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Old 08-25-2020, 09:34 PM   #11
Hero of Democracy
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: far from the ocean
Default Re: DreadStormers [IC]

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Well, on one hand, the food store on 19 is pretty isolated. On the other, it would be pretty silly to waste an otherwise perfectly good store of food because the door is stuck.
Huh, food on deck 19 is pretty isolated. But it still has multiple doors, and they will get the door unstuck eventually.

Floor 19: Staged Collapse: toss all the flour out of the boxes and then cause all the shelving to collapse.
Interesting... That's going to be tons of flour. We're talking about enough grain to feed 700 men for a month on just flour. Thats 21,000 man-days of food-stuff, or around 10.5 tons. You've also got some pasta to take care of while you're at it. Its not an impossibly large job, but it will take some good hard work.

Floor 18: Flood Food Storage: if the flour box sets are water permeable, then it should be just a matter of keeping the door open and pumping the water in.
There will be a water-resistant lining on the boxes. That's standard food storage. The packaging would need to be compromised first.

Floor 17: Arson: in a high traffic area (there's an elevator there), it's probably best to do something that won't take a real long time.

Could I use Observation or something to check whether there's a higher degree of fire suppression, at least near the food stores?
Traps to analyze the fire suppression, Observation to not look like you are observing.
Be helpful, not pedantic

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