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Old 12-13-2022, 01:16 PM   #1
GCA Prime
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Portland, OR
Default How-to videos

I've now made three YouTube videos showing how to do various things in GCA5. I'm linking them here for a convenient place to keep track as I add more over time.

If you have things you'd like to see how to do, please ask!

How to create a library and start a bard for DFRPG in GCA
A screen capture video of how you use GURPS Character Assistant to create a library for Dungeon Fantasy RPG, and then start a character (a Bard in this case).

Quick and Dirty copying and editing of a conditional bonus in GCA5
Missing a conditional bonus? Copy one from a similar trait and then edit it to fit your needs. A quick and dirty example.

How to use different protection images for different loadouts in GCA
You can use a different image for every loadout your character has, if you want to do so. Here is how you change the image on a loadout.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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