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Old 08-23-2011, 06:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Default Deceased gamer/sci-fi/fantasy/WWII afficianado's massive collection for sale

I signed on here with the hope of spreading the word among collectors about a massive collection of items that is for sale.

A friend who died last year acquired hundreds of board games, role-playing games, associated publications, scale miniatures, Star Wars toys and figures (from the 1970's and 1980's), Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Buck Rogers, and all sorts of military and sci-fi/fantasy collectibles during his too-short lifetime.

He was a World War II enthusiast and acquired hundreds of books and die-cast scale replicas.

He searched for and completed a full run of Analog, plus he amassed an amazing array of other books and serial publications.

And computer games. He had dozens of original CD's that only need their outer cellophane wrapper to look brand-new.

I don't know for sure, but I'd guess he had everything ever published by or about Steve Jackson games.

My friend was extremely obsessive about maintaining everything in pristine condition.

And now, with great sadness, my friend's sister/estate administrator is selling everything.

I'm assisting her with this adventure.

We have absolutely no interest whatsoever in putting each item on eBay or a similar on-line venue. We want to sell everything to collectors, efficiently, for a fair price, by the end of 2011 if possible.

We are familiar with the requirements of international shipping and money transfers, so we are not limiting this to U. S. collectors.

A very small selection of items is shown in photos at

If you have a serious inquiry about the items, please contact me by e-mail.
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Old 08-24-2011, 12:52 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2011
Default Re: Deceased gamer/sci-fi/fantasy/WWII afficianado's massive collection for sale

Note -- this is a TINY selection of the items. Several have written asking about items not in the photos. If you have specific games or things you're searching for, write. I can look at the shelves and see if the items are there.

Bear with me please, though, because this is not an area where I have any background.
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fantasy, games, miniatures, sci-fi, star wars

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