01-28-2020, 12:17 PM | #51 |
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Re: Show me the magic!
These are loosely based on AD&D spells.
IQ 12 Hidey-Hole (S) [5] (WARD): this spell creates an extra-dimensional space large enough for one person (and everything he is carrying). This space is neither to warm, nor to cold for the caster and allows him to rest comfortably and securely for the duration of 8 hours. Any spell that would warn the caster of danger functions while the caster is in his hidey-hole. The caster can create a hidey-hole for another character as well. Casting a detect magic on the hex where the entrance to the Hidey-Hole is will reveal the fact that there is magic there, but not the spell used. Reveal Magic would identify the Hidey-Hole for what it is, but a caster would need to know the exact location of the entrance to target it with the Reveal Magic. IQ14 Hidey-Haven (S) [10] (Hidey-hole): This spell creates an extra-dimensional space large enough for 4 people, otherwise it functions exactly the same as Hidey-hole with the same duration. IQ16 Protected Refuge (S) [15] (Hidey-hole, Unnoticeability): This creates an extra-dimensional space large enough for 8 people that cannot be found. It functions like a Hidey-Hole except that the duration is 24 hours. These spells do have Prerequisites, which is rare for spells, but this is to reflect the amount of magical knowledge needed to learn these spells. D'oh! An animal or character that can track by scent could find the entrance.
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what? |
01-28-2020, 12:23 PM | #52 |
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Re: Show me the magic!
Spider Silk (M) [2] Shoots strands of spider silk from the wizard’s fingertips to the target or target Hex. The strands appear to be thin and fragile, but are extremely strong. A specific target is immobilized and cannot move, while a Hex becomes a trap. The spider silk can also be used to block an area by anchoring to 2 fixed points. Anyone touching the strands is bound as if they were hit by the spell. The strands can be cut or burned away – they have an effective ST of 10, and take triple damage from fire. Targets caught in the silk can make a 4/ST roll to break free. The webs last for 12 rounds and takes effect the round it is cast. [Kevin Sullivan]
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what? |
01-28-2020, 12:30 PM | #53 |
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Re: Show me the magic!
Acid Missile (T) [3]: This spell is cast on a Sling, Bow, Crossbow, or Gun, enabling it to fire a magic missile that inflicts 3d of acid damage in addition to the normal damage of the projectile. The weapon wielder makes an attack roll at normal adjDX. The spell is only good for a single acid projectile. The weapon is not damaged by the acid in any way. Fire Missile (T) [3]: This spell is cast on a Bow, Crossbow, Sling, or Gun, enabling it to fire a magic missile that inflicts 3d of fire damage in addition to the normal damage of the projectile. This spell can ignite flammable materials. The weapon wielder makes an attack roll at normal adjDX. The spell is only good for a single flaming projectile. The weapon is not damaged by the fire in any way. Ice Missile (T) [3]: This spell is cast on a Bow, Crossbow, Sling, or Gun, enabling it to fire a magic missile that inflicts 3d of Piercing cold damage in addition to the normal damage of the projectile. This spell can damage inanimate objects as the Ice Bolt. The weapon wielder makes an attack roll at normal adjDX. The spell is only good for a single icy projectile. The weapon is not damaged by the cold in any way. Shock Missile (T) [3]: This spell is cast on a Sling, Bow, Crossbow, or Gun, enabling it to fire a magic missile that inflicts 3d of electrical damage in addition to the normal damage of the projectile. This spell works just like the Lightning Spell. The weapon wielder makes an attack roll at normal adjDX. The spell is only good for a single charged projectile. The weapon is not damaged by the electricity in any way. [Kevin Sullivan]
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what? |
01-28-2020, 12:32 PM | #54 |
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Re: Show me the magic!
Replicate (C) [1+]: This spell creates an exact copy of the subject. Given enough ST the caster could make a duplicate of any object. Unlike Image or Illusion, this is a lasting physical, though completely inanimate, duplicate of the original object.
Replicated objects have the same size, shape, weight, and appearance of the original. A Mage need not know the intricacies of smithing to make a duplicate sword of fine steel. Compound objects like clocks will look like the original on the outside and the inside, but will not function unless each part is Replicated separately and then assembled. Intricate objects suffer the fame fate. The ST cost is 1 ST per pound of the object. Normal Replicated objects only last for 1 hour. By spending twice the ST an object will last for 24 hours. By spending 10 times the ST the object will last for 1 year. By spending 100 times the ST the object will be permanent. Yes, making a functioning clock would require A LOT of ST, as each individual piece of 1lb or less weight would require 1 ST to create.
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what? |
01-28-2020, 12:40 PM | #55 |
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Arizona
Re: Show me the magic!
IQ20 This spell is taken from the Avalon Hill RPG Powers & Perils and modified for TFT.
