated value of such a limit (in Basic, p110) is only -20%. The reason is that the pattern is predictable and can be worked around: "Can't use my power at night? OK.. I need to sleep anyway, so I'll do that in the day, and only go out at night." Compare to an attack power which, instead of (Only at night), has a limit like (Only has a 50% chance of working, if it works against a target, it may be used reliably on that same, anytime, but if it doesn't work, it will never affect that target).
Gunslinger's biggest benefit is that it lets you use a gun's Acc almost instantly with a wide variety of weapons. (Its other benefit is moot with Guns (pistol) at DX+5.) The limitation doesn't let you use any other weapons (like machineguns, rifles, or shotguns) with Gunslinger, and most notably, it restricts you to the class of gun that does the least damage and has the lowest Acc. I stand by -40% for both of them.
Your limit evaluation on EA is definitely closer to being right. That should be a clue that the value for Gunslinger is off: If the same situational limit (types of weapons allowed) applies to both, the value should logically be greater for EA (which is usable with any type of attack), than for Gunslinger (which is already inherently limited to guns). EG's suggested value of -20% seems to closely agree with the description of a medium class of weapons (as applied to Weapon Master), and would be my recommendation, also.
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Old 04-27-2006, 12:43 AM   #162
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Almafeta
My rule of thumb is that -40% should roughly halve the utility of a power.
No, because Only vs. Half the Population or Only at Night are both -20%. IIRC, -40% is about 1% of the cases.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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Old 04-27-2006, 05:38 AM   #163
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

My Future's So Bright I've Got To Wear Shades

Destiny/Major Advantage (Bright Future) [10], Serendipity/1 [15], Luck [15], Social Regard/Respected (young person with a bright future) +1 [5], Extra Life/1 [25], Dammage Resistance/1 [5], Talent, something that will give them a bright future, varies by character [15], Wealth: Comfortable [10], IQ +1 [20], Eidetic Memory [5] (last two to explain the 'getting good grades' part) - Subtotal 125

All with Mitigator/Sunglasses Breakable [-20%] [DR 2 or less], Size Modifier -6, [-10%], Can Be Stolen,Quick Contest of DX [-30%]
Cost = 50

"I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they're only getting better
I'm doing all right, getting good grades
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades"

Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades by Timbuk 3

Optional Lens [+0 points]
Physics - Nuclear /Tl8 (IQ/MH) - 11 [IQ-1] [4]
Penetrating Vision/2, blockable by lead & other highly dense materials
(-10%), Gadget based as above (-60%) (X Ray Vision) [6]
Compulsive Behavior - Peeping Tom [-5]
Secret - Peeping Tom [-5]

"I'm a peeping-tom techie with x-ray eyes"

Last edited by pnewman; 04-29-2006 at 03:16 AM. Reason: It was wrong
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Old 04-27-2006, 05:45 AM   #164
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by pnewman
My Future's So Bright I've Got To Wear Shades

Destiny/Great Advantage (Bright Future) [15], Luck [15], Serendipity/1 [15], Wealth: Comfortable [10], Social Regard/Respected (young person with a bright future) +1 [5], Extra Life/1 [25], IQ +1 [20], Dammage Resistance/1 [5], Talent/Academic +1 [15] (exact contants of this talent would vary by campaign) Subtotal 125

All with Mitigator/Sunglasses [-60%] Cost = 50
Doesn't Mitigator mean that as long as you wear glasses, the advantages don't affect you? Shouldn't you make the advantages Gadget-Based instead?
Like a mail order mogwai...but nerdier - Nymdok
understanding is a three-edged sword
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Old 04-29-2006, 02:54 AM   #165
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by zorg
Doesn't Mitigator mean that as long as you wear glasses, the advantages don't affect you? Shouldn't you make the advantages Gadget-Based instead?
Yes, I did it wrong. I'm fixing it.
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Old 05-05-2006, 03:28 AM   #166
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

A bit munchkinistic (effectively trading just 50 points for some hundred-point powers!), but this seems fairly common in worlds that feature superscience mecha:

Mecha-Summoning Wristcomm (-65%):
Ally (An IQ 0 character built on 400% of the summoner's starting point, base cost 35 points; Constantly, *4 point cost; Breakable, DR 2, Machine that can break down, SM -8, -30%; Can Be Stolen, Only by trickery, Doesn't immediately work for the thief, -10%; Maximum Duration, Up to 1 minute, -65%; Minion, IQ 0, +0%; Pact, -15%; Summonable, +100%; Superscience, -10%; Unique, -25%) [49].

Notes: This gadget, which somewhat resembles a wristwatch, is a communicator to call your mecha over. Your mecha is usually stored in another dimension ("phased out"), but whenever you take a Concentrate maneuver and shout at this wristcomm, "Phase in!", your mecha immediately shifts into our world. When it turns up, you're already in the cockpit and ready to fight.

There are some restrictions, however. The mecha can remain "phased in" only for one minute; after that it goes back to hyperspace and it takes a 5-minute recharge to accumulate sufficient energy to plane-shift itself again. Moreover, what activates this gadget is your sense of pure justice, and it stops functioning whenever you're agaist justice! (The -15% Pact represents it. Note that what constitutes "justice" is at the GM's discretion.)

The summoned mecha is your Ally that's built on 400% of your starting point; in a typical 250-point (typical, at least for larger-than-life heroes) campaign, the Ally will have the point total of 1000. It must possess IQ 0 [-200], Compartmentalized Mind (Controls) [25] and a sufficient level of Payload to carry you as an occupant, but otherwise you can freely design it on character creation. 49 points.

