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Old 03-21-2011, 08:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Kansas, USA
Default Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Situation: Player A is level 9 and has a mojo but no powers. They draw a monster (I cannot recall which and don't have the set to look at) whom gets a +3 against players without powers. After Players B-E are finished messing with it and the subsequent +3 bonus, Player A cannot defeat said monster. Player F, also level 9, offers to help defeat the monster (secretly he hold Brain Enough for Two and plans to use it to get the winning level as well). After the second round of messing with the combat by B-E, another monster and enhancers/ one-shots have been added to tie the Munchkins' Combat strengths still counting the +3 bonus for the original monster about fighting a Munchkin with no powers.

Argument: Players A and F argue that since Player F has a power they win since in actuality the +3 bonus is now negated and the monster side is now losing. B-E loudly declare scandal and cheating and bending of rules and won't allow it. Which is correct?

Side-Argument: (In player F's head, he wonders if he could actually use Brain Enough for Two to get a winning level).
-- "What monstrosities would walk these streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds." Eric Hoffer
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Old 03-21-2011, 08:38 AM   #2
Johnny Angel
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

I think the monster would still get the +3 because player A is still a player without powers and is still involved in the combat.

It would seem to work in a manner similar to monsters who get bonuses against certain races & classes. However, I have not yet tried Zombies, so I am not 100% confident in my answer.
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Old 03-21-2011, 09:38 AM   #3
Andrew Hackard
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Player F's Powers do not magically grant Player A immunity from a bonus against players with no Powers. Player F's attempt to co-win (yes, Brains Enough For Two will grant you a winning level, since it's as a result of killing a monster) is foiled.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Hmmm. Unless I'm not searching through my stuff correctly, the only Monster that comes close to what you are describing is the Zombie Bureaucrat, which is +3 against zombies with no Mojo, while a couple of Monsters derive some kind of bonus against zombies with Powers.

At any rate, as long as one zombie in the combat met the conditions of the bonus, the Monster would still get the bonus. So, if two zombies are facing the Zombie Bureaucrat, and one zombie has a Mojo and the other doesn't, the +3 would apply.

Andrew and I will need to confer on the side argument, because I'm not entirely sure about some of the wording on Brains Enough For Two. In the short term, I'd say that as long as a Monster was killed, any Level gained by killing a Monster should count for the winning Level.
Erik D. Zane
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:29 AM   #5
Andrew Hackard
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan View Post
Andrew and I will need to confer on the side argument, because I'm not entirely sure about some of the wording on Brains Enough For Two. In the short term, I'd say that as long as a Monster was killed, any Level gained by killing a Monster should count for the winning Level.
The intent absolutely is that BEF2 can be used to get the winning level, and (as with an Elf), the fact that the level is gained as a result of combat means that no extra wording to that effect should be necessary.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:32 AM   #6
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan View Post
Hmmm. Unless I'm not searching through my stuff correctly, the only Monster that comes close to what you are describing is the Zombie Bureaucrat, which is +3 against zombies with no Mojo, while a couple of Monsters derive some kind of bonus against zombies with Powers.
I think I inverted the Mojo and powers part. Player F was a Voodoo Zombie I remember that, Player A not having any Mojo sounds right.

Thanks for the answers guys :)
-- "What monstrosities would walk these streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds." Eric Hoffer
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:36 AM   #7
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Default Re: Munchkin Zombies question: helper negates a monster advantage?

Originally Posted by Andrew Hackard View Post
The intent absolutely is that BEF2 can be used to get the winning level, and (as with an Elf), the fact that the level is gained as a result of combat means that no extra wording to that effect should be necessary.
Agreed, however the wording involves "winning," not killing, so one could infer there are cases where a helper would get a Level in a combat where all the Monsters were discarded and not killed, and therefore a Level 9 helper wouldn't get the level. I meant to make it clear that, absolutely, in the case of a kill, a Level 9 helper would get the Level.
Erik D. Zane
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combat, helper, munchkin zombies

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