Creation (C) [20+]: This spell creates life from the Enchanter’s memory or imagination. The physical form of the creation is up to the Caster. Where the GM chooses to have created creatures encountered randomly the form is up to him. Material is required to form the new creation, normally the type of material the Creation will be made from. A Stone Creation needs Stone, an Iron creation needs Iron, a flesh creation needs flesh, etc. The creation cannot attack its creator. It understands any language the caster speaks, and based on the creation, can also speak those languages. It will follow any order within its abilities. Creations last for 30 days. If the spell is cast at double the normal ST the creation can be given any one Talent or Spell the Caster has. (add another multiple for each additional Talent or Spell the Creation will possess.) The Caster must pay 1 ST for each point of ST, DX, and IQ, 5 ST for each point of Protection the creation has. Example: A mage creates an assassin to kill the King of Blenheim. He uses 60 ST and 110lbs of animal carcasses to create a beautiful woman from his imagination, based on the tastes of the King, giving his creation ST 8, DX 12, IQ 10, and the Knife Talent. This creation now has 30 days to find and kill the target. Failure with this spell creates a monster from the Caster’s subconscious based on the same amount of ST used in the spell. The caster has no control over this monster, make a reaction roll now. If the roll is friendly or neutral, the creation will leave, if it is hostile, the creation attacks the caster. On a critical failure, the creation seeks to kill the caster. If it kills him, it lives on as a permanent living being. If it does not kill the creator it fades out of existence in 12+ST spent in rounds. Making a Creation Permanent requires a ceremony similar to Greater Magic Item Creation with a ST cost of 5 times the original. If he succeeds, the Creation is permanent, on a failure it disintegrates immediately. $15,000 of common ingredients are required for the ceremony and the caster can use one Mana Battery and any number of Assistants can grant the caster ST with the Aid spell.
So you've got the tiger by the tail. Now what? Last edited by KevinJ; 01-28-2020 at 12:43 PM. Reason: I noticed that my math in the example was wrong |
02-06-2020, 03:04 PM | #56 |
Join Date: Jun 2019
Re: Show me the magic!
Assuming even a starting 32 point wizard must have extensive training to develop their Gift from an early age, there would probably be harmless training spells for prepubescent children. These would probably never be forgotten -- things drilled into your head when you're 6 are with you your whole life -- but I wouldn't want to count these against any adult wizard's spell/talent capacity. The whole suite would probably just be remembered for free by most wizards. They'd almost never be of much practical use in-game.
IQ 7 Training Spells: LEVITATE ROCK (T) -- Lifts a small pebble an inch or so off the ground. At first it takes kids 2 or 3 ST to lift the pebble, and 1 ST per turn and another DX roll to sustain it. The goal is to keep it floating as long as possible. By adulthood, it costs 0 ST to lift, and it'll levitate as long as the wizard keeps their mind on it. THREAD A NEEDLE (T) -- With no hands of course. 5 minutes of concentration and 1 ST per attempt. After years of trying, the junior wizard should be able to automatically thread the needle instantly with just a glance. Very handy should you fail Wizardry 101 and need to become a tailor instead. CONTROL SMOKE RINGS (S) -- Even Gandalf had to start somewhere. The psychic power to sculpt smoke rings into any shape, send them darting where you will, and to change colors as you puff them out. Also permits the caster to shape and color smoke rising from cooking and camp fires up to 2 megahexes away. Costs 2 ST to sustain 1 minute in the beginning, 1 ST per 5 minutes with much practice, and eventually becomes free and automatic. Maybe you don't want to teach this one to your own kids but, hey, different cultures and all that. SANDCASTLE (S) -- Telekinetically reshape a nearby pile of sand, on a beach or in a sandbox, into a sandcastle by mentally moving one grain at a time. Takes forever, which is the point: it teaches patience. Also costs 1 ST for every 5 minutes of trying in the beginning, and the first results are lumpy blobs at best. The ST cost goes down with practice, but it can still take hours. Stick with it and by adulthood you'll be assembling a miniature Camelot for no ST cost at all, in just an hour or two of concentration.
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right." |
02-06-2020, 03:40 PM | #57 |
Join Date: Jun 2019
Re: Show me the magic!
