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Old 07-04-2023, 08:23 AM   #1
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Default [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Hi guys,
I'm loving the DFRPG series of products from Gaming Ballistics, and I'd like to tinker with all the crunch within... as DFRPG material does not provide "under the hood" content on how abilities are built, however, I was on my own.

Luckily for you, I did all the heavy lifting. So if you are interested, In the next posts I'm going to present my attempts of reconstructing the power ups in all Nordlondr material using GURPS trait.

I'd really love to hear your feedback!

Nordlondr Folk
  • Feline Hearing [15], p.2 is Discriminatory Hearing [15], B49.
  • Stonecunning [26], p.4 is Detect (Stonework; Analysis Only, -50%; Analyzing, +100%; Vision Based, Reversed, -20%).
    Notes: Stonework is considered a Common substance (20 basis point). Analysis only means that it is not possible to locate a substance using this variant of detect. Analyzing provides improved details, and removes the roll for basic details. Vision Based means that no analysis is possible, unless the user can actually see the substance they want to analyze.
  • Elven Glamour [10], p.5 can be represented as Elastic Skin (Glamour, -5%; Magic, -10%; Maximum Duration, 10 minutes, -50%, Nuisance Effect, does not work in low mana, -5%; Mimicry*, +20%) [10]
    Notes: *Mimicry is a new modifier for Elastic Skin. When using Elastic Skin, you can also modify your voice organs to emulate the voice of the new form. You gain +4 to Mimicry (Speech) and you must roll for impersonating a particular individual. Also note that without the nuisance effect, a Magical Ability would have worked in low-mana.
  • Artificer’s Lore [25] is from DF11, p.17
  • Resistant to Glamour [1/level], p.6 is just Resistance to a mental Occasional effect (B81), priced as in Adventurers for 1 point per level instead of the point cost in Basic.
  • Eh, That’s Just Grug [8], p.6 is No Social Stigma (Savage; Accessibility, Only after spending a week in town after a successful adventure, -20%) [8]
  • Bjornreidi [16/level] (p.9) is Striking ST +5 or 10 (Costs 8 FPs, -40%; Only When Berserk, -20%) [8 or 16] + Lifting ST +5 or +10 (Costs 8 FPs, -40%, Only When Berserk, -20%) [8 or 16]
    Note: Only When Berserk is found in PU8, p.16.
  • Grand Slam [12/level], p.9, is Striking ST +8 or +16 (Costs 2 FPs, -10%; Slams and Shield Rushes only, -60%) [12 or 24].
    Note: The limitation to slams and shield rushes is priced similarly to One Attack Only (P79).
  • Pack Bond [5/level], p.10, is a variant of Higher Purpose (Assist Companions). Broader applicability of the skill bonus, but more stringent drawbacks.
  • Spirit Sight [15] (p.11) is See Invisible (Spirit). GURPS Fantasy, p.130.
  • Iron Jaws [10] (p.12) is Striking ST +5 (Bite Only, -60%),
  • Dragon’s Breath [12] (p.13) is Natural Weapon (Burning; Costs 2 FPs, -10%; Ranged +100% (Cone, 1 yard, +60%; Inaccurate 3, -15%; Reduced Max Range, 1/2, -5%)).
    Note: Natural Weapon is from Pyramid #3/65; A burning weapon has a base cost of 5 points.
  • Eldhud Gifts (p.14) include several different abilities:
    • Demon’s Horns [5 or 8] is a Striker* (Crushing or Impaling).
    • Extinguishing Touch [2] is made of two new perks (“Extinguisher” and “Force-Field DR on Hands”; both should be considered to have Magical, -10%)
    • Flaming Touch [2] is Burning Attack 1 point (Follow Up, Punch and Gauntlets, +10%, Magical -10%). Follow-up is priced as a variant of Follow Up, Universal.
    • Imp’s Tail [5, 6 or 8] is Striker (Crushing, Piercing or Impaling).
    • Nimble Tail [5] Is Extra Arms 1 (Extra Flexible, +50%; No Physical Attacks, -50%; Weak, ST/4, -50%).
    • Passing Appearance [2] is just No Unnatural Features 2.
      Note *It would probably be a better idea to model Horns as one Natural Weapon (Crushing or Impaling; Increased Damage, +1 per die, +60%; Single -20%) [7 or 12]. Add Cannot Parry, -40% to bring down the cost to 5 or 8. See the box at p.25 of Pyramid #3/65.
  • Demonic Enmity [5], p.14, is a new Social Stigma (Celestial) that means -3 to reactions and likely attacked on sight, but it only applies to demons (and thus the point break).
  • Himneskur Gifts (p.14): User without the Power Talent (Power Investiture or Holiness), substitute the -10% Holy PM with Costs 2 FPs, -10% for each ability.
    Note: According to Kromm, Cost Fatigue automatically adds Switchable. As a Special Feature, creatures with Himneskur Gifts use Concentrate maneuvers instead of Ready maneuver to switch on a Holy Ability acquired in this way.
  • Doodads [5] (p.18) is the Perk with the same name in PU2, p.9, using the version of Gizmo described in Adventurers as the baseline trait.
  • Illusion Magery [6/level] (p.18) is Magery 1 (Illusion College Only, -40%)

