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Old 06-06-2020, 03:25 AM   #71
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 24 (2020-05-31)

Lord Mir sent Lunari to fetch Pak and Groman, and Xipil added that I have a demon named Gritt inside me. I explained that I have the situation under control. Yana camouflaged the crown well, for when Pak and Groman arrived, Pak had to feel the scarf to check if I wore the crown, still. Groman claimed that I had become a prison for Gritt. He explained that long ago, before the last cataclysm, there had been someone called the “seven immortals”, leaders of armies. They might once have been normal mortals, but at a certain time, they’d shed their mortality and transcended to something more. Gritt was one of them, and very dangerous. As he wasn’t welcome in the realm of the dead, Tivito wanted him locked up for eternity. The seven immortals were to be buried in crypts near already ancient stone circles, but from what Groman knew, some of them might not be. He showed us where the stone circles were marked on our map.

Groman thought that as long as I was myself, everything should be fine. Xipil mentioned that Krull knows about Gritt, and Lord Mir asked if we were willing to transport a precious cargo far away from here. We assumed he was talking about Krull, and Xipil said that Krull wouldn’t come with us while I carried Gritt.

Lord Mir concluded the meeting, taking Pak and Groman outside, and saying that he had promised that Nulius could have some words with us in private. Nulius came back inside, and told us he hoped we hadn’t put ideas into Lord Mir’s head. He said that Lord Mir had Zeta’s skill in battle. Xipil asked who that was. From Nulius’s reverent explanation, Zeta seemed almost like a god, but was at least a legendary general. Nulius also said that Lord Mir – he called him Imirel – had bragged that his father had an orcish ally, and in that case, it was just as well that said father was senile. Nulius advised us not to ally with barbarians.

Nulius was certain that with Lord Mir, Arland might restore its lost greatness. He claimed that Lord Mir was Lord Madan’s only son, the only one who could bring the blood forward. The Aldera family was the only noble house in Arland as old as the royal family, and Nulius didn’t have much respect for the other houses.

Grogg sent Kraa after his pouch when Nulius left. Xipil, Lunari and Grogg left, too, and Groman came and joined me. He took the nearest chair, but pulled it a little bit away from me. I asked if he wanted to find a food cellar, but he didn’t think this was the right time, so I left. He followed me back to my room. I intended to go to bed, and Groman asked if I minded leaving the door ajar. I told him that I did mind, but that he could come inside if he wanted. I hadn’t expected him to take me up on it, and he seemed as uncomfortable as I felt.

Groman took a chair and faced the wall, giving me a semblance of privacy as I brushed my teeth, removed the makeup and got ready for bed. I thought his ears peaked when I uttered my evening prayer; at least someone was listening, I thought bitterly. I made sure he didn’t sneak a peek while I undressed and slipped under the covers.

O Ashtar! I surrender my life to Your coils. Take me while I sleep, or grant me another day in Your service, as You will.

After a while, someone knocked on the door, and Groman shuffled hurriedly out of the room, joining Xipil, Pak and Grogg outside. I asked them to close the door, and Xipil obliged. I still heard Grogg saying that he would accompany Xipil to the chapel. I burst out of bed and ran to the door, calling after Xipil. He came back, and I told him to make sure Grogg acted respectfully. He assured me he would.

Thinking about Grogg, the infidel, being allowed inside Your temple while I was denied, I cried myself to sleep.

13th of Rama, year 412

O Ashtar, Mother of Snakes, Keeper of Death’s Door, hear my confession!

I went to have breakfast. Grogg was there, holding up food for Kraa. I preached Your gospel. Lunari arrived, but left again when he saw me. Groman and Pak came in just after he was gone, asking after Xipil. Grogg went and fetched both Xipil and Lunari.

Pak tripped eagerly from foot to foot. Groman looked ready to fall asleep, but Pak made him do the talking when the others came in. Groman pulled out a map and pointed to a symbol, saying he would like to know who drew it there. It marked the location of a place that had been left in a hurry, which made him think that there might be forgotten knowledge left behind. Pak and he had planned to go, but something had come up, and the expedition was postponed and ultimately abandoned. Groman hoped that there might be books there, discussing topics that Tivito had acquired a monopoly on. It had to do with spirits or demons, I gathered.

Last night, Xipil and Lunari found a secret room with old, occult books locked away in a tower. As soon as he heard about it, Lord Mir forbade anyone from going there, and now Pak asked us to convince the nobleman to reopen the tower.

Lunari asked for writing utensils and retreated to his room. Xipil filled me in on the details of their discovery. He also relayed that Nujan had claimed that cats were immune to demonic possession. It sounded like something Nujan would say; he has only a passing acquaintance with the truth.
You don't need to spend 100 CP on Status 5 [25] and Multimillionaire [75] to feel like a princess, when Delusion [-10] will do. Or, you can run so far away that Status and Wealth don't apply anymore...

Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-10-2020, 10:56 AM   #72
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Re: Campaign Log: Confessions of a Forked Tongue

The next installment (session 25) is laden with emotion. I realized after writing it that some of Nuur-Karif's thoughts may come across as homophobic when taken out of context, so please don't do that. Remember that she lived a very secluded life in Ashtar's cult for most of her ~ 19 years, and that she's only been exposed to the real world in short glimpses, until a few months ago. She hasn't encountered openly gay people before, and hasn't yet realized that it is possible to have a romantic relationship with someone of the same gender. That she thinks of it as laughable, ridiculous or even offensive, is only because she hasn't accepted the physical possibility of it.

I try not to offend anyone with my writing, but at the same time, I try to stay true to Nuur-Karif's character.

On a lighter note, Xipil's player tells me he's going to make a separate thread with Xipil's story. I'll link to it when he publishes.
You don't need to spend 100 CP on Status 5 [25] and Multimillionaire [75] to feel like a princess, when Delusion [-10] will do. Or, you can run so far away that Status and Wealth don't apply anymore...

Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-10-2020, 11:19 AM   #73
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 25 (2020-06-06)

13th of Rama, year 412 (continued)

I thought about what Nulius had said, that Lord Mir was the only true heir of Lord Madan. It struck me as odd that I had seen no pictures of Lady Varja anywhere, but then I remembered seeing one in Lady Isa’ s room. Lady Isa had Lady Varja’s features, so it seemed reasonable to assume they were mother and daughter. Perhaps Lord Mir and Lady Isa were half-siblings? I guessed that would be the case of Lord Mir and Lord Lunas, too. Actually, Nulius had said that Lord Mir was Lord Madan’s only son. Well, I knew for a fact that Lord Lunas wasn’t Lady Lunas in disguise.

Yana burst into the dining hall with a pile of clothes in her hands and a wide grin on her face. She was wearing a simple, yet well-made and practical dress of pastel colors – green and yellow, today, its pockets filled with the tools of her trade: scissors, measuring tape and so on. Her pincushion was affixed to her left wrist as usual. Yana had completed everyone’s disguises, and handed them out to Xipil, Grogg and me. Xipil put his new clothes on immediately, not at all concerned about flaunting his nakedness in front of everyone. Being ashamed of nudity is a thing of mammals, he would say. I looked at Yana, visualizing her without her dress. My mind’s eye saw a shapely figure, slender and long-limbed, about my height, her almost black hair dancing about her shoulders with a reddish sheen. Her skin was light brown, golden and smooth as silk. She caught my eyes, and I blushed furiously.

