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Old 04-13-2006, 11:14 PM   #101
Gurps Fan
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Novice PK -- 50 points

You have Psychokinesis Talent 1 [5] and the following abilities:
  • Cryokinesis (+130%/-60%): Fatigue Attack 1 point (Hazard, Freezing, +20%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%) [6] + Temperature Control 2 (Cold, -50%; Psychokinesis, -10%) [4/5 (alternative ability, round up) = 1]. Notes: Lowers the ambient temperature. This can also be used as an Malediction attack by chilling down the target's body itself. 7 points.
  • Levitation (-45%): Flight (Low Ceiling, 5 feet, -25%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [22] + Air Move -9 [-18]. Notes: You can fly . . . at aerial Move 1. 4 points.
  • Pyrokinesis (+110%/-60%): Burning Attack 1 point (Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%) [3] + Temperature Control 2 (Heat, -50%; Psychokinesis, -10%) [4/5 (alternative ability, round up) = 1]. Notes: Raises the ambient temperature. This can also be used as an Malediction attack by heating up the target's body itself. 4 points.
  • Telekinesis (-10%/+100%/+110%/+110%): Telekinesis 2 (Psychokinesis, -10%) [9/5 (alternative ability, round up) = 2] + Crushing Attack 1 point (Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [3/5 (alternative ability, round up) = 1] + {Fatigue Attack 1 point (Linked, +10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [6] + Affliction 1 (HT; Linked, +10%; Malediction 1, +100%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [21]}. Notes: A regular Telekinesis, plus two alternative attacks that represent striking inside the target. (Fatigue Attack/Affliction is the most expensive on a point basis, though.) 30 points.
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Old 04-13-2006, 11:42 PM   #102
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Novice Telepath -- 50 points

You have Telepathy Talent 1 [5] and the following abilities:
  • Emotion Sense (-80%): Empathy (Exposure Time, 1 minute, -30%; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%) [3]. Notes: Have a one-minute conversation with the target and you'll know his exact emotion. 3 points.
  • Erase Signature (-75%): Affliction 1 (HT; Advantage, Obscure (Psi) 1, +20%; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [3]. Notes: Grants the target 1 level of Obscure (Psi). Skilled telepaths will often add Extended Duration, Permanent. 3 points.
  • Mind Shield (-60%): Mind Shield 1 (Limited, Psionic, -50%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [2]. Notes: The "Basic Set" Mind Shield, but only works against psi powers. 2 points.
  • Psi Sense (-70%): Detect (Occasional, Use of Psi Abilities; Backlash, Terrible Pain, -60%; Costs Fatigue, 6 FP, -30%; Costs Hit Points, 6 HP, -60%; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Precise, +100%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%; Reflexive, +40%) [4]. Notes: When any one psi power is activated in your vicinity, you immediately knows it and its location (direction and distance). At the same time you suffer from terrible headache. 4 points.
  • Telereceive (-80%): Mind Reading (Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Telecommunication, -20%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%) [5]. Notes: You know what the target is currently thinking. You must Concentrate and the target must be already in communication with you via Telesend. 5 points.
  • Telescan (-80%): Modular Abilities (Cosmic Power, 10 points; Limited, Only Detect of one specific person and with Precise, -50%; Preparation Required, 1 minute, -20%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%) [20]. Notes: Detects any one specific person you want to detect. Tells the exact location (direction and distance). 20 points.
  • Telesend (-75%): Telecommunication (Telesend; Limited Use, 1/day, -40%; Psionic Telepathy, -10%; Requires Concentration, -15%; Short-Range 1, -10%) [8]. Notes: Tells the target what you're currently thinking. While using this ability you must continue taking Concentration maneuvers. 8 points.
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Old 04-13-2006, 11:52 PM   #103
Gurps Fan
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Novice Teleporter -- 50 points

You have Teleportation Talent 1 [5] and the following abilities:
  • Autoteleport (-80%): Warp (Naked, -30%; Psionic Teleportation, -10%; Range Limit, 10 yards, -50%) [20]. Notes: You can teleport . . . but not with your clothing. 20 points.
  • Exoteleport (+145%): Affliction 1 (Will; Advantage, Warp, +200%; Based on Will, +20%; Contact Agent, -30%; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -35%; Psionic Teleportation, -10%) [25]. Notes: If the target fails in the resistance, he immediately experiences the Autoteleport above. 25 points.

