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Old 11-19-2012, 06:23 PM   #1
the_matrix_walker's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Lynn, MA
Default [Powers] Explosive Repercussions... Backlash: Explosion

I had posed this idea under another thread, but didn't receive any comment there, so I decided to give it it's own "home".

A while back when Bruno posted regarding Damage as a Backlash, Kromm replied ...

Originally Posted by Kromm View Post
See Costs Hit Points on p. 110 of Powers. In the spirit of the book, the cause of the HP loss can look like anything you wish. It might be totally invisible vitality loss, but you could be blasted by fire from the heavens . . . or 30cm grubs might erupt from your eyesockets with bits of your brain in their maws.

The Potential for an indirect source of damage got me to thinking about integrating it into representing a "Lab Accident" type of thing for a Gadgeteer.

Could you modify the "Costs HP" modifier to add Explosive and make that damage go boom? (Costs 5 HP, Explosive 1, -75%)

And as it's being defined as a Backlash, can I use (or migrate) Backlash's Resisted mechanic (half limitation value for a HT based Resistance Roll)?
(Costs 5 HP, Explosive 1, Resisted, -37.5%)

And base the resistance on IQ?
(Costs 5 HP, Explosive 1, Resisted (IQ), -30%)

So a Gadgeteer with this modified modifier on their Cosmic Gadget pool, would roll when restructuring his points, and on a failed IQ roll, cause an explosion that damages him and his lab. (and if the pool requires a lab to alter point allotment, the lab would have to be repaired (or replaced) before the points could be shifted again.

The total is -6% per HP, I like that it comes out to the same discount as "Uncontrollable" at the level 5 value in my example... Anyone have an opinion on this theoretical build? Does it seem fair? I guess it can never be RAW as GURPS Does not allow for custom modifiers on Limitations.
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Old 11-20-2012, 01:54 AM   #2
GURPS Line Editor
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Location: Montréal, Québec
Default Re: [Powers] Explosive Repercussions... Backlash: Explosion

It seems fair to me. I would be strict about enforcing the explosive part: It's a contact blast for the victim, but since damage is fixed, "maximum damage" doesn't mean much . . . so in return, I'd probably have lots of fragile items in the vicinity smashed. The social and financial ramifications would be the real kicker here.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
My DreamWidth [Just GURPS News]
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gadgeteer, modifiers, powers

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