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Old 01-22-2024, 02:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default [Martial Arts] Stop Hit when someone else is the target

I was reading back through the archive of the webcomic Out of Placers when I came to this page - the bit relevant to this thread is the bottom of the page where the Spear Circle is discussed. This is a tactic used by yinglets when hunting dangerous game or fighting larger foes (which means pretty much any sapient that isn't a fellow yinglet), consisting of having two or more yinglets surround the target, with one drawing their attention with taunts, feints, etc and the others waiting for a chance - the moment the foe takes the bait and strikes, the waiting yinglets take advantage of the opening to strike. This seems very similar to the Stop Hit in Martial Arts, but that's for when the foe is trying to attack you. How would you resolve something like this? I'm thinking it would use the Stop Hit mechanics, with a couple notable exceptions. First and foremost, because the target isn't attacking you, you're at no risk of penalizing your own defense (but also don't get the side benefit of bypassing Parry U on your weapon). For Stop Hitters in the target's Front hexes, I think this would be resolved as normal - if the Stop Hitter wins, the target defends at -1 (-3 if trying to defend with the same weapon used to attack). For Stop Hitters in the target's Side hexes, I feel the target should be at a penalty (or the attackers at a bonus) in the quick contest, and if the Stop Hit attempt successful they would be outright unable to Parry with the weapon they used to attack with, as they are even more out of position to defend than with the attack coming from the Front. Perhaps a -2 (or +2)? Stop Hitters in the target's Rear hex need not bother with Stop Hitting at all, unless the target has an ability that lets them defend against such attacks (Peripheral/360-Degree Vision, Danger Sense, etc), in which case it would be resolved the same as a Stop Hit from a Side hex. Does this all sound appropriate? Should the participants be required to have the Teamwork Perk and "form up" to pull this off? It seems a bit bereft of downsides (aside from "you only get to attack if the foe attacks") compared to a normal Stop Hit, but it seems like it should be an effective strategy if done right (and you can count on reliably outnumbering your foes).
GURPS Overhaul
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Old 01-22-2024, 02:50 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2004
Default Re: [Martial Arts] Stop Hit when someone else is the target

Per the webcomic, plus basic encircle your opponent, and wait (lowercase w, so evaluate/feint/whatever) for them to stop doing All Out Defense, then whoever they aren't facing/attacking starts attacking, probably All Out Attack.
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Old 01-22-2024, 09:27 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [Martial Arts] Stop Hit when someone else is the target

Originally Posted by kenclary View Post
Per the webcomic, plus basic encircle your opponent, and wait (lowercase w, so evaluate/feint/whatever) for them to stop doing All Out Defense, then whoever they aren't facing/attacking starts attacking, probably All Out Attack.
The illustration has them attacking literally as the foe is. Realistically, it would be possible to move around, taunt, throw minor feints, etc, while prepared to do something else. In GURPS, doing so would be fluff and would lack any mechanical effect (actually taunting an enemy to goad them to attack you calls for a Concentrate Maneuver; technically, I think that only forces them to focus on you - or optionally penalizes them if they try to attack anyone else - rather than forcing an attack). But even if we presume the Spear Circle doesn't actually involve Waits leading to something akin to a Stop Hit (treating the illustration as artistic license), I still think such a strategy should be doable.

And I just thought of a potential drawback - losing the quick contest means your timing is off and you suffer a -2 to hit, but it's otherwise just a normal attack (so no further defense penalties for the target). A tie means your timing is suboptimal but still effective - you suffer a -2 to hit (just as if you'd lost) while the target suffers the relevant defense penalties (just as if you'd won).
GURPS Overhaul
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Old 01-24-2024, 01:22 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2005
Default Re: [Martial Arts] Stop Hit when someone else is the target

Isn't there a Pack Tactics or Team Tactics perk which covers these sorts of situations?

Based on the illustration, you could go either way. Standard AoA from side or rear hexes as the opponent tries to deal with a Yinglet attacking in a different direction or a Pack Tactics perk and/or Stop Hit technique.
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