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Old 04-19-2024, 08:55 PM   #6471
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
What does the group on this board think would have been the outcome of an early Suez canal?
I'm not sure the canal is really a big deal, it's not like stuff wasn't shipeed overland through Ottoman territory. The big change point here may be that the Ottoman Empire has started to *care* what's happening in the Indian Ocean and the ports of India. None of the great powers of Asia were naval powers much, anything that starts the change that is important, and I can't imagine the Persians or north Indians wouldn't react. Though this is a particuarly low point for both regions. The Timurid empire is in the process of collapsing, with a final fall in 1506, and Dehli Sultanate has been shrinking for a century, and no longer controls any of the coast, white the Mughals won't arrive for another 25 years. There's a reason the Portuguese were so amazingly successful, they arrived at a real weak point for the local Imperial competition, and faced off mostly against smallish successor statelets. The fact that it is such an unstable period means there's a [lot] of room to butterfly the situation in any direction you'd like really.

I also wonder who in the struggle between Homeline, Centrum, and the Cabal would have a motive to push against the Religious Scholars (the main opposition to the plan of reopening the canal) to get the Sultan to build the Canal?
Does it need to be any of those? How about a secularist government in Homeline Turkey or Egypt? Or a religious one trying to convince said scholars they are wrong.
MA Lloyd
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Old 04-20-2024, 01:33 PM   #6472
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Your idea of having a Homeline government, or a powerful part of one is a solid one. It severely hampers the PCs in interesting ways.
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Old 04-23-2024, 11:22 PM   #6473
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

John Adams, it just be said, was obnoxious and disliked. One can imagine that his great capacity for personal enemity could weaken support for the federalist sedition act. Allow it to be challenged in the supreme court and then dismissed with extreme prejudice, and for centuries to come you could end up with the first amendment being held as utterly inviolate.

Perhaps that produces a feedback loop of an already laid-back American culture becoming even more unconcerned with censorship. If nothing else,
A generation of silent films and talkies featuring swearing, the law defeated, and other licentious content would be a popular novelties...
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Old 04-24-2024, 03:59 AM   #6474
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

In most parallels The Knights of the Golden Circle were a noxious flash in the pan. In this Q6 low mana parallel George W. L. Bickley had the luck of gaining a partner who supplied the organizational skills Bickley sorely lacked. Patrick Cabell Breckenridge, an uncle of John Cabell Breckenridge (a one time Vice president of the US, and a major figure in the Confederacy), made the Knights a functional organization. Thus the attempt to conquer Mexico in the late 1850s actually led to a war.

When Lincoln became president he asked Mexico if the USA could ally with them against the Knights. Largely because of the successful organization of the Knights, the Secession movement was a damp squib. The organizers were arrested and Lincoln was able to push through serious legislation to restrict the spread of Slavery. As Justice Tainey (author of the Dredd Scott decision) had joined the Knights, Lincoln's law was judged constitutional.

The situation in this parallel's America doesn't please certain outtimers. Centrum would prefer a weaker USA in order to preserve the British Empire. But they want a US military that's strong enough to aide Britain in time of need. This America doesn't fit that bill. Multiple Homeline groups want a quicker end to Slavery. Lincoln has set things up to strangle Slavery as an institution. With large numbers of prominent Southerners in Northern Mexico the political ability to resist Lincoln and his allies is much weakened. This reduces the need for violent struggle and the appetite for it as well.

Basically, spy versus spy in 1860s America.
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Old 04-27-2024, 06:33 AM   #6475
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

At the end of the Napoleonic Wars Britain held the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) and, as with Cape Town, could have kept it. The only reason Britain gave this lucrative colony back to the Dutch was that the British wanted the Dutch to be a political counterbalance to the other European powers.

However, in this Q6 low Mana parallel, Centrum agents persuaded the British ministers in charge of the decision that the Netherlands is no longer going to be a power, so they should just keep the East Indies. It is now the year 1850. British holdings in Asia are vastly larger than in Homeline history, continental Europe is much poorer, American clipper ships are driving the British navy to distraction in Asian waters, Russia has attacked and taken Istanbul and the Dardanelles, and Britain has no allies.

