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Old 02-29-2016, 04:18 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
Default Scroll Magic

For the game I'm going to be running I'm messing with the Magic system slightly. I think I've settled on basing it on Ritual Magic from Thaumatology the only thing is that because I'm trying to emulate the magic from a LARP I used to play in I've run into a stumbling block.

Instead of learning spells and always having them available to you to cast you'd learn a type of magic (what's going to be the colleges in GURPS parlance) and then you'd have spell scrolls that needed to cast actual spells from/through. Additionally they needed to be in a specially prepared spellbook, you could cast a spell without a spellbook but it would "burn" the scroll, removing it from play at the same time (which could be useful since it didn't cost any mana to cast a spell that way).

I'm wondering if there's an easy way to represent this somehow, like a limitation to Magery. I want to try and keep the spells themselves as items separate from the character as a big part of the feel of playing a mage was putting together your spellbook of scrolls and while common spells ended up being so common you could almost use them as money there were a bunch of more powerful (and thus much rarer) scrolls out there which even the existence of was jealously guarded. There's also something to be said of really considering if it was worth it to burn your last scroll of fireball and win a fight or hope that your friends could kill the thing so you didn't have to track down another copy of the spell.
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Old 02-29-2016, 04:20 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Default Re: Scroll Magic

Sounds like a Trigger to me.
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ritual magic, thaumatology

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