Yana sat down and the two of us started talking about clothes and makeup, as we’re wont to do. I quickly forgot my embarrassment. Before coming to the Evening Fort, I hadn’t had much interest for the topic of clothes, but Yana was so skilled, so knowledgeable, so enthusiastic, it was contagious. She didn’t look that much older than me, maybe twenty-five, but I bet she started sewing before I was born.

We talked for some time about unimportant matters, before Yana asked what I was planning to do. I was hoping to find a way back to You, some method of ridding myself of the demon inside, but I didn’t want to scare her, so I said I didn’t know. Yana said she wanted to come with me when I left. “I’d love to have you along,” I replied, “but are you sure? There will be dangers along the road.” Yana was certain, but she dreaded the talk she would have to have with Remi, and asked if I would talk to him in her stead. I told her it was the least I could do; she had been so helpful.

After a while, I realized that Grogg and Xipil had vanished. I didn’t care. I could talk to Yana all day. I told her about You, and she listened attentively. Yana announced suddenly that we had to leave, that we needed to get away from here. I asked her what was behind her urgency, and she replied that this wasn’t the right place for me to be. She thought that my place was somewhere to the north.

At that point, Xipil reappeared, and Yana went back to talking about clothes. Xipil informed us that Remi had forbidden us from loitering around the inner courtyard, and Yana opined that Remi also had realized that we had to go. I explained to Xipil that Yana had told me we had to go north. Xipil replied that Krull also thought so.

Yana whispered a question in my ear. Could we trust Xipil? “Of course, we can”, I responded. Xipil went to consult Krull again, leaving Yana and me to resume our conversation about fashion.

Lunch was served, and Xipil came back. I asked him what Krull had said, and he tried to send Yana away. Yana looked at me, and I told her I needed a word with Xipil in private. The hurt look in her eyes tore at my soul. Yana went outside, but appeared at one of the windows, staring at me while I talked to Xipil. Xipil thought that the crown had affected Yana, for Krull had said that Gritt wanted to go north, which we had to prevent. Krull wanted to go north himself, to the Night Mirror, a mystical lake in Orkheim. Xipil hoped that Pak and Groman could find a solution to my Gritt problem, and in the meantime, we should keep me and the crown isolated. I asked Xipil to contact Pak and Groman, but he didn’t want to, because Remi didn’t want us in the inner courtyard. Instead, Xipil said he could go to Your priestess in Guling, once the land bridge appeared at sunset. She might have advice for us. It would be best if I remained behind on the island, as there would be fewer people here for Gritt to influence.

Xipil’s words rang true. I feared that Gritt had done something to Yana. Xipil suggested I tell her that I was retiring to my room to pray, alone, and suggested that I ask the servants for a key, so I could lock myself in. A quick question to the servants revealed that Lunari had received keys to all our rooms. I could retrieve my key from him.

I went over to the window to talk to Yana, intending to reveal my fears, but I realized we could be overheard, and I didn’t want Gritt to become public knowledge among the servants, so I invited Yana to come to my room, where we could talk privately.

I told Yana I had a demon inside me, and that I was afraid it was influencing her to encourage me to go north. Yana took my hands, and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were radiant jewels. Golden near the pupils, her irises had an emerald ring along the outer edge. She glowed with compassion, and pulled me into a hug. She stroked my back and my hair comfortingly, and then she grabbed my bottom. My eyes widened in surprise. “Eep!” What did she think she was doing? This was awkward! But she was such a nice person, I didn’t want to throw her out and break her heart.

My yelp caused her to release her grip, and I tried to step backwards, but she followed, her hands returning to my back, making their way slowly up and down, comforting again. My head was spinning, but I relaxed, not realizing that she was undoing the buttons on my dress. When she moved to pull the dress off my shoulders, the cold air against my back made me retreat in panic, and I tripped over the edge of the gigantic, luxurious bed. Yana untied my belt and straddled me before I could think.

She caressed me, leaving trails of goosebumps where her hands had touched my bare skin, and I moved to push her away, but Yana guided my hands, and they gained a mind of their own, mimicking her moves and fondling her through her dress. Yana leaned in and planted her lips on mine, and my head exploded.

“Make them go away!” Yana hissed from under the bed cover, and then someone knocked on the door. It was Xipil, Grogg, Lunari and Nujan. Grogg wanted his magic ring back, so after hiding Yana behind me, still under the bed cover, I raised my voice, allowing Xipil to come inside to retrieve it. Grogg could smell Yana, and after an awkward dialog between me and him, Yana burst from the covers, pulling her dress up from her waist to cover her chest, and fled the room. Lunari told Grogg to restrain her, but Yana dodged and weaved through the crowd at the door. Realizing that my own dress was adorning the floor, I tried to chase them out, but they ignored my outrage, so I hid under the blanket. They talked about contacting someone named Luk to have Yana arrested, and Xipil asked if I wanted to come along. I didn’t reply, and they left. I peeked out from the blanket to see if they had closed the door.

My heart was racing and my mind ablaze. What had just happened? Had I really been seduced? The tables had been turned, it seemed. I had never felt the desire for physical intimacy before. I’ve had more partners than most girls my age, but whenever I’ve slithered into someone’s bed, it has been to further Your goals, to twist their minds so I could complete my holy mission. My body is a weapon, in more ways than one. And now, Yana had taken that weapon and turned it against me. Could I ever trust myself again? Could I ever trust Yana again? What was her motive for doing this? I should be outraged, furious, but I found myself wishing for her to come back, to slide between my legs and do it all over again. A blasphemous thought burned inside my head: Denied Your holy grace, I would find ecstasy elsewhere. I’d ask for forgiveness, but You weren’t listening.

I dressed and left the room. The others were standing in the hallway, about to leave. I asked where we were going, but they wouldn’t let me come. Xipil repeated that he thought Yana was under Gritt’s influence. He asked Grogg to look at me through the magic ring, but Grogg didn’t want to, in case Gritt looked back. Since I wasn’t allowed to come along, I returned to my room, slamming the door.

I heard Grogg’s and Lunari’s voices trail off down the hallway. Xipil was still outside, praying loudly, presumably so I should hear him and follow suit. I knelt down, following his example, and sought solace in the familiar ritual. I eventually calmed down, and heard a small voice in the back of my head, telling me there was something wrong with my friends. I didn’t want to trust that voice. It had become abundantly clear that You weren’t speaking to me, and Your last missive had said that my friends would help me. I feared I knew what name belonged to that voice: Gritt.
You don't need to spend 100 CP on Status 5 [25] and Multimillionaire [75] to feel like a princess, when Delusion [-10] will do. Or, you can run so far away that Status and Wealth don't apply anymore...

Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-10-2020, 12:28 PM   #74
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 25 (2020-06-06)

I opened the door and joined Xipil in the hallway. He told me that he, Lunari and Grogg were going to investigate the tower, where he and Lunari had found that secret room last night, and let me come along, although I had to camouflage the crown, first. It suddenly felt heavy, now that I remembered I was wearing it. I took the scarf Yana had used to hide the crown earlier and wound it carefully around the circlet before resting it on my brow again. The scarf had complemented the fancy, purple gown I had worn to Lord Mir’s get-together, but clashed awfully with the grey pauper’s dress I wore now. I thought about retrieving my everyday dress from Lady Isa. Or I could let her keep it, now that I had received my disguise. Yana could adjust my dress to Lady Isa’s smaller hips and bosom.

