01-25-2023, 04:31 PM | #1 |
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: New England
Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
This IQ 13 Thrown spell allows a wizard to manipulate objects within their sight and those out of sight but on their person as though they had an invisible body with which to do so. Wielding weapons telekinetically is difficult (-4DX). Telekinesis must be maintained each turn, at the relatively high cost of 2. The spell description implies that a wizard can only cast Telekinesis on their self, and the discussion of an invisible body manipulating objects gives us a useful guide to how quickly an object might be transported--perhaps the wizard's normal MA. My reading is that the wizard could telekinetically act on an object the same turn that they cast the spell.
Telekinesis offers such enormous potential that one could find great entertainment in playing a wizard with only this or perhaps another couple of spells. It is an ideal spell for a thief, spy, or typical tomb-robber who worries about booby-traps; with Telekinesis, one can open a door or pick up a gem or idol from a respectable distance, and a Pickpocket might use the spell to purloin purses remotely. Perhaps Alchemists and Chemists could make their labwork less potentially injurious to themselves by mixing ingredients from the safety of a nearby room with telekinesis. The spell's range is as far as the wizard can see, so combining it with Far Vision offers an obvious exploit. Some examples of other obvious applications of Telekinesis include pulling someone's cloak or hat down over their eyes, snuffing out a candle, transporting a lantern to reveal a dark area, opening or closing a door to create a distraction, and surprising a horse by slapping it's rump. Although tactical applications such as grappling or tripping an enemy are not discussed in the brief spell description, it might be reasonable for a GM to apply the same -4DX to any combat use of Telekinesis. Conversation Starters
01-27-2023, 08:51 AM | #2 | ||||||
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Indiana
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
Before the RULES police show up, I'll say this about the above Classic TFT scenario. It was an NPC Fighter Wizard with a ring that had both Telekinesis and Invisibility. It was a surprise for the PCs to be confronted with NPC fighters with one that had Sword and Two Weapons talents while being invisible and also telekinetically using two broad swords. Since none of the PCs had Mage Sight, they couldn't definitively locate the invisible foe and that one got away when the visible NPC fighters started dropping. No one got his cool ring either. They did get the two broad swords that dropped to the ground when the invisible NPC decided to run. I will take credit for creating this NPC. Last edited by Bill_in_IN; 01-27-2023 at 09:16 AM. |
01-28-2023, 07:59 AM | #3 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
The one advantage of Telekinesis over Summon Myrmidon and Staff to Snake is that it takes effect on the turn of casting rather than waiting a turn for the summons to respond. It is not worth the higher maintenance cost to do so. (IQ 13 vs IQ 10 is "free" given how useful Staff III is.)
-HJC |
01-28-2023, 01:57 PM | #4 |
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: New England
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
Telekinesis enjoys many more advantages than taking effect the turn it is cast. Range is one. The fact that the force is invisible is another. I believe in you, and trust that you can find others.
01-28-2023, 04:05 PM | #5 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
Astral Projection clearly allows for TK (at 6 ft/turn), but doesn't say one way or the other if Summon works. (You can't pull the snake out of your astral form and have it do physical effects.)
A wizard can send his snake, scout or summons through a gate or use Long Range Teleport for infinite range. The gate method allows for the search and snake retrieval of items up to 32 pounds. (I suppose, your reading of ITL 65 no doubt differs.) The big limitation on TK is that there is no X-ray vision spell to use alongside it and you can't fire it off blind by the limits on thrown spells. (You can't use a summons to look around corners because this wouldn't let you target TK on anything the wizard does not himself see.)
-HJC |
01-28-2023, 05:55 PM | #6 |
Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: Indiana
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
Telekinesis wasn't used much in our Classic TFT days but it was interesting every time that it was used.
06-20-2023, 10:48 PM | #7 |
Join Date: Jun 2023
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
A unique way for TK spell to be used.
