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Old 03-05-2013, 08:34 PM   #1
World's Worst Detective
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Default Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

If you saw my last post then you know that I'm really trying to get my players into character creation. I'm trying to create a concise guide that includes a majority (if not all) ways to go about building abilities.

I want a list like: Standard Magic, Ritual Magic, Threshold Magic, Powers (Advantages), etc. and preferably a little explanation to go along with each.

I'm sure there is probably something like this out there already. And the reason I'm not just making it myself is because I'm bad at this kind of thinking. Compiling lists is my weakness because I always, always forget several things. If I spread my focus too thin, it breaks, and I have lots of homework to do as a student.

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
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Old 03-05-2013, 10:00 PM   #2
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

I've got a decent list, I think!

-Standard Magic
-Clerical/Power Investiture Magic
-Ritual Magic
-Wildcard Magic
-Syntactic Magic
-Symbol/Rune Magic
-Alchemical Magic
-Threshold Magic
-Spirit/Assistance Magic
-Sacrifice/Blood Magic
-Intrinsic Magic
-Ritual Path Magic
-Style Magic
-Basic Powers
-Divine Powers
-Imbuement Powers
-Psionic Powers

However, I would like a little description for them. I just don't know how to describe them all in a short and concise manner. Something like...
-Standard Magic: Magery-based, spells are skills, revolves heavily around fatigue, prerequisite chains, little customization but can be flexible.
I just don't know how to describe them all like that, but I would want anyone to get a basic idea from it. Of course, I don't mind explaining things to my players, but it's also good if they can grab basic ideas.
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Old 03-05-2013, 10:59 PM   #3
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

I think it's important to consider what ability types you actually want to include in your game. For example, Standard vs Ritual vs Syntactic Magic is typically a campaign-level decision, rather than an individual character decision. Likewise, apart from full-on Super Hero games, most settings don't allow PCs to build whatever Powers-based abilities they want. Now, you still may want to write descriptions for all these ability categories, but it doesn't have to be all at once. Just focus on the ones that will matter for the game at hand.
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Old 03-05-2013, 11:09 PM   #4
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

Originally Posted by vierasmarius View Post
I think it's important to consider what ability types you actually want to include in your game. For example, Standard vs Ritual vs Syntactic Magic is typically a campaign-level decision, rather than an individual character decision. Likewise, apart from full-on Super Hero games, most settings don't allow PCs to build whatever Powers-based abilities they want. Now, you still may want to write descriptions for all these ability categories, but it doesn't have to be all at once. Just focus on the ones that will matter for the game at hand.
Oh, I try to be VERY flexible as a GM. Plus, my campaign has a large focus on how everything revolves around magic/psionics/etc. I would have no problem if each character selected a different system if it meant that they were able to meet their wants and needs. It helps me expand as a GM and as a player! Now, I completely understand that not all GMs are like this, but I really try to keep my campaigns as open as possible.
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Old 03-06-2013, 12:19 AM   #5
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

Originally Posted by Raekai View Post
Oh, I try to be VERY flexible as a GM. Plus, my campaign has a large focus on how everything revolves around magic/psionics/etc. I would have no problem if each character selected a different system if it meant that they were able to meet their wants and needs. It helps me expand as a GM and as a player! Now, I completely understand that not all GMs are like this, but I really try to keep my campaigns as open as possible.
While that is a valid approach, my (admittedly anecdotal) experience is that this has a tendency to paralyze with too many choices. I suppose that's why you want things written out clearly, so that it's easier for players to wrap their heads around the similarities and differences between the various systems.

Your list looks like a good start, but keep in mind that there are non-power ways to achieve similar ends. Mundane skills and plenty of careful planning and preparation can be comparable to slow and subtle magic. Cinematic skills (Chi skills, Enthrallment, etc) can often directly produce spell-like results.
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Old 03-06-2013, 05:28 AM   #6
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

Originally Posted by Raekai View Post
I've got a decent list, I think!

-Standard Magic
-Clerical/Power Investiture Magic
-Ritual Magic
-Wildcard Magic
-Syntactic Magic
-Symbol/Rune Magic
-Alchemical Magic
-Threshold Magic
-Spirit/Assistance Magic
-Sacrifice/Blood Magic
-Intrinsic Magic
-Ritual Path Magic
-Style Magic
-Basic Powers
-Divine Powers
-Imbuement Powers
-Psionic Powers
You left off some of my favorites: Path/Book Magic, Realm Magic, and Chi Skills (Power Blow, etc...). There's also Enthrallment skills, although I've never used them.
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Old 03-06-2013, 08:57 AM   #7
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

Originally Posted by Raekai View Post
I've got a decent list, I think!
you could use some sorting here

Standard Magic
-Standard Magic
-Clerical/Power Investiture Magic
-Ritual Magic
-Wildcard Magic
-Threshold Magic
-Style Magic
-Spirit/Assistance Magic
-Sacrifice/Blood Magic

Not Sure
-Intrinsic Magic (have to look it up)

-Syntactic Magic
-Symbol/Rune Magic


-Ritual Path Magic

-Basic Powers
-Divine Powers
-Psionic Powers
-Imbuement Powers (maybe, I'm not good with imbuements)

Book/Path magic is a MAJOR missing item here. There are also LOTS of variations on alchemy.
Be helpful, not pedantic

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Old 03-06-2013, 09:03 AM   #8
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Default Re: Quick Question: List of ways to build abilities?

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
you could use some sorting here

Standard Magic
-Standard Magic
-Clerical/Power Investiture Magic
-Ritual Magic
-Wildcard Magic
-Threshold Magic
-Style Magic
-Spirit/Assistance Magic
-Sacrifice/Blood Magic

Not Sure
-Intrinsic Magic (have to look it up)

-Syntactic Magic
-Symbol/Rune Magic


-Ritual Path Magic

-Basic Powers
-Divine Powers
-Psionic Powers
-Imbuement Powers (maybe, I'm not good with imbuements)

Book/Path magic is a MAJOR missing item here. There are also LOTS of variations on alchemy.
This list is updated and finished here. However, I agree that they need more organization. Please feel free to look and post another suggestion over there. Thanks!
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magic, path magic, powers, ritual magic, threshold magic

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