Re: (IC) Lost In Dreams [Peter]
"I don't know what the other choice might be yet, I'm just getting the hang of things around here. Can you explain what you mean by your 'balance'? How does this work? Does an 'offering' have to die? You say it's a someone... is there a ritual? Is there a way you can be sure you stay in balance? You say the village is safe, buit what happens when you go out of balance and there are no bad guys around? I think we should talk to your brother. If you can convince him that I am one of these cursed people but I'm okay, he should be able to accept you."
Peter thinks about the bringing him back part... He has no idea, but wonders about if the source of the magic can somehow be transplanted so that he was fueled by the light instead of the black flame of Kailasol.