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Old 03-14-2020, 06:43 PM   #431
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
One question with Brainiac: Are you going the Coluan humanoid (Vril Dox) or the Coluan-built humanoid-robot computer (that thought it was/assumed the identity of Vril Dox when interacting with others)? (I'm not quite sure which one is canon anymore; the one from SuperFriends was the green-skinned Coluan.)
Actually, the green-skinned Coluan appeared only in Brainiac's first appearance, which I might add was likely on Earth-Two-A. All other appearances (including the SuperFriends one, which was in Earth-Thirty-Two) were the humanoid-robot computer version.
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Old 03-14-2020, 07:04 PM   #432
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

And yet the Brainiac I was remembering just wanted some pants!

(Yes, I know that clip is a tongue-in-cheek parody, but that's the Brainiac I remember from watching Superfriends as a kid.)
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Last edited by Phantasm; 03-14-2020 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 03-14-2020, 08:44 PM   #433
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by maximara View Post
Actually, the green-skinned Coluan appeared only in Brainiac's first appearance, which I might add was likely on Earth-Two-A. All other appearances (including the SuperFriends one, which was in Earth-Thirty-Two) were the humanoid-robot computer version.
I'm not so sure about that (Either which Earth it was, or how far into his appearances the first big retcon was), and even the article that you linked to isn't sure if that was on Earth Two-A.
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Old 03-14-2020, 10:20 PM   #434
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by maximara View Post
Actually, the green-skinned Coluan appeared only in Brainiac's first appearance, which I might add was likely on Earth-Two-A. All other appearances (including the SuperFriends one, which was in Earth-Thirty-Two) were the humanoid-robot computer version.
Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
And yet the Brainiac I was remembering just wanted some pants!

(Yes, I know that clip is a tongue-in-cheek parody, but that's the Brainiac I remember from watching Superfriends as a kid.)
Brainiac only briefly looked like a robot in the comics. Even when he has a robotic/cybernetic body like in my version, he's had the appearance of a green skinned humanoid.
My Brainiac has an artificial body, but it's not necessarily a strictly metallic one--there are alien biological cloned components, etc...The important thing is, it lacks many of the vulnerabilities of a living body and he can always build a new (and different) one to fit his purposes if it's destroyed.
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Old 03-21-2020, 08:48 PM   #435
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Villain: Toyman
Alias: Winslow Schott
Affiliations: Secret Society, Intergang
Notable Enemies: Superman

Winslow Schott seemed to the world to be an ordinary middle-aged married man, albeit an unusually gifted maker and designer of children's toys, until the day his wife died in a car accident.

Except, that's what happened at all. It wasn't an accident, and it wasn't his wife. She had been murdered by Walter Dunhill, an arms manufacturer who saw the true potential in Schott's toy technology. And "Mary" as Schott's "wife" was called was actually an android Schott had convinced himself was real.

The truth is, Winslow Schott had been dangerously unhinged all along. His response to Mary's death was to send a bomb-bearing robotic teddy bear to kill Walter Dunhill. This launched his career as the crazed supervillain, Toyman.

As Toyman, Schott makes use of robots, vehicles, and weapons designed to look like (often life-sized or giant) versions of classic childrens toys. He also makes use of robotic copies of himself as lab assistants and decoys.

He followed up his successful assassination of Dunhill with an attempt on the life of Lex Luthor, who owned Dunhills arms company. Superman stopped him.

Since then, Toyman's mental health has gone steadily down hill.

Toyman's obsession with Toys stems from a firm belief in the innocence and superiority of children. A fact that causes him to sometimes kidnapp children to be his "friends." On one notable occassion, he murdered a number of children he had kidnapped when they tried to escape, including the yong son of Daily Planet columnist Cat Grant.

Toyman will sometimes work with or for other supervillains (including unwittingly assisting Intergang for a time), but he is most dangerous when he is following his own deranged agenda.

He's not a personal threat--just an overweight, middle-aged, non-combatant. But his toys can be incredibly dangerous and are often capable of carrying off his nepharious plans entirely in his absence. If Superman encounters exploding Teddy Bears and life-sized toy soldiers with real guns, it's a sure bet Toyman is responsible, but that doesn't mean he will be near by or easy to find.
Name: Toyman AKA Winslow Schott
Race: Human

Attributes [80]
ST 9 [-10]
DX 10
IQ 16 [120]
HT 10

HP 9
Will 13 [-15]
Per 13 [-15]
FP 10

Basic Lift 16
Damage 1d-2/1d-1

Basic Speed 5
Basic Move 5

Ground Move 5
Water Move 1

Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native) [0].