The guards at the gate to the inner courtyard scowled at us, but allowed us to enter. We headed for Groman’s and Pak’s rooms, and Lunari asked Grogg to knock on the door. Pak came out, and Lunari informed him that we had received permission to check out the tower. Pak went inside to talk to Groman. I studied my companions, looking for signs of Gritt’s influence. They didn’t look demon-possessed, but they seemed confused concerning the whereabouts of Grogg’s magic needle. Did Pak and Groman have it, or did Grogg?

Pak came with us to the tower. A guard was posted there, and he wouldn’t let us in. He had heard nothing about us being allowed inside. The tower was closed. Lunari convinced him otherwise, though, and the guard opened the door for us, all the while saying that the tower was closed. Inside, Pak told Lunari that Lord Lunas wouldn’t like that he was bewitching his men. Lunari was glowing, I noticed when we entered the relative dark inside. He also smelled strongly of flowers.

Your symbol was on the wall, among other symbols, guiding the way to other chapels, presumably. Lunari asked Pak if he recognized any of the symbols. The troll scholar identified Kabal and Elik among them. While the names sounded familiar, I failed to connect them to anything. Pak thought Ebsalon might know one of the other symbols.

We climbed to the top of the tower, past a Kabal door and an Elik door. The symbol on the Kabal door teased my brain, and I thought to myself that I would like to have a look inside. But first, we searched the room at the top of the tower, where Lunari and Xipil had been last night. Pak instructed us not to touch anything, which we handily ignored. In one drawer lay a few rolled-up paper notes. Lunari picked up one of them, but Pak spotted him and made him put it back. Xipil was fingering a mechanical contraption, and once again, Pak harrumphed.

My emotions were all jumbled up. I didn’t know what to do about Yana, and I couldn’t ask You for help. A careless comment made something break inside me, and I slipped outside when everyone’s backs were turned. I plumped down in the middle of the winding staircase and let the tears flow. I wept silently, not wanting the others to hear. Realizing the cause of my despair, I whispered, “Ashtar! Ashtar! Why have you forsaken me?”

Nujan had remained below, but now he climbed the stairs on silent feet and held out a bottle of liquor and a handkerchief. I drained the whole bottle in one long swallow, then set about drying my eyes. I managed to staunch the flow for a little while, but Nujan made a well-meaning statement that didn’t sit well in my current state. I had just realized that the booze was making me tipsy, which it wouldn’t have done while I still had Your blessing. “It is good to get down from the tower. It brings you closer to Hasshtar,” Nujan offered. I howled in anguish and took off down the stairs. Nujan alerted the others to my flight, and Xipil called for me to wait, but I ignored him. The others followed me all the way back to my room, where I slammed the door in their faces. Xipil asked what was wrong, but I couldn’t muster the strength to reply. Instead, I collapsed on the bed and soaked the pillow.

Once the tears stopped flowing, I retrieved my medicine kit and weighed it in my hands. I made a decision. I opened the door and handed the leather roll to Xipil. “I’m not worthy to keep this.” Xipil accepted the kit reverently, saying he’d take good care of it. He knew it held my holy collection of poisons as well as my healer’s equipment. Xipil convinced me to come with him to see the priestess in Guling tonight. I asked if he had pen and paper for me to borrow, and we fetched it from his room.

I reentered my chamber and composed a letter to Yana. I explained that I thought she was very nice, but that I feared Gritt was clouding her mind, making her want to convince me to go north, thus bringing him to where he wants to be. I wrote down what I knew of the demon, which wasn’t really that much, and ended the letter by blaming Gritt for making things awkward between us, hoping that neither Gritt nor I had hurt her too deeply.

I asked Xipil to deliver the letter. He seemed skeptical, and wanted to know what it said. I let him read it, and he promised to take it to Yana at once. I went back inside my room to think. What use did I have of prayer, when You had made it clear that I was nothing to You?

After a while, Xipil knocked on the door and said it was time for dinner. Would I join him and Nujan? While we were eating, a rotten twig hit the window, making a sticky smear. Xipil and Nujan dashed over to the window to see. Nobody outside was near enough to have thrown it, but more twigs and branches were scattered about the courtyard. Xipil asked a servant about the twig. This was a bad sign, the servant thought, as there was no storm outside to have deposited the wood this way. I remained seated, muttering fatalistically, “What’s a few rotten twigs compared to being spurned by one’s goddess?” Xipil had a bad feeling about it, though, and took Nujan and me along to investigate.

We heard a guttural scream in the distance and picked up the speed. The inner courtyard was strewn with dead wood. Lord Mir and a squad of soldiers stood ready in full battle gear. Xipil explained to them that Lunari, Grogg and Pak was inside the tower, and Lord Mir called out, “Forward, men!” He and his troops stormed up the tower, with Xipil, Nujan, Ebsalon and me following behind. With their heavy armor, the soldiers moved slowly, but I had no interest in overtaking them. Denied Your gifts, I’d be no more use in combat than Yana.

Pak, Groman and Grogg were coming down the stairs, and Lord Mir asked them what was happening in his fort. Pak announced gloomily that Lunari was dead, and I saw that both he and Grogg were pretty beaten up. I should be sad for Lunari, but I had no more tears to cry. My heart was already broken. I had reached my emotional bottom.

Lord Mir looked Pak and Grogg over, and ordered them to find rest, then took Groman back upstairs. Xipil followed. Grogg called for Kraa and whispered something to the spirit raven. Powerless and unworthy, I felt there was nothing I could do. I considered giving Grogg a careful hug, but his expression said no. Pak accepted one, though.

Grogg took Pak, Nujan and me to the dining hall, and Pak sent for someone knowledgeable about first aid, before telling me and Nujan what had happened: Lunari had entered a temple garden inside a large room in the tower, and Pak and Grogg had followed after a while, when they started getting worried. They found Lunari in the center of the garden, where he had just triggered a trap, causing a clay statue to come to life. The statue was clearly hostile, and they tried to get out of the garden when there was a large explosion, and more statues attacked. They killed Lunari and injured Pak and Grogg grievously before the trolls made it out the door.

A servant named Linda appeared with bandages, and both Pak and Grogg insisted the other one should be treated first. Grogg threatened to bash in Pak’s skull unless Linda saw to him first, so she patched up Pak, then Grogg. Her methods were foreign to me. Were they truly unknown, or was this yet another example of Your grace being denied me? I did learn my skills in Your holy temple, after all.

Xipil entered and said we had to hurry if we were to cross the land bridge. I told him I was ready to go; I had my purse at my belt, all I needed for a night in town, at least in my current state. Nujan just nodded. Xipil wanted to fetch his weapons, and asked if he should bring my knives too, but I maintained I wasn’t worthy of them. “Do you mind if I carry your knives?” he asked. I told him to do as he pleased.

While he was gone, a soldier arrived with a letter from Lord Mir, which I wasn’t supposed to open until tomorrow. I showed the sealed envelope to Xipil when he reappeared. We walked towards the land bridge. Glancing at the sun, I realized that we didn’t have to hurry after all. Lord Mir and his soldiers were just mounting up, to the sound of a fanfare, and the nobleman started making a speech. Xipil, Nujan and I reached the land bridge first.
You don't need to spend 100 CP on Status 5 [25] and Multimillionaire [75] to feel like a princess, when Delusion [-10] will do. Or, you can run so far away that Status and Wealth don't apply anymore...

Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-10-2020, 12:45 PM   #75
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 25 (2020-06-06)

The guards there were calling over to the city side, shouting that the wagons and trolls waiting there couldn’t cross yet. It was obvious they didn’t want anyone to block Lord Mir’s entourage. The sun touched the horizon, and the land bridge appeared. Lord Mir had still not arrived, so Xipil, Nujan and I started running. A lone city guard hurried towards us from the Guling side. He had a letter for the Ashtarite, Nuur-Kalif? I corrected him on my name, but refrained from saying I wasn’t an Ashtarite anymore. The guard handed me the letter and said he had promised to forget that name as soon as he had delivered the letter. As that was his only mission on the island, he turned around and ran with us back to Guling, before disappearing into the crowd.

Xipil asked if we should seek out the priestess immediately. I gave him a short “Yes”. Serendipitously, Xipil spotted her in the crowd and walked up to her. Nujan and I moved off to the side, so I wouldn’t stand near so many people. I asked Nujan if he was certain he wanted to be alone with me, but he pointed out that we weren’t far from the townsfolk. We could see Xipil talking to the priestess for a minute or two, and then they approached us. I was glad to see the priestess, but her appearance filled me with dread, too. I asked what was happening, and she said she was going to take over the burden of carrying the crown. I asked if she was sure. She was, but she also wanted me to find her once this was all over. I couldn’t entice her to tell me where she was going, but I understood that Xipil knew. She pulled Xipil aside and talked quietly to him. They returned shortly, and I kneeled in front of the priestess and bent my neck, turning the scarf-covered circlet towards her. Xipil started praying, and the priestess fell to her knees in prayer, too. Then she seized the demon crown from my head and put it on herself. She looked around in confusion, and left.

I looked inside myself, searching my feelings. I had hoped for the comforting sensation of Your sheltering coils, but I felt disappointingly normal. Suddenly, images flashed before my mind’s eye. I saw myself casting spells on Grogg and Lady Isa and I was inflicting fear upon Krull. These were evil deeds that I had unwittingly committed, but my mind saved the worst for last. I was standing in my bedroom, talking to Yana, distracting her with chatter while I directed dark tendrils to seize her mind. Realization dawned on me. I hadn’t lain with Yana. Gritt had. I felt violated and used, and nearly vomited.

Forcing down the bile in my throat, I decided I needed to shed myself of whatever “truths” I had learned after picking up the crown. I thought I could trust the bare facts of what I’d seen or heard, but not the conclusions I’d drawn from them. I had to retrace my reasoning and arrive at new conclusions. Foremost in my mind lay Yana. What did I really know about her, about us? I had felt pleasure, ecstasy even, in our encounter earlier today, but that feeling should be discarded. I hadn’t been myself, and neither had Yana. So, what did I truly know? She was a nice person to be around, and we could talk for hours on end. We haven’t known each other very long, and our talk mostly pertained to clothes, fashion, disguises and makeup. I seemed to recall that Yana had shied away from more intimate topics, like when I invited her to Your chapel. She had asked after Lord Lunas on at least one occasion, out of the blue as far as I could figure out. Could she be harboring secret feelings for the nobleman? Gathering my thoughts, I concluded that we were acquaintances, sharing an interest in clothes and fashion. We enjoyed each other’s company, and I thought we might have become friends, had things been allowed to develop naturally. I feared that my hopes for a friendship were doomed. She’d probably never talk to me again, not after what I’d done. I had to apologize, sending Xipil as my proxy if she wouldn’t hear me out.

Xipil shook me out of my dark thoughts and asked if we should return to the fort. We could go to the chapel. I thought that sounded like a good idea, but Nujan wanted to do a favor for Grogg while he was in Guling. He hoped he’d finish his business before the causeway disappeared again, and ran off.

Lord Mir and his troops came up from the land bridge, and a town crier announced that the Aldera family was answering the call of the king. Once the riders cleared the ramp, Xipil and I walked back over. I told the lizard man what Pak had said about Lunari’s death. Nujan passed us before we reached the fort, heading for Grogg, while Xipil and I made for the chapel.

Outside the tower, a guard told us it was important we knew that the tower was closed. Xipil and I ignored his words, and he made no move to stop us as we entered. We found the wash basins and cleansed ourselves thoroughly. I called inside for permission to enter, speaking in the hissing snake language, but even before the great serpent replied, I felt Your glowing presence welcoming me home for the first time in what seemed like ages. We entered.

The serpent was overjoyed with my return, and we had a long talk, before I had to explain to it that Xipil didn’t understand snake-speech. The snake wrapped itself around me, more than ten meters of bliss, and I hugged it back. I realized I had a few tears left, but these were happy tears.

Xipil reminded me I had to finish my quest concerning the spirits. There were thirty-odd ghosts still unaccounted for. We also had to release Krull from the dungeon, and Xipil informed me that the priestess was going to go to the Night Mirror with Gritt, but that it was imperative that Krull got there first. I flexed my fangs. It felt good.

“We can listen for rumors about ghosts, but it may take some time to track them down,” I said to Xipil, focusing on my quest. Xipil told me that Groman thought the spirits would seek out the other crypts of the immortal ones, and suggested that we go to the one near Ur, because Lady Isa apparently knew a way to get us there fast. We debated whether or not we should bring Grogg. He was badly wounded and needed healing before traveling anywhere, so I thought it wise to have him use the magic needle, in case we wanted him to come with us. I realized I was losing my skepticism towards the needle. I told Xipil that Grogg had proven himself capable. In the interest of honesty and openness, we should tell him that we planned to go on a ghost-busting tour, and ask if he would like to join us. Xipil responded that since Grogg had accompanied us this far, he believed he might want to come along.

I sighed and stood up. The serpent reluctantly let me go. I had to try to talk to Yana, but on the way there, Xipil reminded me that the priestess had instructed us to release Krull. We decided to talk it over with Lady Isa first, but I noticed a commotion at the tailor’s shop. Yana was locked inside her room in the basement, and banged on the door, yelling, “Let me out! I need to follow Nuur-Karif! Open the door!” I ascertained that someone was going for a spare key before approaching the door. I told Yana I was there, but she maintained that I had left. I asked her if she had read the letter I sent, which Xipil had pushed under the door. The banging and shouting stopped as she picked up the letter and read it.

Someone arrived with a key and unlocked the door. Xipil left to check on Grogg, now that the situation was resolved. I pushed open the door and saw Yana looking up from the letter with disbelief in her beautiful eyes. Standing in the doorway, I tried to apologize for what I had put her through. “You’re not here. You’ve left me,” Yana mumbled. Of their own accord, my feet moved into the room and my arms enveloped her in a hug. “No, I’m here, Yana,” I whispered, her name on my tongue sending shivers down my spine. “It seems Gritt still clings to your mind, but I know a cure for that. Come to the chapel. Ashtar can fix anything. A mere demon is no match for the Keeper of Death’s Door!”

Strangely, Yana put on a quick disguise before taking my hand. Fearing she might bolt, running after Gritt, I interweaved my fingers with hers and strengthened my grip. She walked a half-step behind me, making it appear like I was dragging her after me. Yana tensed when the tower guard declared that the tower was closed, but I ignored them both, and pulled her along to the chapel.

