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Old 05-29-2012, 09:55 AM   #21
cbetker's Avatar
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Default Re: Voodoo zombie curse resolution

Originally Posted by Andrew Hackard View Post
The current player decides the order in which cards are discarded.
I don't mean to be rude, but how can Andrew's words be taken any other way?

Ardy, in the example you described Player C would get to decide what order the cards hit the discard pile.

If player A plays a curse on player B during player C's turn, player B makes any needed choices about what to discard, but player C gets to decide the order they go to the discard pile.
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Old 05-29-2012, 03:43 PM   #22
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Default Re: Voodoo zombie curse resolution

Originally Posted by dymwit View Post
This statement lends to the ambiguity - since it first seems to imply that the person whose turn it is decides, but then later seems to imply that the person hit by the curse decides. (unless it's specifically referring to a case where the person hit by the curse happens to also be the one whose turn it is...)
So, I meant to say if you get hit with a Curse on your turn. That erases any ambiguity.
Erik D. Zane
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Old 05-30-2012, 05:30 AM   #23
six's monkey
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Location: Tri-Cities, WA
Default Re: Voodoo zombie curse resolution

In hopes that no one who read this far is still confused, it can be helpful during play to pass a turn indicator token of some sort.
It could be 'the die', if somehow you only have the six-sider that came with the game, but it would be smoother if it was not something that might need to be rolled by someone whose turn it was not.
Regardless of who played a curse, or upon whom, the order of cards sent to the discard, when in question, is set by the person with that token at that time.
This probably applies to piles of cards generated by contested combats, though we usually play with a referee/dealer which renders that moot for us.

When they are done with every bit of their turn, including perhaps charity, they should formally pass the turn.

Perhaps a miniature plastic seabird would fill the roll. :-)
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curses, draaaaaiiiiins, voodoo

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