Basically, Centrum won a victory here and it has gone South. This Victorian Britain is deep in Imperial overreach and seriously in trouble. Czarist Russia, unrestrained by European politics is trying to conquer the Ottoman and Persian empires. If the Russians achieve this (and both empires are weak in this period) Britain's trade networks and empire will become extremely vulnerable.

So, military action and espionage in the near east.

If you prefer East Asian action, Yankee captains smuggling contraband could be a fun campaign.

For those wanting European swashbuckling, the impoverished and technologically backwards Europe of this world is a hotbed of intrigue, rebellion, assassination, espionage, and chicanery. 18th-century social structures forced to deal with 19-century politics leading to bitter repression of the people by the aristocracy. The counter to the repression is conspiracy and violence.
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Old 04-29-2024, 05:32 PM   #6476
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

In most parallels that follow Homeline to the 16th century Ivan Grozy becomes Prince of Moscow at the age of three. In this parallel Ivan was poisoned as an infant. The Rurik dynasty ends in 1633.

Russia remains a disjointed cluster of of minor principalities. Poland, Lithuania, Sweden, and the Ottoman State, expand into the vacuum.

The mercantile city of Novagrad retains its independence by being useful to Sweden, Lithuania, and Poland. The diplomacy Novagrad used to preserve itself also extended to the Coszacks, the Tatars, the Ottomans, the Persians, and the peoples of Siberia.

Basically, the PCs are explorer/diplomats seeking trade and profit in the vast forests of Siberia. Or maybe they are sailing down the Volga past the river pirates to trade with the Sophy (King of Persia), or maybe you're seeking to have the English build a trade entrepot on the northern edge of Siberia in order to sell the magnificent furs of sables on the markets of Europe without letting the Poles and Sweds getting all the profits.

Basically, a Russia with politics more like Renaissance Italy.
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Last edited by Astromancer; 04-29-2024 at 05:50 PM.
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Old 05-03-2024, 01:34 AM   #6477
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
While I have little doubt that the political elites of Thailand strongly favored Japan in WWII, in fact they made multiple statements to that effect. In the parallel I've set up, where Anna actually understands King Mongkut as well as she thought she did in our world, the Thai political elites have a clearer sense of the situation. They realize that a Japanese victory is unlikely. So, although they strongly favor Japan, they remain neutral and work to convince the Western allies they are on their side.

Basically, the Thai political elites chose to come out of the general crisis intact. It is not unlike similar choices made by Sweden, Turkey, Ireland, Spain, and Switzerland. Now of this list, only Turkey came chose to true neutrality. Sweden and Ireland favored the allies but needed to stay out to survive. Spain favored the Axis, but couldn't lose American grain imports. Switzerland deeply feared Germany and didn't want to be annexed. All these nations wanted to stay out of WWII for survival's sake.

Thailand in Homeline history did ally (weakly) with Japan. But in this parallel they've a better sense of their own interests.
While Thai diplomats could swear to the Allies that they're not on Japan's side, the situation on the ground would be that they were, just based on geography and Imperial Japan's dominance of the region. And the Allies probably wouldn't give the diplomats much credence, given white man's views of Asians at the time.

It kind of seems like things would happen the same way they did on Homeline/IRL, Thailand an anti-communist monarchy/U.S. ally after WWII. Only if it affected outside states, such as French Indochina/Vietnam, would it have any serious ripples, enough to make it a different parallel.

The idea of a stronger Thailand causing things like an anti-communist Vietnam and/or continued USSR-Maoist China alliance would also be neat in a 'changes not coming from where you thought they would' in Homeline eyes.

And would cause all sorts of issues with Homeline Southeast Asia interfering in Infinity's work - while the I-Cops would need their help, not having the level of southeast Asian agents/speakers that it would have of Chinese or Indian (to say nothing of European). Homeline Bangkok would be an enthusiastic backer of this world's strong Thailand (though there might be issues if it's a different set of monarchs than Homeline), while Homeline Hanoi would be furious about a royal Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Infinity is really just worried about the USSR-Maoist China alliance starting nuclear WWIII...
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Old 05-04-2024, 04:37 PM   #6478
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Aftermath-3 is parallel that uses a now discarded code. The other Aftermath worlds were recataloged.
So there is no Aftermath 1 or 2. Aftermath-3 was mainly ignored and quarantined until recently.