Advantages [1385]
Ally (Android Copies of himself) (100% of starting points) (12 or less; Group Size (6-10); Minion; Special Abilities) [120]
Artificer (4) [40]
Gadgeteer [25]
Modular Abilities (Other Gadgets) (Gadgets: 8 Hours to Reconfigure; Per point of abilities (+200); Physical Only) [400]
Modular Abilities (Robotic Allies) (Gadgets: 8 Hours to Reconfigure; Per point of abilities (+400); Trait Limited: One specific trait ((Allies))) [800]

Disadvantages [-91]
Compulsive Behavior (Kidnapping Children) (12 or less) [-15]
Delusion (Nobody over the age of 17 can be trusted.) (Major) [-10]
Delusion (Some of my Androids are real people who love me back.) (Minor) [-5]
Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]
Overweight [-1]
Paranoia [-10]
Phantom Voices (Diabolical) [-15]
Reputation (Kidnapper, Serial Killer, Terrorist, Mad-Man) (-4) (All the time; Almost everyone) [-20]
Trademark (Toys and Dolls ) (Simple) [-5]
Unfit [-5]

Quirks [-1]
Imaginative [-1]

Skills [95]
Area Knowledge (Metropolis) IQ/E - IQ+0 16 [1]
Carpentry IQ/E - IQ+4 20 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+0 16 [4]
Computer Hacking/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ+0 16 [8]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 16 [1]
Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+4 20 [20]
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) IQ/E - IQ+0 16 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Scientific) IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Clockwork) IQ/H - IQ+3 19 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Engineer/TL8 (Missile Weapons) IQ/H - IQ+3 19 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Engineer/TL8 (Robotics) IQ/H - IQ+6 22 [12]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) IQ/A - IQ+3 19 [12]
Explosives/TL8 (Fireworks) IQ/A - IQ+0 16 [1]
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ+0 16 [4]
Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+0 16 [4]
Physics/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ-1 15 [4]
Sewing/TL8 DX/E - DX+2 12 [4]
Smith/TL8 (Copper) IQ/A - IQ+3 19 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Smith/TL8 (Iron) IQ/A - IQ+3 19 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Artificer'
Traps/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+3 19 [12]

Stats [80] Ads [1385] Disads [-91] Quirks [-1] Skills [95] = Total [1468]
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Old 03-21-2020, 09:25 PM   #436
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Villainous Affilliation: Intergang

Intergang is an international organized crime syndicate (their name is an ironic reversal of "Interpol"). Their membership is composed of run-of-the-mill mobsters, gangsters, and career criminals, but what makes Intergang far more dangerous than your average gang is their equipment. Intergang has acccess to incredibly advanced (TL 11 & 12) ultra-tech weaponry and tools that they use in their crimes.

The truth is, Intergang is a front on earth for Darkseid and the New Gods of Apokolips--part of his grand plan to sew chaos and disorder throughout the universe while searching for the anti-life equation. At this point in the continuity, only a few members of their leadership (including Bruno Manheim) are aware of that connection.

For the most part, Intergang participates in fairly mundane crimes designed to enrich its membership, albeit using unusual means.

While Intergang has long been associated with Metropolis and Superman, it is truly international and also has operations in Gotham and elsewhere. It has recently spawned a fanatical splinter-group, the cult known as "The Religion of Crime," which is somewhat fixated on Batwoman as a central figure in some of their prophecies.

Notable Members: Bruno Manheim, Johnny Stitches

Notable Associates: Darkseid, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, The Religion of Crime (including, at times, Vandal Savage).

The typical intergang member is built as a relatively low-point total character, but with the following advantages:

Ally Group (Intergang Members 6-10, Equal Point Value, 12 or Less) [60]

Patron (Apocolips: A Giant Multinational Organization [30], Secret -50%, Grants Equipment Beyond Starting Wealth +100%, Grants Special Powers +100%, Possesses Equipment from Greater TL +100%) [105]
Additionally, any intergang cell will have at least one piece of Apokoliptic equipment specifically designed for their current job. If they're expecting to face Superman or another hero, every member might be armed with a different Apokoliptic weapon.