Last edited by mirtexxan; 07-04-2023 at 08:32 AM.
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Old 07-04-2023, 08:24 AM   #2
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

The Hand of Asgard
  • All-Seeing Eye [29] is See Invisible (Cosmic, all sources of invisibility +100%, Holy -10%) [29].
    Note: Cosmic (at the Cheating +100% level) is used to avoid questions about what is covered or not by this power-up.
  • Allfather’s Guidance [22 or 32] is Visualization (Blessing, +100%; Costs 2 FPs, -10%; Holy -10%; Reduced Time 2, +40%).
    Greater Version: Use Reduced Time 6, +120% and Reliable +4 (+20%).
  • Enhanced Turning [24] is Burning Attack 1d (Accessibility, Only While Using Turning -10%; Accessibility, Undead Only, -50%; Affect Insubstantial +20%; Area Effect, 4yd, +100%; Aura +80%, Cosmic, Irresistible Attack, +300%; Holy -10%, Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Vision-Based*, -20%)
    Note* The Turning, +65% enhancement of True Faith states that the affected creature must see the user, so it seems fair to only apply the damage of Enhanced Turning on the same condition.
  • Soul Rend [40] is Affliction 1 (Coma, +250%; Costs Fatigue 6, -30%; Holy, -10%; Malediction 1, +100%, Takes Extra Time 1, -10%)
  • Blessed Spellcasting [14] is a variant of the Swashbuckler’s Every One’s a Critical (Holy, -10%)
  • Twist of Fate [14] is variant Luck (Holy -10%; Wishing +0%)
  • Higher Purpose (Lawbringer) [5/level] is a new variant
  • Righteous Challenge [23] could be: Affliction 1 (Will; Accessibility, Only on Living, -10%, Based On Will +20%; Cosmic, uses the mechanics of Taunt and Bluster for the casting roll, +50%; Costs 1 FP, -5%; Disadvantage, “Berserk”, +30%; Hearing-Based, -20%; Holy -10%; Link (Taunt), +20%; Malediction, +100%; Reduced Duration, 10 seconds, -25%, Terminal Condition, Incapacitate the user, -20%) (+130%)
    Note: “Berserk” is Berserk (6) (Battle Rage, +50%) [-30]. The ability is complex because in order to be used at the same time of a Taunt, it needs a Link to the Taunt mechanics, that are not defined in term of an “attacking” trait. This is solved with a custom Cosmic enchantment.
  • Blessing of the Lady [1/level] is just a Unique Spell Technique of Average difficulty (check Thaumatology, p.38-39 and Thaumatology – Magical Styles).
  • Gift of Epli [20] is Regeneration (Fast; Holy, -10%; Limited Use, 3/day, 30 minutes per use, -10%*, Preparation Required, 3 minutes, -30%; Requires ration, -10%**)
    Note: *Limited Use, Extended is a house rule; Takes Recharge, 1 hour it’s just a special effect given the other limitations. **Requires (item) is from PU8, p.5.
  • Mischievous Hand [20] is Telekinesis 5 (Cannot Punch, -10%; Holy, -10%; Increased Range, +10%, Requires IQ Roll, -10%)
  • Low-Key Misdirection [30] is Warp (Blink Only, -60%, Holy, -10%; Costs 2 FP, -10%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Variant (Extra Heavy, but Costs 2 FP and -1 to Roll per encumbrance), +10%)
  • Enhanced Faith Healing [60] is Healing (Faith Healing, +20%; Holy, -10%; Reduced Fatigue Cost 4, +80%; Reliable 4 (Only to offset disease penalties, -50%)*, +10%) *Comes from GURPS Powers – Divine Favor.
  • Summon Valkyrie [38] is Ally (Built on 150%, 15 or less; Based on IQ, +20%; Holy, -10%; Limited Use, 1 per day, -80%*; Nuisance, if the Valkyrie dies, it counts as a code transgression, -5%; Summonable, +100%)
    *PK’s House Rule
  • Slippery Arcana [8/level] is Magic Resistance (Cosmic, “Smart” Improved, +300%)
  • Icy Veins [30] is Immunity to Pain (Holy, -10%; Maximum Duration, 3d seconds, -75%; Reflexive, +40%; Switchable +10%) [20] + Injury Tolerance (No Brains, No Vitals, No Blood; Holy, -10%; Maximum Duration, 3d seconds, -75%; Reflexive, +40%; Switchable, +10%) [10]
  • Snow Queen’s Curse [24] is Affliction 1 (HT; Costs 2 FPs, -10%; Malediction, +100%; Substantial Only, -10%; Attribute Penalty, DX -4, +40%; Disadvantage, Fragile (Brittle), +15%) (+135%)
  • Thunderwave [15] is Crushing Attack 6d (Cone, 1 yard, +60%; Holy, -10%; No Blunt Trauma, -20%; No Wounding, -50%; Nuisance, increased chance for wandering monsters, -5%; Reduced Range, x10; -15%; Visible*, -10%) *Actually “hearable”.
  • Marvelous Throw adds Imbuement Skills (PU1 and Pyramid #3/13), and thus is:
    • Imbue 2 (Holy, -10%, One Skill, -80%) [4] + Combination Skill (Returning Weapon (Thrown)+Far Shot (Thrown)) (DX-2/VH) [4] + Perk (You take +2 to the roll, but the weapon returns unready) [1]
    • Level 2 adds Unique Technique (Effortless Far Throw) [1] that has a default roll of -7 (-2 to increase the effect of far shot, and -5 to reduce the FP cost by 1). Being an Hard Technique, buying the default up to +0 costs 8 points.
    • Level 3 increase Effortless Better Throw by 7 points, allowing to absorb another -2 to increase the range of the throw and another -5 to reduce FP cost to 0.
  • Protector’s Rune [5/level] Destiny*(Holy -10%) [4, 9 or 14] + Extra Options (Flesh Wound) [1] *Using the alternative interpretation for Destiny Point on PU5, p.5
  • Warding Dismissal [10] is Dismissive Wave [10] from DF11, p. 22
  • Sailor’s Moon [14] is Create (Visible Light; Holy -10%; Reduced Fatigue Cost, +40%, Switchable +10%).
  • Blessed Caravan [11] is Serendipity (Aspected, Travel, -20%; Holy, -10%; Wishing +0%)