I closed the door to the antechamber before letting go of her hand. The door would be an obstacle if she tried to escape, and I kept my eyes on her while demonstrating how to wash one’s feet and hands properly. Yana was silent, exuding uncertainty, but she did as I instructed. I took her hand again once she finished washing.

“You can bring one of those lamps,” I told her, pointing. “I hope you aren’t afraid of snakes.” Yana stiffened, but I promised I wouldn’t let them harm her. “Ashtar is the Mother of Snakes,” I explained, “and we are all her children. They won’t harm me, and my presence will protect you.” The snakes sensed an intruder, of course, and approached us. I interposed myself between them and Yana, taking hold of her other hand, too. She trembled, but managed to stutter, “I-i-impressive!” when the great serpent reared up, ready to strike. It hissed, “Friend?” and I answered: “Friend.”
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Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-10-2020, 12:59 PM   #76
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Default Session 25 (2020-06-06)

Satisfied, the large snake chased away the two smaller ones, and settled back down on the altar. I clasped Yana’s hands all the while, and her tremors reverberated up my arms. “Let’s sit down over there and pray,” I told her, indicating a spot half-way between the wall and the altar. “O Ashtar, Keeper of Death’s Door, hear my prayer! Bless Yana here with Your protection and drive the demon from her mind! Banish the dark cloud that enthralls her!” I spoke loudly, with a commanding voice, for Yana’s benefit. I felt Your presence, and knew what I was doing was right. Yana whispered that she thought it was working, and I continued.

I was exuberant. Basking in Your glory, I could keep this up for days! However, the time soon came when I felt it was right to stop. The demon was cast out, and we left the chapel. Nujan and Xipil waited in the inner courtyard. Xipil said we had to release Krull. He tried to keep his voice low, but I still held Yana’s hand, just in case, and she overheard. That turned out to be a good thing, for Lord Lunas had tasked her with preparing a disguise for Krull some time ago, making her promise not to tell anyone, not even Lord Madan. I took it as a good sign that she was spilling the truth for me.

Xipil, Yana and I retrieved the disguise from a secret compartment in her room, along with a pouch of coins that Lord Lunas had set aside. Xipil handed me my belt of knives and my medicine kit. Caressing the leather roll, I realized what really had triggered my handing it over to Xipil. Within lay a small vial of a pale, yellow-green, viscous liquid: My holy venom, a way to Your domain while Your protection was revoked, and I had nearly been desperate enough to try.

Nujan had remained outside, and Xipil went to talk to him. I put my gear in the secret compartment to be retrieved after we had broken Krull free. Nobody should die tonight, if I had my way. If worst came to worst, Yana had a knife in her belt, as usual. My eyes lingered on her shapely hip while I planned how best to draw that blade. Xipil came back inside and said Nujan had gone to talk to Lady Isa. I asked him if he had managed to talk to Grogg. Xipil relayed Grogg’s thoughts: The “man in white” had to die, and the others too. I smiled. We were in agreement.

Xipil proposed a return to the inner courtyard to see if Nujan appeared with Lady Isa. We found a hiding place in the shadows there, where we could keep an eye on everything. Yana was uncomfortable. She wasn’t supposed to be in the inner courtyard, and certainly not hiding. I started talking about clothes, complimenting her on the stitchwork on Krull’s disguise. She relaxed, settling down to a familiar, safe topic.

Yana spotted Nujan first. He was on the roof of the building where Lady Isa lived on the top floor, and reached a hand down to tap at her window. Nothing happened, so he tapped again, this time making contact, gesturing that Lady Isa should come outside. The drapes closed, and Nujan vanished along the roof.

When he emerged in the courtyard, Xipil made a signal, and Nujan headed over to us. Lady Isa was crying, and couldn’t come out, he informed us. The question of whether we could get Krull out without her help was debated. There should only be one guard post between the cells and the rowboat, with one or two guards, and Yana offered to distract them, if that was all right with me. I smiled and told her I’d help. Then I raised the issue of the locks. Xipil had acquired the key to the cell door, but the cavern with the rowboat was also behind a locked door. Yana said she could try to pick the lock, but Xipil had a set of lockpicks, and thought he could manage. I looked at Yana. The tailor’s assistant possessed another skill set. I looked forward to discussing it with her. She noticed me considering her, and smiled. I smiled back.

We entered the nobles’ house. The guards at the door followed us with their eyes, but Xipil and I, at least, had been granted certain privileges in thanks for helping the Aldera family, one being that we could visit Krull. We descended the stairs, and came to the crucial guard post. One door led to stairs down to the dungeon, another led to the cavern with the boat. A guard stood in front of each of them.

Xipil and Nunan entered first, sauntering past the guards like they owned the place, and continued down to the dungeon. I let go of Yana’s hand. She drew a deep breath and approached one of the guards, all the while talking to me about inconsequential things; I followed her inside, chatting along. She complained that our companions had left, and asked me what we were supposed to do now. I told her we might as well find some other company. Yana turned to the guards and declared that the one who told the best joke would get a prize. She made a show of whispering something in my ear. We giggled while the second guard made his way across the room. By standing like we were doing now, Xipil, Nujan and Krull could move through the room unseen by the guards. I trusted Xipil and Nujan to be able to move silently, but was more uncertain about Krull; he’s pretty big.

The guards told their jokes, and watched with anticipation while Yana and I whispered and giggled. I let Yana declare the winner. “And the winner is … you! The prize is a kiss from one of us! You can choose who!” The winner looked us over before pointing to me and then to his cheek. I was stunned. How could he not select the epitome of beauty standing next to me? It had to be the exoticism of me being a stranger. I pecked his cheek, half expecting him to turn his head so I’d kiss him on the mouth instead, but he behaved gentlemanly in that regard. He strutted around the room for a few seconds, then came back, beginning a story about orcs and goats, and his partner coughed, signaling that this joke might not be suited for sensitive, female ears. Yana declared that she needed a drink, if she was to hear it, so the jokester left hurriedly to fetch some wine, promising to finish the story when he returned.

Yana looked deeply into the eyes of the remaining guard and told him she had always had a crush on him. He looked so handsome in his uniform. Behind her back, she signaled for me to delay the return of the other guard. I started up the stairs when they began making out. “It’s just an act,” I told myself. I shook my head to clear it. Why should I care who she kissed? It wasn’t as if she was my husband, or even my boyfriend. I laughed at the silly image. I did care, though, so much that it hurt. “It’s just an act,” I repeated defiantly.

I met my guard half-way up the stairs. “What do you have there?” I asked, and he showed me a bottle of wine. I made a show of studying the label, although I’m no connoisseur. “Is this a good one? Have you tried it before?” I held up the guard until Yana called out that she was thirsty, at which point I brought him back down to the others. We drank and made merry. The story about the orcs and the goats was indeed a dirty one, on par with some in Lunari’s repertoire. That thought struck me with sadness.

Nujan and Xipil returned after a while through the boat door, having led Krull to the rowboat and sent him on his way. Yana and I announced regretfully that we had to leave. Back outside, Yana said, “Thank you, Nuur-Karif. The darkness is gone from my mind.” I told her we’d return to the chapel under the tower tomorrow and have it confirmed. Yana glanced across the courtyard and warned me about the tower. It was dangerous. I thanked her for the warning, but she hadn’t told me anything I didn’t already know. The tower contains a lethal temple garden. There’s a similar one in Sam, and You have sent me to one in Amrosh land as well. There are many secretive cults in Arland besides Yours.