Magic Item Price ($) Telekinesis 50,000 - Self-Powered ST 1, Cost ST. 0 per Turn Ingredients required weekly (and starting item required) 10 dose Telekinesis ($500), $400 ci 10 Wizard, 10 Apprentices --- Telekinesis: Gives its wearer this power at a cost of 1 ST per turn. Self-powered makes the 0 ST per turn. --- Spell Telekinesis (T): Lets the wizard move objects by the force of his mind. Objects may be picked up, thrown, etc. A wizard may do anything with TK that he could do if his own body were there. However, the object manipulated must be where he can see it. (Exception: A wizard with TK could use it to untie himself, even if he were in the dark or his hands were tied behind him.) For purposes of governing TK, the GM should assume that the wizard has one “invisible body” which he may place and use anywhere he can see or touch. It is possible to use a weapon with this spell – but any weapon controlled telekinetically is at an extra -4 DX. Cost: Item Spell Enchantment 1 ST. Cost Cast Spell 2 ST per turn. --- A Hero, not a wizard template the TK spells costs 1,500 exp. or three IQ. Points. This prevents another -4 DX from not knowing the spell. --- Common Weapons: The Weapon Table shows what weapons make up the various classes. Ax/Mace (2): Ability, to use all axes, maces, and hammers. --- any weapon or IQ 8 Unusual Weapon Talents --- IQ 8 Practice Memory (IQ. 7 Combat Weapons) (1): (There are three levels to this talent.)Take a weapon or two and practice, practice, practice till the moves are muscle memory, this is what a good fighter does, but this is to let the wizard or hero who has the Telekinesis spell or some other method to have a remote attacker controlled by his mind. The Tk Force Advanced Combat abilities only come into effect with this talent, not that they are not present, but they are not as effective in their application during combat and would require the caster's full attention to perform these combat activities. The option letters not present the Tk Force's options cannot be done - like disbelieving an illusion, it has no brain. Practice Memory I: 1. Tk Force rolls its own initiative. 2. Can likely cause Forced Retreats as can damage, but not take damage. Options for Disengaged Tk Force Figures 3. (a) MOVE up to its full MA, staying within the eyesight of the caster 4. (b) CHARGE ATTACK. Move up to half its MA and attack with any weapon except a missile weapon, or HTH. (A figure can never attack if it moved more than half its MA.) 5. (f) MISSILE WEAPON ATTACK. Move up to l hex and fire a missile weapon. Practice Memory II, Options for Engaged Figures Tk Force Figures A figure which is engaged with an enemy (see the definition, p. 101), when its turn comes to move, may perform any one of the following options: (j) SHIFT AND ATTACK. Shift one hex (or stand still) and attack with any non-missile weapon. (k) SHIFT AND DEFEND. For a strange reason the Tk Force has this ability, if the caster does not practice a defense he will not have a decent defense; thus, it is a part of the Practice Memory. A Tk Force cannot be damaged, therefore what need for defense is there, except for the caster. Shift one hex (or stand still) and defend (see p. 117). (l) ONE-LAST-SHOT MISSILE ATTACK. If the figure had a missile weapon ready before it was engaged, it may get off one last shot. (You can almost always release an arrow at a charging enemy.) (m) CHANGE WEAPONS. A Tk Force could only change weapons if it were next to the caster or other source of a undrawn weapon. Shift one hex (or stand still) and drop a ready weapon (if any), and ready a new non-missile weapon. (An engaged figure cannot ready or reload a missile weapon.) (n) DISENGAGE. See below for the Tk Force's explanation of disengaging. Tk Force Disengaging Disengaging is the action of moving away from a figure(s) that has you engaged. A figure that selects the “disengage” option stands still or shifts during its movement phase. When its turn to attack comes, instead of attacking, it moves one hex in any direction. You may move on to another figure to attempt HTH combat that same turn. Note that an enemy with a DX higher than yours will be able to strike at you on the turn you disengage, since his attack comes before yours. An enemy with a lower DX will not have a chance to strike at you if you disengage away from him. A figure engaged with more than one enemy may disengage from some while remaining engaged with others, but may never attack on the turn it disengages (except HTH). Practice Memory III: Practice Memory III, Options for Engaged Figures Tk Force Figures 1. (o) ATTEMPT HAND-TO-HAND ATTACK. During the movement phase, the figure stands still or shifts; when its turn to attack comes, it moves onto the hex of any adjacent enemy, and attempts to hit with bare hands or (if it was ready) its dagger. 2. (q) PICK-UP DROPPED WEAPON. “Bend over” (not moving), drop your ready weapon and/or shield (if any), and pick up and ready a dropped weapon in your hex or an adjacent hex. Practice Memory III, Options for Figures in Hand-to-Hand Combat Tk Force Figures 3. (t) HTH ATTACK. Attempt to hit an opponent in the same hex with bare hands or, if the dagger is ready, with the dagger. 4. (v) ATTEMPT TO DISENGAGE. Disengaging while in HTH combat is not automatic; it requires a DX roll. See below Tk Force Disengaging From HTH Combat A figure in HTH combat may not automatically disengage, but must pick option (v), the attempt to disengage. During the movement phase, it does not move, since figures in HTH remain in the same hex. During its attack phase, it does not attack, but rolls 4 dice against adjDX. If successful the Tk Force moves to any adjacent, empty hex. It can take no other action that turn. --- --- continued Last edited by WFCoyote; 06-25-2023 at 04:04 AM. |