Last edited by mirtexxan; 07-04-2023 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 07-04-2023, 11:35 AM   #3
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

I'm reserving this post for future conversions. :)
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Old 07-05-2023, 07:51 PM   #4
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Thanks for this! Really helpful.
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Old 07-06-2023, 04:07 AM   #5
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Isn't this basically just pasting the book here? If you have the builds you don't really need the text.. I know I'd be annoyed if someone did that to my work.
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Old 07-06-2023, 12:13 PM   #6
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

I don't think so. There is so much more in the books...
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Old 07-06-2023, 12:31 PM   #7
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

At least from the stuff I've looked at, the bulk of the Nordland stuff is already fully-compatible with GURPS and doesn't require any conversion. Minor exceptions are things like Control Points (which work a bit differently in Fantastic Dungeon Grappling than in Technical Grappling - but the former can be used in GURPS as-is anyway) and Slams (which DFRPG handles differently from mainline GURPS, so you'd want to just directly import that treatment... as many GMs have already done). Some Under The Hood data is useful, but this thread feels ethically a bit... off (I think of it like when I made a simplified version of the Classic Vehicles equations for firearms, which I don't think I've ever posted because it feels too much like stealing from Mr. Pulver's pocket). I'd suggest asking at least Douglas Cole if he's alright with this before continuing (ideally, you'd want to track down the authors of the individual supplements to get their blessing, but they may be more difficult to reach).
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Old 07-06-2023, 01:41 PM   #8
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Originally Posted by mirtexxan View Post
I don't think so. There is so much more in the books...
Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
At least from the stuff I've looked at, the bulk of the Nordland stuff is already fully-compatible with GURPS and doesn't require any conversion. Minor exceptions are things like Control Points (which work a bit differently in Fantastic Dungeon Grappling than in Technical Grappling - but the former can be used in GURPS as-is anyway) and Slams (which DFRPG handles differently from mainline GURPS, so you'd want to just directly import that treatment... as many GMs have already done). Some Under The Hood data is useful, but this thread feels ethically a bit... off (I think of it like when I made a simplified version of the Classic Vehicles equations for firearms, which I don't think I've ever posted because it feels too much like stealing from Mr. Pulver's pocket). I'd suggest asking at least Douglas Cole if he's alright with this before continuing (ideally, you'd want to track down the authors of the individual supplements to get their blessing, but they may be more difficult to reach).
As you say, Varyon, it's on the border; if I made a fuss about it, I suspect the mods and SJGames would remove the posts.

I elected not to kvetch too hard because it's an interesting exercise and Kiva and I discussed publishing such content anyway, though we'd discussed it as Patreon rewards.

That being said, GURPS Character Sheet has already incorporated the lump-sum packages as "drag and drop" items, some of the spell lists from various books, and the like. That DOES require you to buy and have the book(s) to get details of what they are, but it's another part of the camel in the tent.

Maybe we throw in links to the relevant products that are being excerpted.


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Old 07-06-2023, 05:53 PM   #9
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Some Under The Hood data is useful...
All under-the-hood data is useful. It's one of the two things I hate strongly dislike about the DFRPG line, the lack of under-the-hood explanations to see how the designers went about making "new" abilities.
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Old 07-06-2023, 06:41 PM   #10
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Default Re: [DFRPG] Converting Powerups to GURPS

Originally Posted by mburr0003 View Post
All under-the-hood data is useful. It's one of the two things I hate strongly dislike about the DFRPG line, the lack of under-the-hood explanations to see how the designers went about making "new" abilities.
Usually you can cross reference with the GURPS DF books (power ups and such). The Nordlandr stuff is an exception.
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