And here's one for grown-up Wizards:
IQ 17 -- SUMMON BRIDGE (C) Summons a Bridge 3 hexes wide to span any two points horizontally. Costs 1 ST per 10 hexes in length, and lasts 1 hour. The Bridge appears to be of stone, and includes 3 foot high walls along both sides. Horses will not be afraid to use a Bridge. Multiply the ST cost spent on length by the number of hours desired for a longer lasting Bridge. For example, a 30 hex long Bridge for 3 hours costs 9 ST (30/10 times 3). The Bridge appears to "flicker" from solid to transparent 5 minutes before it expires; this can be disconcerting if you are on it at the time, and horses may become skittish, but it does remain solid until it actually vanishes. When it does vanish, anyone on it immediately plummets the distance into whatever lies beneath. Unlike most Creation spells, the Bridge will last until the time paid for expires, even if the wizard who cast it dies. (Otherwise a whole party might be stranded and lost on the wrong side even though only the wizard got killed.) The Bridge also vanishes the instant the wizard wills it away, much to the woe of any pursuers that were still crossing. Some truly advanced enchanter has no doubt figured out a way to make a Bridge permanent, or to appear and disappear on a schedule, or when certain conditions are met. Crossing an enchanted Bridge you didn't put up yourself might not be the safest thing to do.
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right." |
02-06-2020, 07:57 PM | #58 |
Join Date: Dec 2017
Re: Show me the magic!
ooo; I like these! I'm a big fan of spells that do something interesting, beyond zapping slightly more effectively than you already can zap.
02-07-2020, 02:24 PM | #59 | |
Join Date: Jun 2019
Re: Show me the magic!
Like Bridge, these spells summon structures. These however last 12 or 24 hours per casting, and all follow the common rules that there must be a clear space of solid ground wide enough, and that anyone inside at the time the structure dissolves simply finds themselves standing out in the open (with an evil twist or two in mind of course :) SUMMON HUT (C) -- Instantly brings a small hut a party can shelter in, to get out of the rain, stay warm, and spend the night. This won't be particularly high in IQ or ST cost. The next one would be a bit more expensive: SUMMON COTTAGE (C) -- A very comfy space for about 6 travelers. Comes with a fireplace but no firewood, a kitchen but no supplies. The windows can be shuttered, and the door barred from the inside. Obviously much safer than camping out with wolves and bears around. SUMMON KEEP (C) -- Now getting expensive to know and cast, but still in reach of an experienced wizard. Brings a small, fortified Keep or Tower into existence (wizard's choice). A place to not only camp, but defend yourself against orcs in the middle of the night. Again with a fireplace, and a few comforts, but no edible supplies. and, yes... SUMMON CASTLE (C) -- because it's a boring world without enchanted castles coming and going. This must be a very high IQ spell, and with a ST cost that would usually require two wizards to cast. It is ridiculously large for most parties, multi-level, dozens of rooms, moat and a drawbridge that works on voice command. A fireplace in every bedroom and a huge kitchen, but again no supplies or consumables. The armorery will (usually) be empty. This is the shelter of choice should an army of zombies or a large angry dragon be close on your heels. And it comes with a mysterious caretaker, an older looking human, always the same fellow who can tell you his name is Dustin (because he's constantly dusting and polishing things) but has no knowledge of anything, no memory, and can't answer any questions. He addresses everyone in your party as M'Lord or M'Lady, says their Highnesses will be with you shortly, announces supper or tea will be ready shortly (but neither ever appear), and will bow and agree with anything you say. He disappears for hours at a time, but can always be found dusting and cleaning in some far off chamber if you go looking for him. And at every encounter he seems to have no memory of meeting you earlier. Every time a Castle is summoned, there will be a chance of some unusual twist or encounter, determined by rolling a die against a table. Of course a GM might stock it with an entire adventure if they wanted to. This one spell could be it's own game module. Something else all these Summon a Structure spells have in common is that no part of the structures can be removed and kept. You could leave with a chair or kitchen utensil, but it will also disappear the moment the spell expires. You could force the caretaker out the door, but he then vanishes immediately. Only to turn up sweeping the floor in some room later with no recollection of anything. Rumor is once a wizard was snooping in the Castle he'd summoned for the night, and found a silver dagger hidden in a bedroom drawer. He still has the dagger to this day. Perhaps if travelers hide something in a Cottage, Tower, or Castle it disappears with the structure, but will still be there if a summoner lucks out and gets the exact same structure at a later time. Graffiti left in one of these buildings isn't usually there next time you summon one, but sometimes it is, and sometimes there's new graffiti in mysterious languages. Supposedly "Merlin was here" once turned up in a Castle hallway.
"I'm not arguing. I'm just explaining why I'm right." |
02-07-2020, 02:37 PM | #60 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Pacheco, California
Re: Show me the magic!
Animate Vegetation(T) The initial fatigue expended in the casting of this spell sets both a radius in hexes and the maximum ST that can exerted in each hex, but no one plant can exert more than its hit points (take sqrt(weight / 1.5 pounds) if no other hit points stated for the plant) in ST. Cost only 1 ST per turn to maintain after the first turn, whatever the radius. These plants grapple with the wizard's DX and the set ST, but strike at -4 DX and an additional -1 DX per hex away from the wizard.
-HJC |
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