There is standard equipment for Intergang, each encounter is bound to feature complete different Apokoliptan devices (although Boomtubes are the most frequent recurring piece of gear.)

This equipment may either be taken from Ultra-Tech (Apokolips is TL 12, with TL 11 equipment widely available), or it can by built as an advantage with appropriate Gadget Limitations and Granted by Patron -40% (Any Apokoliptan can deactivate these devices at any time for any reason, without having to be physically present).
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Old 03-23-2020, 10:25 AM   #437
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

One of the questions asked is which is your favourite Joker. For me I like all of them.

Is it possible to make a Joker template with a split personality where the Joker changes personalities reflecting the Actors.

1. Cesar Romero: Child like pranks and over the top performances
2. Jack Nicholson: The narcissist, every thing, no matter how frivolousness is about him
3. Heath Ledger: The Nihilist, wanting to prove futility
4. Jared Leto: The psychotic, does the rounds, collects his money, keeps his his
5. Joaquin Phoenix: The Loner, self loathing, takes his loathing out on others

If you include Hamil's animated Joker

Also what is the difference between Super Girl and Power Girl apart from being from different universes, with the only notable element is that PG does not have a K weakness?
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Old 03-23-2020, 10:46 AM   #438
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by smurf View Post
Also what is the difference between Super Girl and Power Girl apart from being from different universes, with the only notable element is that PG does not have a K weakness?
Well, Supergirl is a teenager, while Power Girl is in her mid 20s to mid 30s.

Also, Power Girl is much more *ahem* developed than Supergirl will ever be, due to various in-universe and out-of-universe reasons (most notably an artist deciding to find out how large he could draw her chest before it got commented on, doing so incrementally over several years of monthly comics).

I also seem to recall at some point Power Girl didn't have the Kryptonian vision powers, but I'm iffy on when that was (probably the initial Post-Crisis era after they "established" her as the granddaughter of Arion, supreme sorcerer of pre-deluvian Atlantis
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

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Old 03-23-2020, 12:02 PM   #439
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Power Girl has much much larger... tracts of land.
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Old 03-24-2020, 06:43 AM   #440
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Default Re: [SUPERS] My Unofficial Handbook to the DC Universe

Originally Posted by smurf View Post
One of the questions asked is which is your favourite Joker. For me I like all of them.

Is it possible to make a Joker template with a split personality where the Joker changes personalities reflecting the Actors.

1. Cesar Romero: Child like pranks and over the top performances
2. Jack Nicholson: The narcissist, every thing, no matter how frivolousness is about him
3. Heath Ledger: The Nihilist, wanting to prove futility
4. Jared Leto: The psychotic, does the rounds, collects his money, keeps his his
5. Joaquin Phoenix: The Loner, self loathing, takes his loathing out on others

If you include Hamil's animated Joker
Mark Hamil is absolutely my Joker. The character I created in these threads is based on him and, of course, the Joker of the comic books (particularly the post-Crisis, pre-New 52 version--which is the era all of these characters are based on.)

Heath Ledger is a close second, though I tend to think of that Joker as separate and distinct from the Joker of the comics, whereas the animated Joker is more or less the same guy.

I enjoyed the Joaquin Phoenix Joker, but he's not The Joker to me. My head canon is that he is actually one of the inspirations for the much younger psychopath that will become the real Joker.

[EDIT] I realize I didn't answer your actual question. You absolutely could make a Multiple-personality Joker, and that would fit several comic writers interpretations of him--in particular, I think it was Grant Morrison who said Joker wasn't insane but actually Hyper-Sane and able to change his own personality and interpretation of reality on a whim.

Originally Posted by smurf View Post
Also what is the difference between Super Girl and Power Girl apart from being from different universes, with the only notable element is that PG does not have a K weakness?
Other people mentioned the, ahem, physical differences. There are psychological differences, too.
Power Girl, having been on earth for about a decade longer, has gone through a lot of unique experiences that will be different from Supergirl's. Not least of which is waking up one day in a new Universe where none of your friends know who you are. They're like twins separated at birth and further separated by time.

Last edited by aesir23; 03-24-2020 at 06:48 AM.
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