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Old 01-31-2017, 10:49 PM   #11
Join Date: Jan 2017
Default Re: ability creation help.

I would look at 'innate attack' rules for things like doing damage. Then use a perk "damage dealt by affliction is turned into biomass." (or make it cost +% maybe 10 to 20) Actual turning the biomass into something requyers skills and equipment, so it wouldn't be part of the main equation.

For creatures that live off of this "proses" get Universal Digestion (-20ish% biological only) and Sharp teeth with the same perk. (say its a saliva that is made in the mouth, that would make the attack agent a mist [yes, you just made zomby mist. Now all you need is the background to be a graveyard] and as a mist it would give a possible counter measure (anything that keeps the air of your body, like a space outfit. [as long as the outfit does not have a hole from all the weapons fire, at which point the gas would continue to devower him from inside the outfit for +1 second's for each second he was exposed.]

At least that is how I would build it.

EDIT: but the most affective user in this case would be robots, mindless robots living off the unfortunate soles.

Last edited by Friendpmcii; 01-31-2017 at 11:05 PM.
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