I went with Yana all the way to her quarters, holding her hand again. It felt good, comforting. She both lived and worked in the cellar under the tailor’s shop. I fetched my knives and medicine kit and we said good night. I heard Yana bar the door, and sat down, leaning against it. Just in case the darkness wasn’t gone, and she tried to escape, of course. I briefly considered the possibility of her having a secret way out, but discarded the idea quickly. If she had had one, she would have used it earlier.

I itched to go brush my teeth, but told myself to be strong, to remain vigilant. Things seemed to be going well between Yana and me. Maybe we can be friends, after all? It dawned on me that I would be leaving soon, and my throat constricted. “Relax, Nuur-Karif. You’ve made up with Yana,” I thought to myself. Yana and I could part ways amicably now, and I determined to be satisfied with that. I put my palms against the cellar floor, overjoyed that You were with me again, that You could hear my prayer.

O Ashtar! I surrender my life to Your coils. Take me while I sleep, or grant me another day in Your service, as You will.
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Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 06-13-2020, 12:11 PM   #77
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Default Re: Campaign Log: Confessions of a Forked Tongue

Stomoxys has created a separate thread for Xipil's version of the story: Campaign log: Report to Great Priest Ixanama
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Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 07-25-2020, 05:34 AM   #78
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Default Session 26 (2020-07-06)

13th of Rama, year 412 (continued)

O Ashtar, Mother of Snakes, Keeper of Death’s Door, hear my confession!

I had just dozed off when Keri, Lord Lunas’s dwarven companion, prodded me awake. I was requested in the guest dining hall. Keri asked if I guarded something, and I had him take over the watch over Yana, with instructions to find me if she left.

In the dining hall, Lord Lunas politely pulled out a chair for me, and I sat down next to him. Lady Isa, Grogg and Xipil were present, too, and Pak who was still sleeping with the needle. A huge, cloaked figure covered with weapons was the first one I noticed when I entered, though, and Lord Lunas was talking about setting him up in one of the rooms above, where we too have quarters.

Xipil told the nobles that we had successfully released Krull. They nodded, and Lord Lunas informed us that he would assume the command of the island, now that Lord Mir had left and Lord Madan was incapacitated. Before going to deal with Remi and whatever issues had cropped up, Lord Lunas said he had found an alternative to Tivito, indicating the cloaked fellow. Xipil commented that only Tivito are allowed to do what they do, here in Arland. Lady Isa took her brother’s arm and went with him, and the cloaked guy followed them outside, where they stopped to talk. Xipil joined them.

I asked Grogg how he was doing, and he told me to give him the needle. I removed it from Pak and handed it to the other troll. Grogg pressed it into his neck and fell asleep. Pak didn’t wake up; he had to be really tired.

Xipil and the cloaked figure returned, and I stood and shook hands with him, giving my name. The giant wore heavy armor and a full helm with a visor, but I got the impression that this being was a large human, rather than a small troll. His name was Wolfram.

Servants arrived with food and drink, and Wolfram removed his helmet and gauntlets, revealing a hairy head with a bushy, unkempt beard. He asked about the Kabal temple, where Lunari had died, while Xipil went through Grogg’s pockets and said he couldn’t find the ring. I said we needed it.

Pak started waking, mumbling something about Kabal taking souls. He looked around in confusion and scratched his head at Wolfram. I decided to pull a prank, and asked him why it seemed he didn’t recognize Wolfram, who had been at the Evening Fort for quite some time now.

Wolfram took Pak’s comment about Kabal and souls very seriously, and I started worrying about Lunari’s soul. Pak told us we had to talk to Ebsalon before retrieving the corpse, as he had crafted a protective spell around the temple garden. Groman had been present at the casting, so we decided to talk to him first.

Wolfram put on his helmet and gauntlets, and then we walked to the inner courtyard. The guards at the gate stared at us, but allowed us to pass. We climbed the stairs up to Pak’s and Groman’s rooms, and Pak knocked on the door, asking Groman if he were alone. “Almost,” the grumbling dwarven voice answered, before opening the door slightly to see who Pak had brought. He thanked us for bringing Pak and tried to dismiss us, but Pak made no move to enter. Groman tried to pull him inside, but Wolfram, who had supported Pak up the stairs, held on. Groman clearly didn’t want anyone but Pak to enter, but Ebsalon appeared behind him and said it was only polite to invite everyone inside.

We took seats inside, and Wolfram and Ebsalon shook hands. I told the mage we had to enter the Kabal temple, but he replied that we had to wait until his spell expired, in forty-six hours. If we tried to enter now, our souls might be left outside. Xipil and Wolfram wanted to go and see anyway, and Ebsalon said it would be best if he came with us. “You have to take care dealing with magic,” he said, and Wolfram agreed heartily. Ebsalon explained in depth about protective magic, and it seemed like Wolfram understood.

Ebsalon, Xipil, Wolfram and I left to look at the ward. Ebsalon enthused about the idea of teaching Xipil magic, but Xipil seemed unwilling to commit, at least for now. There were mystical symbols drawn on the floor and walls outside the temple door, and not much else to see. Ebsalon shooed us out after a while. I took Wolfram’s arm and let him escort me outside. Ebsalon wished us all a good night, and reminded us that we shouldn’t enter the tower again before seeing him tomorrow.

I asked Wolfram what he was doing here. His dialect was a rougher variant of Lunari’s, so I understood he came from the Prince’s Cities somewhere. Wolfram answered with a question, asking if we were working for Lord Lunas, and whether we were loyal to him. I just replied that we had done some favors for him, recently. Wolfram seemed to accept that, and continued by asking what we thought of Tivito. Xipil responded that they seemed suspect, while I remained silent. Wolfram disdained Arland’s law that wizards were responsible for witch-hunting and exorcisms. It was clear to me that he thought this was the domain of priests.

Wolfram and Xipil discussed demons, and the giant seemed well versed in the topic. He explained that demons were powerful souls that remained in the world of the living after their bodies died. Xipil wondered idly if Krull was a demon, for he had apparently claimed to be immortal. I laughed it away and explained to Wolfram that Krull was an orc who lived here until recently, and was absolutely not immortal. Xipil added that Krull was headed for the Night Mirror to stop Gritt, who definitely was a demon.

I asked why Wolfram was so curious about demons and other nasty stuff, and he finally admitted that he was an agent of Tiri, and had come from the Prince’s Cities to deal with “nasty stuff” here. I recalled that Tiri is the goddess of the moon, but nothing else. My religious studies have focused on You, obviously.

I yawned and said good night to Xipil and Wolfram, and returned to Keri. He was quite intoxicated and rather unsteady, and offered me a drink, but I asked him to stand guard for just five more minutes. I ran up to my room and brushed my teeth. Then I relieved Keri at Yana’s door.

O Ashtar! I surrender my life to Your coils. Take me while I sleep, or grant me another day in Your service, as You will.
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Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 07-25-2020, 05:52 AM   #79
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 26 (2020-07-06)

14th of Rama, year 412

O Ashtar, Mother of Snakes, Keeper of Death’s Door, hear my confession!