I excluded any abilities that requires "prerequisites", since they must be supposed to be for adept psi, not for novice. There's no Lightning, no Mindsword, no Combat Teleport, etc. in the above. Adept psi (especially Psychic Vampire, Telepath and Teleporter) templates would be astronomically expensive, I'd guess. . .
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:21 AM   #104
Mysterious Dark Lord v3.2
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Ultimate Interrogator [50 points]

Channelling (Aware +50%; Link +10%; Nuisance Effect/-4 reaction from witnesses -20%; Preparation Required/10 minutes -30%; Trigger/Eat brain of subject -30%) [8 points]

Mind Probe (Link +10%; Memory Bank +100%; Universal +50%; Specialized/Dead People Only -50%; Trigger/Eat brain of subject -30%) [36 points]

Racial Memory/Anyone whose brain has been eaten [15 points]

Sharp Teeth [1 point]

Phantom Voices (Disturbing) [-10 points]

It's a simple ability - the Interrogator gains the memories of anyone whose brain he has eaten. These memories are clear at first, but he can only hold so many complete sets before some of them have to fade away. But they never completely fade away - unnerving feelings of deja vu for unfamiliar things and the voices of alien memories are constantly flittering around in his head.

Of course, the possessor of this 'gift' has a negative Reputation of amazing horror - especially because it's true. But as an interrogator he's top-of-the-line. If the first subject (the bloke whose brain was eaten) doesn't have the information you want, his companions (who watched the whole thing) are probably willing to sing like birds.
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Old 04-15-2006, 12:39 AM   #105
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
I tried building (from the 4e materials) some abilities that more or less duplicate the nine psi powers in 3e Psionics. I dropped the idea of simulating the exact 3e effect -- a 15ish-point ability in 3e often costs some hundred in 4e -- to keep everything in the neat target point 50. (I regret that some abilities are artificially limited only to squeeze a power into the 50-point limit.) As a result, I managed to make nine 50-point "minitemplates", each of which represents the most basic abilities of one psi power. These "Novice Psi" templates are the folowing:
  1. Novice Antipsi: Antipsi Talent 1 [5]; Neutralize [30]; and Static [15]. 50 points.
  2. Novice Astral Projector: Astral Projection Talent 1 [5]; Astral Projection [24]; and Astral Sight [21]. 50 points.
  3. Novice EK: Electrokinesis Talent 1 [5]; Confuse [9]; Cyberpsi [10]; Dampen [7]; Energy Sense [4]; Energy Shield [2]; Photokinesis [8]; and Surge [5]. 50 points.
  4. Novice Esper: ESP Talent 1 [5]; Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Other Clairsentiences [10] Precognition [8]; Psychometry [7]; and Seekersense [20]. 50 points.
  5. Novice Healer: Healing Talent 1 [5]; Healing [23]; Metabolism Control [6]; and Sense Aura [16]. 50 points.
  6. Novice Psychic Vampire: Psychic Vampirism Talent 1 [5]; Drain Attribute [7]; Drain Emotion [10]; Steal Dreams [10]; Steal Energy [8]; and Steal Power [10]. 50 points.
  7. Novice PK: Psychokinesis Talent 1 [5]; Cryokinesis [7]; Levitation [4]; Pyrokinesis [4]; and Telekinesis [30]. 50 points.
  8. Novice Telepath: Telepathy Talent 1 [5]; Emotion Sense [3]; Erase Signature [3]; Mind Shield [2]; Psi Sense [4]; Telereceive [5]; Telescan [20]; and Telesend [8]. 50 points.
  9. Novice Teleporter: Teleportation Talent 1 [5]; Autoteleport [20]; and Exoteleport [25]. 50 points.
The posts below will describes each power's details.
Holy Abilities, GurpsFan! That's a lot! (Now to try once again to find where my 3/4 done copy of v. 1 went to, so I can add these to it, finish, and web-publish the darn thing...)
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Old 04-15-2006, 01:44 PM   #106
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Here are some Force powers I made for a GURPS Star Wars campaign:

Absorb Energy (+0%): Damage Resistance 10 (Force Field, +20%; Hardened 3, +60%; Costs 2 FPs, -10%; Force Power, -10%; Limited, energy only, -20%; Requires Active Defence, -40%;) [50]. Note: You can stop incoming energy attacks by concentrating on them and summoning the Force in your defence. If you succes in an active defence roll (DX/2, +3, +1 if you have Combat Reflexes) and spend 2 Fatigue Points, you gain DR 10 against the incoming attack. Hardened is included to counter the Armor Divisor of blasters and Force Lightnings. 50 points.
Force Speed (+25%): Enhanced Move 2 (Cosmic, istantaneous acceleration, +50%; Costs Fatigue, 3 points, -15%; Force Power, -10%;) [50]. Note: You can use the Force to speed up yourself incredibly, quadrupling your Basic Move! You can accelerate at full speed instantly, and stop in a fraction of second without any handling problem. You have to spend 3 FPs to activate the power for a minute, but you can mantain it with 2 FPs/minute. 50 points.
Move Objects (-10%): Telekinesis 11 (Force Power, -10%) [50]. Note: This is the power to move objects using the Force. You have an effective ST of 11 that you can use at a distance of 10 yards. Not much compared to Jedi Masters' amazing tele kinesis, but still useful. 50 points.
Originally Posted by Mailanka
Want to explore the inherent angst and rage of a werewolf? Get the white-wolf book. Want a combat system that works? Get GURPS.

Last edited by KlausPrinceOfTheUndeads; 04-15-2006 at 01:52 PM.
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Old 04-17-2006, 02:34 PM   #107
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Here's an ability one of my PCs has in a Wildcards game. Basically, it lets you pick up an object, and though a kind of psychometry, immediately know how to kick butt with it. It works with everything from an M16 to a stapler.

Modular abilities
Weapon Skill

Per point of abilities, +36 (for 12 points to toss into the skill)
Reduced Time, +80% (About a second to make it 12 points in, less for less skill)
Psionic, -10% (Psychometry like ability)
Trait Limited: Subset of Medium-Sized class, -40% (Only weapon skills)
Accessibility (Only while holding the item), -10% (Takes reattunement every time you let go of something.)

Additional role playing fun is had when he picks up a fork for dinner and immediately receives images on how to kill everyone at the table with it.

Last edited by Fnordianslip; 02-17-2008 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 04-17-2006, 08:18 PM   #108
Gurps Fan
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Atreyu_Hibiki
Holy Abilities, GurpsFan! That's a lot! (Now to try once again to find where my 3/4 done copy of v. 1 went to, so I can add these to it, finish, and web-publish the darn thing...)
Thank you for your compliment. I'm flattered.

Now, here are two (roughly) 50-point attacks inspired by the real-world weaponry:

4.6mm OICW (+125%/+120%): Small Piercing Attack 4d+1 (Extra Recoil +1, -10%; Increased Range *20, +40%; Limited Use, 2 uses/Shots 30, Fast Reload, -15%; Rapid Fire, RoF 15, Selective Fire, +110%) [30] + Crushing Attack 1d+2 (Explosion 1, +50%; Fragmentation, 1d, +15%; Inaccurate -1, -5%; Increased 1/2D *100, +30%; Increased Max *10, +15%; Limited Use, 6 uses, Fast Reload, -5%; Minimum Range, 1/20 max, -10%; Overhead, +30%) [18]. Notes: Basically a 4.6mm PDW plus an integral 20mm grenade launcher (which fires airburst rounds with a minimum range of 50 yards). Examples include one of the prototypes of US XM29. 48 points.

40mm AGL (+165%): Crushing Attack 4d (Explosion 1, +50%; Extra Recoil +2, -20%; Fragmentation, 2d, +30%; Increased 1/2D *100, +30%; Increased Max *10, +15%; Limited Use, 4 uses/Shots 28, Fast Reload, -10%; Rapid Fire, RoF 7!, +70%) [53]. Notes: Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL), also known as "grenade machinegun". Examples include US Mk-19. 53 points.

