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Old 09-26-2024, 02:21 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default modifying the rules

So, I've been thinking of starting a campaign at some point in the future. I ran a brief one about 7 years ago and that was my main experience with In Nomine.

But, I'm thinking of changing some rules.

The books indicate that one must the Sorcery Attunement to practice sorcery. One must have 6 forces for such an Attunement to be attached to the individual. And, having 6 forces is also the requirement for being able to perform songs. But, Songs are so much better than sorcery. It does not seem to make sense to give the Sorcery Attunement to a human when they could simply be taught a variety of Songs.

[side note: I am assuming that any Attunement can only be attached to a being of 6 or more forces even though I did not see that specified in any book.]

However, I do like the idea of having sorcery in the game-world. So, I'm thinking of changing the rules such that an Attunement can be attached to a human of only 5 forces. The Attunement would be the only way that a 5-forcer could intentionally control their Essence.

Does that seem like a game-breaking change?
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