Seated as I was against the cellar door to Yana’s room, I woke when people started moving around the courtyard. I tried closing my eyes, and soon drifted off to sleep again, for we had stayed up long talking last night.

I next woke when Yana began stirring behind the door, but I thought she’d take her time getting out, so I shut my eyes again. Then the door suddenly opened, and I fell backwards, frightening Yana.

“Did … did you sit outside my door all night?” Yana asked. “Wouldn’t you like to get some sleep?” I would like to, but I couldn’t sleep away the day, so I stood up and yawned. Yana was going to the kitchen to fetch her breakfast, and I joined her.

We brought the food back to her room and talked while we ate. Yana was concerned that this simple fare was too plain for a Guest at the Fort. I assured her it was just fine. Food doesn’t need to be fancy, as long as it gives me the strength I need to serve You. Speaking of which… I reminded Yana that we had agreed to go to the chapel again today. I also told her that I planned to bring my friends, that is, my other friends. Yana was clearly nervous about the snakes, but I assured her she didn’t have to worry as long as I was nearby.

Yana was still concerned, so I decided to change the topic. We didn’t have to go to the chapel just yet. I mentioned that Lady Isa seemed to have expropriated my everyday dress. She had borrowed it when we left for the crypts where we found Gritt, and hadn’t returned it. “Why don’t you adjust it to her slenderer frame?” I asked. “I can’t wear it when we leave the island, since I’ll be using the disguise you provided.” “That dress is a bit … characteristic,” Yana admitted, “so leaving it with Lady Isa seems wise.” She smiled, “I’ll do my best with it for the lady.” I smiled back.

We were enjoying a cup of tea when Xipil knocked on the door. Ebsalon and Groman had come to tell what they had found out, and I should be there to hear what they had to say. I excused myself to Yana, who insisted I brought along my cup, which she could retrieve later.

Crossing the courtyard, I told Xipil that I was planning to bring Yana, him and Grogg to the chapel, where I’d tell them a little about myself. Xipil asked if I should invite Wolfram as well. Lord Lunas seemed to trust him, and I thought I’ll need help against the spirits, so perhaps … I told Xipil I’d think about it.

Ebsalon and Groman had dug up some information about the seven immortals, and started with their names: Yori, Volkir, Tusa, Gritt, Albor, Darvan and Krull. “Krull?!” I burst out. The others looked at me as if this was the most natural thing in the world. “How can Krull be an immortal?” I insisted, but Ebsalon and Groman just continued.

They had had trouble connecting attributes to the names, but had made some progress. Gritt had something to do with compassion and was some kind of guardian, while Volkir was an attacker; light was connected to him. One of the others was related to ashes and anger, another to dancing and perhaps animals. One had to do with shadow and blinding sand. One had a title that translated into something about vision, heat and bad-smelling thoughts. Finally, Krull. His title said something about “the last” and his aspect concerned empty thoughts or something like it, and he was described as one who can see the threads of fate.

Wolfram expressed concern that we allowed Krull to escape, although he didn’t seem like the worst of the seven. Xipil blurted out that Lunari had been in possession of a book from the tower, and Groman and Ebsalon wanted it back, so they went to search Lunari’s room. I told Xipil I was going to the chapel, and once they were done here, he should bring along those he found worthy of Your holy chapel.

I found Yana’s room empty, and felt a twinge of panic. Was she still under the influence of Gritt? Had she taken the opportunity to escape? People in the courtyard could tell me that Lord Lunas had sent for her, though, so I relaxed and headed for the inner courtyard. The guards at the gates let me through, of course, and those at the door to the building where the nobles live didn’t stop me either; I’d have been worried if they did. Lord Lunas’s room was empty, but I found him and Yana in Lady Isa’s room. Lady Isa still wore my dress, even though it hung a bit loosely on her, so I officially relinquished ownership of it to her. To explain my intrusion, I told the nobles I had an appointment with Yana, but they should of course finish their business with her before I took her away.

I waited in the hallway for a few minutes, and then Yana arrived, with Lady Isa in tow, who wanted to come along for the girlie stuff. Once we got out of hearing distance from her brother, Lady Isa asked what we really were up to. I explained that Yana and I were going to the chapel. Lady Isa was nervous about the snakes and asked if it was dangerous. I admitted that the snakes were indeed deadly, but while I was there, they wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Lady Isa looked worriedly over her shoulders as we crossed the inner courtyard, but relaxed once we entered on the other side. I led them up and down stairs and through long, winding passages, until we came to the chapel entrance, with its two wash basins. For some reason, I felt apprehension, and a small voice in my head told me to show the girls how to wash one’s feet and hands only. I’ve never been shy about performing Your rites, so I smothered the voice and undressed. Lady Isa followed suit, as did Yana, albeit a bit more slowly.

I instructed the others in how to wash properly, each body part in the right order. I paid particular attention to Yana, as I wouldn’t want her to get it wrong. She really was beautiful! I had caught a few glimpses the other day, but she had spent most of the time under the bed cover. She had only stripped to the waist that time, anyway, but now I got to see all of her. In her mid-twenties, she should have been married long ago. Knowing her, she was probably too caught up with her work to consider it.

“You missed a spot!” I pointed at Yana’s hip, my fingers not quite daring to touch the smooth chocolate skin. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this better?” Yana asked, but I didn’t have time to reply, for at that moment, we heard footsteps approaching. I slammed shut the door and called out that they had to wait a minute while we finished washing. Xipil’s voice came through the door, asking why I closed it. I explained that we mammals value such things as modesty and decency, and it just wasn’t decent for females to wash in front of non-females.

I could practically hear Xipil’s next question as it formed in his mind – I had washed in front of him many times before – but I gave him no time to utter it. I started explaining to Wolfram how he should wash his feet and then his hands. He would have to remove his boots and gauntlets, first.

Yana and Lady Isa turned slowly so I could inspect their washing. Lady Isa has a fine figure, by all means, but my eyes locked on to the human. “We should get dressed and go inside so the boys can wash,” I told the girls hoarsely, then used the rustle of clothes to mask clearing my throat. Yana and Lady Isa clung to my arms as we approached the chapel, where the snakes waited. I hissed loudly that I brought friends. The great serpent hissed acceptance and settled back down on the altar.

Xipil called down the corridor to ask if it was all right if Wolfram brought his weapons. I replied that of course it was fine; we were all friends, here. I directed Yana and Lady Isa to sit on the floor, away from the snakes. I approached the altar, standing between the snakes and my other friends, and started praying. I hoped to ascertain that the shadow that had held sway over Yana’s mind was gone.

Xipil and Wolfram entered and sat down with the girls. Wolfram respectfully delivered a prayer of thanks for allowing visitors, and the others joined in.
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Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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Old 07-25-2020, 06:10 AM   #80
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Default Session 26 (2020-07-06)

When I felt my prayer was done, I invited Yana to approach and meet the great serpent. She grasped my hand so hard it almost hurt and squeezed her eyes shut, but she came. I asked the serpent, hissing in the snake tongue, if it could sense anything wrong with Yana, and it replied that all was well within the chapel. “What did it say? Is everything all right?” Yana whispered in my ear, voice trembling. I gave her a hug. “Everything is all right!”

