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Old 03-06-2022, 04:40 PM   #141
timm meyers
Join Date: May 2020
Default Re: Show me the magic!

IQ 13 Mind Satchel (S): When successfully cast the user may put to memory/learn the next spell or text (equal to 20 pages or less) that is viewed by the caster. The new knowledge can be used effectively for 10 days at which point it fades away. A wizard casting this spell would be able to search their grimoire and put to temporary memory any spell in their collection for tactical use within the 10 day period. Should the Mind Satchel spell be cast again all old knowledge is immediately replaced with the new text that is viewed.
Costs- 10ST
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Old 05-13-2022, 01:23 PM   #142
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Ideas for low(ish) IQ enchantment spells...

This spell is used to create a temporary magic weapon. The target weapon will gain a +1 DX bonus which lasts for one minute (12 turns).
Cost: 2 ST

Note: Although the effect is temporary, the weapon is considered 'magic' for the duration of the spell which means it can effect foes that cannot be hit by ordinary weapons.

This spell causes the target weapon to be sheathed in magical fire. Like ENCHANT WEAPON, the effect is temporary lasting 12 turns. Also like that spell, the weapon is considered magic for its duration. The weapon will illuminate as a torch, burn flammable items and will do bonus fire damage based on the weapon's size; +1d3 for each d6 of base damage the weapon does (i.e. an 'enflamed' arrow does +1d3 fire damage while a broadsword will do an additional 2d3).
Cost: 3 ST

Note: The bonus damage is doubled against creatures vulnerable to fire (Water Elementals, for example). The wizard must first know the FIRE spell to learn this spell.

Note the Second: I never liked fixed damage values for fire so in my game I use d3s to better reflect the chaotic nature of fire. Following the idea presented above then, conversion for other instances of fire is fairly simple... 1d3 replaces +2, 2d3 replaces +4, 3d3 replaces 1d6, etc. For those that prefer the RAW approach, however, just replace my bonus damage rolls with the values found in ITL under 'flaming weapons' (page 162).
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos

Last edited by TippetsTX; 05-21-2022 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 05-13-2022, 02:06 PM   #143
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Nice! I've some examples of weapon buffs, including some fairly low-powered ones shard on on my blog back in November.
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Old 05-15-2022, 04:12 AM   #144
David Bofinger
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

There are lots of superpowered spells in TFT that in most campaigns won't get used. I'd like to see weakened forms of them. Here's a rough outline of a much weakened form of Word of Command.

The speaker can give one command to maybe one listener or maybe to many listeners. (Maybe this is two different spells.) The command has to be something the listener wants to do but is resisting the temptation to do now. If the command takes more than a turn to execute then the caster can pay a maintenance cost to give the victims time to finish. The victims probably get some kind of resistance roll, which is easier if they aren't that tempted. Examples:
  • If a fight is going badly for one side, or that side has members who aren't really keen on fighting generally (e.g. conscripted farmers) then "Drop your weapons," or "Run away."
  • If the enemy commander is a tyrant and his soldiers hate him but are more frightened of him (or frightened of what he'll do to their families) then "Frag your officer."
  • If one enemy is down then "Give your friend first aid," might work on someone with qualifications.
  • In a social situation, "Punch that guy in the face," if they were someone the victim strongly disliked, or "Kiss me," used by someone attractive.
In each case this is something the person has good reason to do and good reason not to do and the spell makes them forget the reasons not to do.
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Old 05-21-2022, 12:36 PM   #145
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

GMIC: Summon Person Gem

The subject of the enchantment is Long Distance Teleported (without fail) to the nearest empty hex with stable footing when this gem is broken. The subject must be present in the wizard's lab during the entire enchantment process, but can be tied up and gagged during the process if needed. Each figure can only be the subject of a single Summoning gem at a time and any attempt to enchant a second gem while another is active on them will fail. The subject and gem count as scrying seeds for each other, but Dissolve Enchantment will only work on the gem, not the subject.
While there is no roll made when the gem is broken, any enchantment roll of 18 (before adjustments) will immediately shatter the gem and send the subject to someplace they've never heard of before. Spell Shield or Pentagram will block the normal function of the gem, but not this accidental teleport.
This enchantment works if the subject is dying, but once they have died the enchantment fades away with their life.

Last edited by hcobb; 05-21-2022 at 12:41 PM.
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Old 05-21-2022, 12:55 PM   #146
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
GMIC: Summon Person Gem

The subject of the enchantment is Long Distance Teleported (without fail) to the nearest empty hex with stable footing when this gem is broken. The subject must be present in the wizard's lab during the entire enchantment process, but can be tied up and gagged during the process if needed. Each figure can only be the subject of a single Summoning gem at a time and any attempt to enchant a second gem while another is active on them will fail. The subject and gem count as scrying seeds for each other, but Dissolve Enchantment will only work on the gem, not the subject.
This is a cool idea, but I think it makes more sense if it uses a pair of mystically-connected gems... especially since this enchantment is using teleportation as its core.
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos
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Old 05-21-2022, 02:04 PM   #147
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Does it only last the standard minute? If it isn't so much a summoning gem as a teleportation gem, they will be in high demand for anyone worried about being imprisoned or kidnapped.
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Old 05-21-2022, 05:52 PM   #148
Steve Plambeck
Join Date: Jun 2019
Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by hcobb View Post
GMIC: Summon Person Gem

The subject of the enchantment is Long Distance Teleported (without fail) to the nearest empty hex with stable footing when this gem is broken. The subject must be present in the wizard's lab during the entire enchantment process...
Very cool! I've toyed with a similar idea, differing in that two subjects must be present in the lab for the enchantment, which somehow links them to each other. One of the two could even be the wizard casting the spell. Afterwards the two go their separate ways, but upon a triggering event (which could be breaking a gem or it could be something else, like a command word from the wizard), then the two characters swap locations no matter how far apart they are. Should be many fun ways (and funny ways) to use that.
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Old 05-23-2022, 09:47 AM   #149
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

IQ 11: Possess Animal(T)
Works on any living figure of IQ 2 or higher, but the saving throw to resist the spell (if the target wants to) is only 2/IQ. The caster can perceive through the target's senses and speak telepathically to the target, but not read the target's mind. May be combined with the Mimic and Ventriloquist talents in an attempt to mislead the target as to who and where the speaker is. Costs one fatigue per minute.
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Old 12-01-2022, 07:29 PM   #150
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Show me the magic!

Just a few little ideas, all based on a common concept requiring a missile spell (Magic Fist, Fireball, Lightning, or Wizard Wrath) and the Blast spell as prerequisites, yielding a group of missile spells with area effects.
The melded results would be...
IQ 13
Magic Blast (M) Requires Magic Fist and Blast as prerequisites. With this spell you combine the two spells generating 1D6-2 per ST in the central hex and half damage for the surrounding hexes. Cost to cast is 2 ST plus the 1 to 3 ST for the missile spell damage.
IQ 15
Fire Blast (M) Requires Fireball and Blast as prerequisites. With this spell, you combine the two spells generating 1D6-1 per ST used for damage in the central hex and half damage for the surrounding hexes. Cost to cast is 2 ST plus 1 to 3 ST for the missile spell damage.
IQ 17
Lightning Blast (M) