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Old 09-11-2014, 07:12 AM   #501
Bill Cameron
Join Date: Jun 2005
Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
POD Cuban Missile Crisis goes hot, USA/Soviet nuclear exchange, major destruction in Northern Hemisphere.

That won't work absent a POD which gives the USSR the ability to hit North America with far more nuclear weapons, an ability which was relatively lacking in 1963.

In an earlier version of this thread, I posted a link to a "Cuban Missile Crisis Goes Hot" timeline at That post should be easy enough to find.

Putting it simply, without more/better bombers and/or more/better ICBMs, the USSR can hurt the US - and can basically destroy western Europe and the UK - but it cannot damage the US enough to create your Antipodes timeline.
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Old 09-11-2014, 01:24 PM   #502
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Formulaic dreck?

That strikes me as rather rude.

I'm tuning out rude people.

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Old 09-11-2014, 02:40 PM   #503
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds


Current year 1904 A.D.

Formula looked like an Echo when Infinity found it.
And the explorers noticed something very strange: the vast majority of the outwardly normal inhabitants act and react according to very predictable, almost scripted patterns. Dull stock conversations, parroted mindlessly, echo around the train stations, workshops, and parlors. Only a few individuals show greater variation, zest, and agency. Researchers have noticed that the artificial quality of life extends to native literature, as well: novels read as if they were run off on a lathe. Newspapers sometimes run blank pages, or strings of nonsense, but none of the natives seems to notice this.

No set point value

No single template but Hidebound or Dull show up very often.
Destiny also appears, as do Luck and Cursed.


Current Year 1977 A.D.

POD – Unknown, but may have been at least as far back as 4th Millennium BC.
Junkyard cities litter the polluted surface world, inhabited by increasing mobs of scavengers. In underground vaults, deteriorating automated defenses and protect vast stores of food, medicine, consumer goods, etc.
TL 7 with higher TL artifacts

Dreck Squatter
 Unattractive Appearance [-4]
 Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast Iron Stomach) [2]
 Scrounging at PER +1 [2]
 Increased fecundity [0]
Appearance varies: Unattractive (to most humans) is typical.
An advanced urbanized industrial civ once ruled Dreck, but it seems to have died out within the last century.
The Squatters don’t appear to be natives, although some out time researchers hypothesize that they were created through genetic engineering.

Last edited by combatmedic; 09-11-2014 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 09-11-2014, 03:10 PM   #504
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
Formulaic dreck?

That strikes me as rather rude.

I'm tuning out rude people.

Heh, good way to put it. I'll leave it at that - aside from the fact Emir was pointed out as great.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:22 PM   #505
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Emir is way cool, yes.


Now for one that takes a different look at a mid 60s nuclear war:

Nuked (working title, will likely change)

Current year 1986 A.D.

POD Cuban Missile Crisis goes hot.

Massive retaliation wiped out the Soviets.

Western Europe took a beating, which accelerated the collapse of colonial empires and a loss of power for France and the UK.

In the chaos, North Korea invaded South Korea, renewing the Korean War at the worst possible time. Short on bombs because so many had been used/were being used on Russia, SAC hit the main population centers of China and North Korea in an attempt to break the Communists at a stroke.

It worked.

Now, more than twenty years later, much of Eurasia remains an irradiated wilderness dotted with cratered ruins. Thinly populated patches of semi-civilization hold on in the “safe” zones.

After the Fortnight War, the USA found itself a pariah nation, blamed it for the fallout, the genocide, the cold winters, and the worldwide economic depression. Political recriminations and factionalism grew harsher in the US, as extremists grew stronger. Economic recovery came slowly under high federal taxes for reconstruction efforts and the added pressure of United Nations sanctions.

In 1968, riots ripped through the States, the inner cities burned under a rain of petrol bombs while National Guard gunfire left dead students all over college campuses from Berkeley to Columbia. The Gun Control Act of 1968 established universal registration of firearms and a federal database (which turned out to be a big mess).

President John Lindsay declined to seek the nomination of his party for a second term.

Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected on promise of national reconciliation, but his famous skill at backroom dealings faltered in the radicalized atmosphere of the new politics. His proposed anti-poverty and civil rights policies imploded in Congress. He left office four years later, an old man with a broken spirit.

Nixon came out of retirement and won the White House. Early in office he set about creating an expanded national security apparatus with minimal overnight/interference from Congress, while asserting US interests abroad.
No president after Tricky Dick really understood how the byzantine Nixonian system worked, so power fell into the collective laps of the security/intel/military-industrial complex chiefs. The executive agencies and military pay lip service to Congress, but they always get the funding they want; uncooperative congressmen seem accident prone, these days.

Every federal agency maintains its own strike teams.
EPA eco-cops carry a reputation as thugs and bullies, but easy to bribe.

Neo-colonial wars in Mexico and the Caribbean have given the US an expanded set of territories. US corporations exploit these countries and rely on mercenaries and US military forces to smash labor and nationalist movements.