Xipil was praying, too, and when he finished, I told my story. How You had saved me from my miserable, tortured existence at Khordak’s inn. How it came to be that I was now traveling with Xipil and Grogg. How my current mission was to track down the rogue spirits and lay them to rest. I didn’t reveal any of Your secrets, of course, like how I got my gifts; that knowledge is privileged to those who give themselves to You.

Wolfram declared that he would join Grogg, Xipil and me on this quest. In his words, an evil mage capturing souls and exploiting them, that was an abomination. Since he decided to join us, Xipil and I revealed what we knew about the mage and the spirits, including my possession by Gritt, and the attack on Lord Madan by Tusa. I left out the part about Gritt influencing Yana, and was grateful to Xipil for not mentioning it either.

Wolfram was eager to begin, and asked when we’d start the hunt. I told him we needed Grogg to get well, first, and that we needed to retrieve a magical ring that Lunari had on him when he died. Xipil asked Lady Isa if she could get us to Ur quickly, for we were fairly certain we could find some of the lost spirits near there. Lady Isa knew a way, but thought it was risky; some of us might vanish. Lord Mir had used this way to get to Ur earlier, when he fetched Ebsalon, and Lady Isa had been worried sick for her brother at the time. We might get more information from Ebsalon, if we decided to risk it. Lady Isa was practically squirming, so I decided to change the subject, proposing that we go get something to eat. Lady Isa invited everyone to lunch in the nobles’ dining hall, and I made sure that Yana was included. I had had breakfast at her place, and promised to return the favor.

I told the others that since my past was a sensitive subject to me, I would prefer it if what I had spoken of earlier remained in the confines of the holy chapel. They all agreed, and then we left. I sent Xipil to pull the needle from Grogg so he could have lunch with us; Lady Isa missed the big brute.

Lady Isa decided we should have cake for lunch and talked to the staff about it. The rest of us sat down at the table. Wolfram pulled his sword and started polishing it. I decided not to comment on the faux-pas and left him to it, and talked about clothes with Yana instead. Yana loves the topic, and has a way of making me interested, too.

When Xipil and Grogg arrived, Xipil and Wolfram started talking about religion, so my ears turned their way for a moment, before I realized that they were discussing unimportant divinities. I turned my attention back to Yana. She was much more interesting. My gaze was drawn in by her mesmerizing green-gold eyes, and after a while, Yana asked why I stared at her so. My flustered response made Yana giggle, but she did lock eyes with me. Lady Isa commented that Yana had pretty eyes, so she understood why I stared at them. “Yes, they’re very nice, aren’t they?” I managed. Beautiful.

I was suddenly reminded of the half-eaten slice of cake on my plate when I heard my name. It was Xipil, asking if all Ashtarites carried knives. I told him we don’t, not all of us, and those who do, don’t bring them around everywhere. My own knives were back in my room. I took another bite of the cake, and promptly forgot about it. As delicious as it was, it couldn’t compare to the green-gold jewels that stared back at me from across the table.

Suddenly, Yana broke eye contact. I looked where she was looking. Lord Lunas had arrived. In fact, he was already seated and talking to Xipil. Grogg was slumped over the table, the magic needle sticking into his neck, and Wolfram had vanished. After a minute, Lord Lunas said he would talk to us when we were all gathered again.

It seemed we had spent quite some time at the lunch table, so I apologized to Yana for keeping her from her work. I knew Lord Lunas and Lady Isa had need of her services. She said it was fine, that she had enjoyed herself in my company, and asked if she could come over in the evening. Of course, she could!

When Yana left, a profound sense of loneliness settled over me. I told Xipil that I was going to the chapel; he could find me there if he needed me. I washed my feet and hands before entering the chapel, where I spent an hour or so, working out. It wouldn’t do for the cakes to settle on my hips. Where did that thought come from? The proper thought should be that I needed to remain fit, so I could continue to serve You. I’ve never been concerned with the way I look before. I know I’m pretty, and I’ve used my looks to further Your agenda on several occasions, but this twinge I felt, thinking about losing my good looks, that was new. And unwanted. I prayed while I worked out, but You never spoke to me. It was as if You knew I already had discerned the truth.

I took a bath in my room after the workout, then I put on the outfit that Yana had made for me. It was a well-made white dress, rather plain if not for all the blue embroidery near the hem as well as on the sleeves and bodice, and while I knew Yana could have done so much more, its simplicity made it unremarkable, the perfect disguise, something a woman of modest means could own. It would cover my cloth armor and was different enough from Lady Isa’s hand-me-down that I shouldn’t be recognized easily. I arranged my white-blonde curls around my shoulders. Those would help, too. I finished the look with some light makeup before heading for the dining hall.

Wolfram and Xipil were there already, and Wolfram asked about the possibility of sending a letter to the Prince’s Cities. I started explaining about how he would want to contact a merchant caravan, but then I recalled that the Loyalists are watching the roads out of Aldera land, and they might well decide to read any letters they come across. I had to explain about the Larma family to Wolfram, them being called Loyalists or Betrayers, depending on who you’re talking to.

Xipil left to fetch Grogg, who was probably still sleeping with the needle. A servant arrived with a letter for Wolfram. That reminded me that I had letters in my pocket. One was a note from Markus about a woman looking for me. I was pretty sure he was talking about the priestess, so I put it out of my mind. The other letter was from Lord Mir, making a point out of him going to the capital to do his duty so a king would be chosen. If we were nearby, he wanted us to pay him a visit. The letter seemed strange; why would he say this in a letter when he could have said it to my face before he left?

Xipil asked about the letters, and I showed them to him. He said Lord Mir had written a code, asking us not to put his sister in danger. Hmm… He could have said that too to my face. I burned the letters in a metal bowl which had previously held fruit. Wolfram said that his letter was from Ebsalon, a reminder not to go near the tower until tomorrow.

Xipil asked Wolfram if he knew of an incense that allowed us to see spirits. He said he hadn’t heard of any such thing. Just then, Yana hurried into the room. I could tell she had come straight from work, for she had measuring tape over her shoulders and a needle cushion on her wrist, as well as pockets bulging with the tools of her trade.

I stood and showed myself to Yana. “Should I doll up, too?” she asked, but I told her she was just fine the way she was. “Are you sure? You’ve put on makeup and everything,” she continued. I relented, “Come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind seeing you dressed up.” I tried to envision what Yana was going to look like; she was stunning now, in her work outfit and with her hair not as tidy as it could have been. For some reason, the image I sought failed to coalesce. Instead, the scene from the chapel entrance intruded, where Yana had twirled to show me how clean she was.

Yana left, and Lord Lunas arrived, joining us at the table. He asked Wolfram if we had told him about his father. Lord Lunas nodded appreciatively when Wolfram answered, then informed us that his father had taken a turn for the worse the last two days. Lord Lunas wanted us to do whatever preparations we needed, and then come to see Lord Madan for ourselves. Xipil wanted to check out the urn in the dungeon, and I told Lord Lunas I needed to retrieve Lunari’s ring, the one that enables me to see spirits, but Wolfram said he had a method for rendering spirits visible. He asked Grogg for permission to demonstrate on Kraa.
You don't need to spend 100 CP on Status 5 [25] and Multimillionaire [75] to feel like a princess, when Delusion [-10] will do. Or, you can run so far away that Status and Wealth don't apply anymore...

Character sheet: Google Drive link (See this thread for details.)

Campaign logs: Chaotic Pioneering / Confessions of a Forked Tongue / A Doe Among Wolves
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