06-20-2023, 10:49 PM | #8 |
Join Date: Jun 2023
Re: Talent/Spell of the Week: Telekinesis
Weapon for Combat
IQ. 13 Telekinesis (Wiz 1) (T): Lets the wizard move objects by the force of his mind. Objects may be picked up, thrown, etc. A wizard may do anything with TK that he could do if his own body were there. However, the object manipulated must be where he can see it. (Exception: A wizard with TK could use it to untie himself, even if he were in the dark or his hands were tied behind him.) For purposes of governing TK, the GM should assume that the wizard has one “invisible body” which he may place and use anywhere he can see or touch. It is possible to use a weapon with this spell – but any weapon controlled telekinetically is at an extra -4 DX. Cost: 2 ST per turn. During combat, events follow a strict sequence. Nothing happens simultaneously. Each movement or attack may affect the next one, and a spell takes effect instantaneously when it succeeds. Each turn goes through these stages: The eyes are the eyes of the caster, the TK Force may only move where the caster can see. The Tk Force cannot take damage, the forces that form it either cannot be touched or it instantly reforms. --- (1) Roll for Initiative. Each player rolls a die. The Tk Force operates off of the wizards' initiative. Unless it has the talent Practice Memory I, then it has its own initiative. The winner may choose either to move his figure(s) first that turn, or to have the other player(s) move their figure(s) first. Certain factors, such as surprise and Tactics talent, give an advantage to securing the initiative. If the players are all cooperating, their leader rolls against the GM to see whether the players or GM get initiative. (2) Renew Spells. Each wizard who wants to renew one or more continuing-type spells must now subtract from his ST to power those spells. All spells that are renewed will last until the end of the turn, or until the wizard dies or loses consciousness. All continuing-type spells that are not renewed end now, before movement. Note: some spells are not renewable, but last a stated number of turns after casting. The turn such a spell is cast is always counted as the first turn. (3) Movement. Tk Force has a movement stat, the same as the caster, so long as it stays within eyesight. If the caster becomes impaired or immobile then so does the Tk Force. The first player to move chooses one option for each of his figures, and executes the movement part (if any) of that option for each figure. How far each figure may move depends on its movement allowance (MA) and the option chosen. The second player then chooses options and moves all his own figures the same way. If there are more than two players, the third, fourth, and so on then pick options and move. (4) Actions. All attacks, spell-castings, attempts, to disbelieve, etc., are carried out. Figures act in the order of their adjDX, highest first. If figures have the same adjDX, those on the side with initiative go first. Further ties are resolved by die roll. Note: many times a figure’s DX will change during the course of a turn, due to spells or wounds. After the figure with the highest DX acts, the figure which goes next is the one (of those which have not acted that turn) with the highest adjDX at that moment. If a figure’s DX is increased to a number higher than that of a figure who has already acted that turn, he does not miss his turn If any figure is killed or knocked down before its turn to act comes, it does not get to act that turn. (5) Force Retreats. Any figure, Including Tk Force bodies having Practice Memory I, which inflicted hits on an enemy with a physical attack (sword, wolf bites, etc.) and took no hits itself that turn (from any source) may force the enemy to retreat one hex at the end of the turn. Tk Force cannot take hits, only give them so they never are forced back, If it matters, retreats happen in the order of the adjDX of the attackers. The victorious player moves the enemy figure one hex farther from the attacker, into any hex which is vacant or contains only a fallen figure. The victor may then choose either to stay still or to move into the hex from which the enemy retreated. If there is no vacant or fallen-figure hex adjacent to the foe and farther from the attacker, you cannot force a retreat. Magical attacks, missiles, and thrown weapons, etc., do not allow you to force a retreat. (6) Post-Turn Damage from things like Shock Shields Note: the Tk Force cannot take damage.. If both sides still have figures to fight, begin the next turn. Options