Those who own a copy of 3e Ultra-Tech 2 are probably aware that it's similar to Dimensional Infiltration Armor (p.UTT77) in concept.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 05-05-2006 at 03:56 AM.
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Old 05-05-2006, 03:33 AM   #167
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Below is a worked example of the summonable 1000-point mecha:

Sample Super Mecha -- 1000 points

Attributes and Secondary Characteristics: ST 60 (Size, -30%) [350]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 0 [-200]; HT 12 [20]; Damage 7d-1/9d; Basic Lift 720 lbs.; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; SM +3; 20,000 lbs. 210 points.

Advantages: Compartmentalized Mind (Controls) [25]; Doesn't Breathe [20]; Doesn't Eat or Drink (Superscience, -10%) [9]; DR 50 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%) [150]; DR 20 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Partial, Torso only, -10%) [50]; DR 30 (Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Force Field, +20%; Limited, Ranged attacks, -20%; Superscience, -10%) [75]; Dual-Purpose Beam Generator (see below) [356]; Enhanced Move 2.5 (Ground) [50]; Hyperspectral Vision (Superscience, -10%) [23]; Machine [25]; Payload 3 (216 lbs.; 200 lbs. for occupants and 16 lbs. for cargo) [3]; Penetrating Voice [1]; Protected Hearing [5]; Protected Vision [5]; Sealed [15]; Super Jump 3 (Maneuverable, +50%; Nuisance Effect, Hazardous back-blast, -5%; Superscience, -10%) [41]; Telescopic Vision 2 [10]; Telecommunication (Radio) [10]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Vacuum Support [5]. 893 points.

Disadvantages: Cannot Float [-1]; Electrical [-20]; Fragile (Flammable) [-10]; Ham-Fisted 2 [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Noisy 1 [-2]; Numb [-20]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]. -103 points.

Notes: This is a superscience anthropomorphic mecha, remarkably bigger than ordinary TL9 battlesuits, which is created for the good's war against the evil. It can be summoned only by people who adhere true, strict code of justice.

The mecha has DR 70 on the torso and DR 50 anywhere else; furthermore, it can project a DR 30 force screen around its body to prevent ranged attacks. It also protects the pilot from temperature, vacuum and other environmental hazards.

The mecha is a one-seater that is operated with Driving/TL (Mecha) skill. (TL varies with the setting.) On the ground, it can run at the maximum speed of about 80 mph. With reactionless thrusters built in the legs, though not truly fly, it can jump over an impressive distance. The entire system of the mecha are powered by a superscience "total conversion" engine (Doesn't Eat or Drink).

The mecha's primary weapon is the "dual-purpose beam generator", which is built in the right arm. It's used in one of the "cannon" and "sword" settings; the former is a beam cannon that shoots down enemies over 10 miles away, and the latter is a melee energy weapon that can slash hard targets more easily. It's designed as follows:

Dual-Purpose Beam Generator [356 points]
  • "Cannon" Setting (+240%): Burning Attack 18d (Accurate +13, +55%; Armor Divisor 2, +50%; Increased 1/2D, *1000, +45%; Increased Max, *500, +40%; Rapid Fire, RoF 3, +50%; Superscience, -10%) [306]. Notes: Tight-beam.
  • "Sword" Setting (+150%): Burning Attack 20d (Armor Divisor 5, +150%; Melee Attack, Reach 1, 2, Destructive Parry, +10%; Superscience, -10%) [250/5 (alternative ability) = 50]. Notes: Reach becomes 1-4 due to the mecha's SM (p.B402).
Note that some of the mecha's abilities, such as the force screen and reactionless thrusters, are defined as Superscience (-10%). It means that they could be neutralized by enemies' anti-superscience countermeasures.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 05-05-2006 at 03:42 AM.
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Old 05-05-2006, 12:23 PM   #168
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
Mecha-Summoning Wristcomm (-65%):
Ally (An IQ 0 character built on 400% of the summoner's starting point, base cost 35 points; Constantly, *4 point cost; Breakable, DR 2, Machine that can break down, SM -8, -30%; Can Be Stolen, Only by trickery, Doesn't immediately work for the thief, -10%; Maximum Duration, Up to 1 minute, -65%; Minion, IQ 0, +0%; Pact, -15%; Summonable, +100%; Superscience, -10%; Unique, -25%) [49].



Hee hee... anyway, my real reason for posting is to say that version 1 is (finally!) done, and should be up later today. All I have left to do is make the webpage to put the PDF up on. More news to come.
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Old 05-05-2006, 12:29 PM   #169
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].
Is that valid for some TOOL? Serious rule question. I mean..... Is it valid to say a non-sentien (IQ0) vehicle is dead broke? And has a social stigma? It is not a character per definition, efen if running like one. Every car then should have that.
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Old 05-05-2006, 12:36 PM   #170
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by thona
Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].
Is that valid for some TOOL? Serious rule question. I mean..... Is it valid to say a non-sentien (IQ0) vehicle is dead broke? And has a social stigma? It is not a character per definition, efen if running like one. Every car then should have that.
The Social Stigma, yes. No question there, because the animal meta-traits include it, and they sure weren't designed for PCs. (Well, you could use them for PCs, but it'd be hard to run a PC with a fixed IQ of 5.)

I'd still say yes on the Dead Broke, but that's been debated in circles for eons. I'm not willing right now to go searching for the answer, if, indeed, Kromm has ever given us one.
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