The welfare programs Nixon created continue growing. To offset the rising costs of feeding and housing America’s teeming urban proletariat, the feds have laid heavy taxation onto the colonies.

Nixon started a gun confiscation policy aimed at the poor and at political extremists (right and left). Gun control laws have tightened since then.

Tech lags a bit behind Homeline at the same period, perhaps due to economic distortions and smaller R&D budgets.

Great Powers;

 CF Western, Latin American in occupied zones
 Representative Democracy/oligarchy
 CR 4, CR 5 in subjugated territories and for citizens coded PR (politically unreliable) or CB (criminal background)
 TL 7

Australian Republic
 CF Western, Chinese
 Representative democracy
 CR 4, CR 5 boat people/’fugees
 TL 7

Australia absorbed East Asian refugees after the nuclear war, mostly Chinese. But these refuges have not been granted citizenship. Many work as day laborers, menials, and criminals, harassed by the police if they enter the wrong neighborhoods or behave in an “uppity” fashion. Some political groups work to better the status of these immigrants.

 CF Japanese
 Representative democracy
 CR 3, 4 for weapons
 TL 7

American forces withdrew in the late 60s, while the US was weak. Public opinion in Japan leans against the American government, but elements of American pop culture remain popular. Fallout umbrellas and lower face masks have stayed popular after they were no longer needed (to the extent they ever worked). Japan leads the world in biotech, and is pushing into TL 8 medicine, esp. cancer fighting drugs and radiation treatment and new GMO rice strains.

La Plata Confederation
 CF Latin American/Western
 Representative Democracy/Socialist
 CR 4
 TL 7
Uruguay, Argentine, and Chile joined together in the 1970s to form a mutual defense pact and economic union. Socialist (but not Marxist-Leninist) parties hold power in all three countries. The Confederation pursues a policy of subversion and agitation against US imperialism in Latin America/Caribbean, without offering direct provocation to war (thus far).

Last edited by combatmedic; 09-11-2014 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:44 PM   #506
Join Date: Jan 2014
Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
Australian Republic
So why did Australia suddenly become a republic?
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:50 PM   #507
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
So why did Australia suddenly become a republic?
Because the queen died in a nuclear fireball I presume.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:00 PM   #508
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
Because the queen died in a nuclear fireball I presume.
Yes, along with a number of the other Windsors and their relations.

There was a big wrangle over sucession afterward. Pretenders popping up, lawsuits, open public feuding over the throne. With no functioning Parliament for several years, the issue wasn't settled in a timely fashion.

Different ex-Commonwealth countries settled things in different ways; some recognzied a particular claimant to the throne, some declared regencies, and some declared republics.

Australia went republican.

There probably is a monarchist political party, but it isn't heading the government.

Last edited by combatmedic; 09-11-2014 at 06:05 PM.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:30 PM   #509
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by combatmedic View Post
Yes, along with a number of the other Windsors and their relations.

There was a big wrangle over sucession afterward. Pretenders popping up, lawsuits, open public feuding over the throne. With no functioning Parliament for several years, the issue wasn't settled in a timely fashion.

Different ex-Commonwealth countries settled things in different ways; some recognzied a particular claimant to the throne, some declared regencies, and some declared republics.

Australia went republican.

There probably is a monarchist political party, but it isn't heading the government.
Canada ... probably glows in the dark, along with New York City and Seattle, thanks to Soviet bombers going over-the-pole to reach their targets.

Okay, that's an over-simplification.

The Diefenbunker existed by the POD, so key elements of the Canadian government survived, and cities that weren't strategic targets likely still exist. Regina and Winnipeg were probably unscathed, while Vancouver, Halifax, Montreal (all major ports), Toronto (business center), Sarnia (petrochemical industry center), Windsor (vehicle factory hub + across the river from the US vehicle factory hub Detroit), and Ottawa (government) would be in ruins. The remnant of the Canadian Parliament moved to Winnipeg and has been doing what it can to rebuild, with the Governor-General acting as the representative for whichever royal might eventually be recognized.
Rob Kelk
“Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.”
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Old 09-11-2014, 07:26 PM   #510
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

Originally Posted by robkelk View Post
Canada ... probably glows in the dark, along with New York City and Seattle, thanks to Soviet bombers going over-the-pole to reach their targets.

Okay, that's an over-simplification.

The Diefenbunker existed by the POD, so key elements of the Canadian government survived, and cities that weren't strategic targets likely still exist. Regina and Winnipeg were probably unscathed, while Vancouver, Halifax, Montreal (all major ports), Toronto (business center), Sarnia (petrochemical industry center), Windsor (vehicle factory hub + across the river from the US vehicle factory hub Detroit), and Ottawa (government) would be in ruins. The remnant of the Canadian Parliament moved to Winnipeg and has been doing what it can to rebuild, with the Governor-General acting as the representative for whichever royal might eventually be recognized.
Kewl beans.

That all looks solid, thanks, Rob.
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