When first discovered Aftermath-3 seemed to be a fairly normal close parallel to Homeline. It had several minor twists in its history. The fact that King Arthur seems to have been real and highly important was the most glamorous twist. The fact that the parallel's technology had improved more quickly during the 20th century was seen as the most important variation. In 1969, the year of Aftermath-3's moon landing, Aftermath-3 was TL8.

However this TL8, low mana Q5 parallel, then had a plague outbreak that wiped out 90% of the human population. The local, 2024 is fifty-five years after the disaster. The world is generally Tech Level five with isolated pockets of Tech Levels 6 and 7. Or that was how it was seen. Just a plague worlds with little of interest.

However, coming out of a vast bunker complex in California is a Tech Level 8^ society led by telepaths. Normally this would lead to tighter quarantine regulation. However, various groups of outtime criminal groups are using the ruins of this parallel's San Francisco as a base of operations. Many of these criminals have been caught by the telepaths. The Secret is in danger of being discovered by telepaths with a hidden base.


Actually it's worse than that. The leader of the telepaths is a Supervillain from a parallel close to Homeline but off at a paraspatial angle that Homeline is unaware of. The supervillain, who is planning on getting out of being a supervillain (at least as he sees it), is aware of the multiplicity of worlds. He wants Homeline, whom he assumes is represented by the thugs his people have captured to leave this parallel.

The leader of the telepaths is trying to build an ideal society. It was his many attempts to get rid of his world's present society to replace it with a utopia of his own design that has him fighting superheroes in the first place.

Having discovered a parallel were society had collapsed, he came here to build a Utopia. Doctor Utopia, the supervillain, has built a highly advanced and comfortable city. He has used his cloning factory to populate it, and his skills in magic to find lost souls to inhabit the clones, modifying their memories to believe that they were raised in the city and led by Doctor Utopia.

Doctor Utopia has never been this close to his dreams. He'll do what it takes to defend his vision.

Assume that Doctor Utopia combines the templates of the Archetype, the Renaissance Man, and the Superwizard into one 4500 character point package. He's a deus ex machina not someone the PCs fight.
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Ancora Imparo

Last edited by Astromancer; 05-04-2024 at 07:06 PM.
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Old 05-04-2024, 05:51 PM   #6479
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by Astromancer View Post
Actually it's worse than that. The leader of the telepaths is a Supervillain from a parallel close to Homeline but off at a paraspatial angle that Homeline is unaware of. The supervillain, who is planning on getting out of being a supervillain (at least as he sees it), is aware of the multiplicity of worlds. He wants Homeline, whom he assumes is represented by the thugs his people have captured to leave this parallel.
Worse? Better? I dunno. I rather like that ambiguity - this guy genuinely wants to make the world "better", in a way that arguably really is better than it currently is, is a "threat" to the secret only because he knew it already, and isn't much interested in doing anything with that knowledge he hadn't already started, and has got an entirely logical reason to think Homeliners are undesirable scum, because he's met a bunch of them who are. Do the PCs really even have any legitimate justification for opposing him? Could they maybe even make a deal?

And then there's the question of what about his old enemies, the "heroes" of his original world who might possibly stumble on the Secret themselves in their effort to find out what happened to him.
MA Lloyd

Last edited by malloyd; 05-04-2024 at 05:55 PM.
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Old 05-04-2024, 07:03 PM   #6480
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
Worse? Better? I dunno. I rather like that ambiguity - this guy genuinely wants to make the world "better", in a way that arguably really is better than it currently is, is a "threat" to the secret only because he knew it already, and isn't much interested in doing anything with that knowledge he hadn't already started, and has got an entirely logical reason to think Homeliners are undesirable scum, because he's met a bunch of them who are. Do the PCs really even have any legitimate justification for opposing him? Could they maybe even make a deal?

And then there's the question of what about his old enemies, the "heroes" of his original world who might possibly stumble on the Secret themselves in their effort to find out what happened to him.
You're already coming up with cool angles.

Blundering into trouble is a common problem for explorers, just ask Magellan or Captain Cook.
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