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Old 11-02-2024, 12:00 AM   #1
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Default November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

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Old 11-02-2024, 12:35 AM   #2
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Default Re: November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

It's got to be the Zombie Dice 3 expansion (or is it just "School Bus"?) and the base Zombie Dice game, right?

Unless you're secretly playtesting Zymurgy: The Game of Dueling Vintners or something alphabetically similar.
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Old 11-02-2024, 02:54 AM   #3
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Default Re: November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Unless you're secretly playtesting Zymurgy: The Game of Dueling Vintners or something alphabetically similar.
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Old 11-02-2024, 09:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
Unless you're secretly playtesting Zymurgy: The Game of Dueling Vintners or something alphabetically similar.
Now I really want to know what this game looks like.

At first blush this sounds like a natural for a worker placement game. But SJG isn't exactly known for those and mixing it up might not be a bad idea. So, what kind of game is Z:tGoDV? Is it a city- (or at least vineyard-) building with elements of area control? Quick party game played in rounds where everyone bar the winner (or loser) has to drink a glass of whatever seems (in)appropriate?
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Old 11-04-2024, 07:58 AM   #5
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Default Re: November 2, 2024: Trivia Question: Omega?

--Dons software developer hat--

Generally speaking, numbers are placed before letters when sorting alphabetically. Depending on the font and character used though, dashes are often (but not always) the same as a minus sign and get placed before numbers (character 45 in ASCII). But there is also the Unicode dash (character 2012) which comes after the letters.

There's also the issue of how you place the text below the initial title though. Is it separate from the title or not? In the case of Zombie Dice Horde Edition and Deluxe, I'd argue that it is, as without it you can't distinguish the product from the standard version of the game.

Essentially, the answer is going to vary, depending on how you answer the above for doing the sorting.

So... if we're talking a straight ASCII sorting where the dash is a
minus sign, Zombie Dice Horde Edition is the winner for both questions. If it is using the Unicode dash, Z-Shot is going to sort later and be the last item alphabetically, with Zombie Dice Horde Edition being the last complete game.

--Software developer hat off--

As the original question indicates two, I suspect that Steven is indicating Z-Shot and Zombie Dice Horde Edition.
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Last edited by Magesmiley; 11-05-2024 at 06:29 AM.
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