And a 25-pointer for low-tech settings:

.80 Matchlock Musket (-25%): Huge Piercing Attack 4d (Inaccurate, -5%; Increased 1/2D *10, +15%; Increased Max *10, +15%; Limited Use, 1 use, Slow Reload, -35%; Unreliable, Malf 14, -15%) [24]. Notes: A TL4 matchlock musket, like one listed in the Basic Set weapon table. Take 60 seconds to load it up and you're ready to fire. 24 points.

At first I considered "Preparation Required, 1 minute, -20%" to represent the loading time, but in the end I dropped the idea. Interestingly enough, in terms of point cost, "Limited Use, 1 use, Slow Reload" is certainly a better choice than Preparation Required -- it's worth -35% and still allows 6-second (as opposed to 1-minute) reloading. I decided to adopt this -35% alternative and to simply declare that the weapon takes 1 minute to reload.

Last edited by Gurps Fan; 04-18-2006 at 04:15 AM.
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Old 04-17-2006, 08:32 PM   #109
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Originally Posted by Gurps Fan
  1. Novice Antipsi: Antipsi Talent 1 [5]; Neutralize [30]; and Static [15]. 50 points.
  2. Novice Astral Projector: Astral Projection Talent 1 [5]; Astral Projection [24]; and Astral Sight [21]. 50 points.
  3. Novice EK: Electrokinesis Talent 1 [5]; Confuse [9]; Cyberpsi [10]; Dampen [7]; Energy Sense [4]; Energy Shield [2]; Photokinesis [8]; and Surge [5]. 50 points.
  4. Novice Esper: ESP Talent 1 [5]; Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Other Clairsentiences [10] Precognition [8]; Psychometry [7]; and Seekersense [20]. 50 points.
  5. Novice Healer: Healing Talent 1 [5]; Healing [23]; Metabolism Control [6]; and Sense Aura [16]. 50 points.
  6. Novice Psychic Vampire: Psychic Vampirism Talent 1 [5]; Drain Attribute [7]; Drain Emotion [10]; Steal Dreams [10]; Steal Energy [8]; and Steal Power [10]. 50 points.
  7. Novice PK: Psychokinesis Talent 1 [5]; Cryokinesis [7]; Levitation [4]; Pyrokinesis [4]; and Telekinesis [30]. 50 points.
  8. Novice Telepath: Telepathy Talent 1 [5]; Emotion Sense [3]; Erase Signature [3]; Mind Shield [2]; Psi Sense [4]; Telereceive [5]; Telescan [20]; and Telesend [8]. 50 points.
  9. Novice Teleporter: Teleportation Talent 1 [5]; Autoteleport [20]; and Exoteleport [25]. 50 points.
The posts below will describes each power's details.
Why couldn't all the 3e powers been built this way? I really miss that system...
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Old 04-18-2006, 03:21 AM   #110
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Default Re: 50-point Abilities

Teleport Dodge:

Warp (Blink +25%; Range Limit, 10 Yards -50%; Emergencies Only -30%; Uncontrollable -10%; Unconscious Only -20%; Reliable +7 +35%) [50]

You can't actively use your ability at all, but once per turn, it will try to "dodge" any attack you are aware of.


Mind Blast:

Affliction 1 (Malediction 3 +200%; Based On Will +20%; Daze +50%; Secondary Unconsciousness +40%; Area Effect 2 Yards +50%, No signature +20%, Selective Area +20%) [50]

Let's you try to daze or knock out people in 2 yard radius. Roll Will vs. Will of anyone in the area and not excluded, failure at resisting dazes them, failure by 5+ knocks them unconscious.

BTW, do you calculate the failure from actual margin of failure or the margin of victory when using malediction?
Tsuru-Sennin a.k.a. The Crane Hermit a.k.a. Kurki-vanhus

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, and empty threats the final sanctuary of the terminally inept.

Last edited by Tsuru-Sennin; 04-18-2006 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Another Ability
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