for Disengaged Tk Force Figures A figure which is not engaged with an enemy when its turn comes to move may perform any one of the following options: (a) MOVE up to its full MA, staying within eyesight of the caster (b) CHARGE ATTACK. Move up to half its MA and attack with any weapon except a missile weapon, or HTH. (A figure can never attack if it moved more than half its MA.) (f) MISSILE WEAPON ATTACK. Move up to l hex and/or drop to prone/kneeling position and/or fire a missile weapon. Practice Memory II, Options for Engaged Figures Tk Force Figures A figure which is engaged with an enemy (see the definition, p. 101), when its turn comes to move, may perform any one of the following options: (j) SHIFT AND ATTACK. Shift one hex (or stand still) and attack with any non-missile weapon. (k) SHIFT AND DEFEND. For a strange reason the Tk Force has this ability, if the caster does not practice a defense he will not have a decent defense; thus, it is a part of the Practice Memory. A Tk Force cannot be damaged, therefore what need for defense is there, except for the caster. Shift one hex (or stand still) and defend (see p. 117). (l) ONE-LAST-SHOT MISSILE ATTACK. If the figure had a missile weapon ready before it was engaged, it may get off one last shot. (You can almost always release an arrow at a charging enemy.) (m) CHANGE WEAPONS. A Tk Force could only change weapons if it were next to the caster or other source of a undrawn weapon. Shift one hex (or stand still) and drop a ready weapon (if any), and ready a new non-missile weapon. (An engaged figure cannot ready or reload a missile weapon.) (n) DISENGAGE. See below for the Tk Force's explanation of disengaging. Tk Force Disengaging Disengaging is the action of moving away from a figure(s) that has you engaged. A figure that selects the “disengage” option stands still or shifts during its movement phase. When its turn to attack comes, instead of attacking, it moves one hex in any direction. You may move on to another figure to attempt HTH combat that same turn. Note that an enemy with a DX higher than yours will be able to strike at you on the turn you disengage, since his attack comes before yours. An enemy with a lower DX will not have a chance to strike at you if you disengage away from him. A figure engaged with more than one enemy may disengage from some while remaining engaged with others, but may never attack on the turn it disengages (except HTH). Practice Memory III, Options for Engaged Figures Tk Force Figures (o) ATTEMPT HAND-TO-HAND ATTACK. During the movement phase, the figure stands still or shifts; when its turn to attack comes, it moves onto the hex of any adjacent enemy, and attempts to hit with bare hands or (if it was ready) its dagger. (q) PICK UP DROPPED WEAPON. “Bend over” (not moving), drop your ready weapon and/or shield (if any), and pick up and ready a dropped weapon in your hex or an adjacent hex. Practice Memory III, Options for Figures in Hand-to-Hand Combat Tk Force Figures (t) HTH ATTACK. Attempt to hit an opponent in the same hex with bare hands or, if the dagger is ready, with the dagger. (u) ATTEMPT TO DRAW DAGGER. Roll 3/DX to succeed. (v) ATTEMPT TO DISENGAGE. Disengaging while in HTH combat is not automatic; it requires a DX roll. See below Tk Force Disengaging from HTH Combat A figure in HTH combat may not automatically disengage, but must pick option (v), the attempt to disengage. During the movement phase, it does not move, since figures in HTH remain in the same hex. During its attack phase, it does not attack, but rolls 4 dice against adjDX. If successful the Tk Force moves to any adjacent, empty hex. It can take no other action that turn. --- IQ 9 Practice Memory (IQ 8 Unusual Weapon Talents) (0): Take an unusual weapon or two and practice, practice, and practice till the moves are muscle memory. This is what a good fighter does, this is what one must do to use the unusual weapons capabilities, and learn the Talent. But this is to let the wizard or hero who has the Telekinesis spell or some other method to have a remote attacker controlled by his mind. The Tk Force Advanced Combat abilities only come into effect with this talent, not that they are not present, but they are not as effective in their application during combat and would require the caster's full attention to perform these combat activities. To use the unusual weapon to full effect, learn the Talent for Practice Memory (IQ 8 Unusual Weapon Talents) and the Unusual Weapon Talent. There are Tk Force options that cannot be done - like casting a spell the Tk Force has no brain. Net and Trident (1). Prerequisite: Pole Weapons. Nunchuks (1). Quarterstaff (1). Sha-ken (1). Prerequisite: Thrown Weapons. Spear Thrower (1). Prerequisite: either Pole Weapons or Thrown Weapons. Whip (1). --- Now what? well, our hero can cast a TK with the magic item, standing next to the character, the TK can take a weapon from the caster, then go off and attack or stand next to the hero... The hero can do many things, while the DK Force does what it was told to do. Powerful but expensive Last edited by WFCoyote; 06-25-2023 at 04:11 AM. |
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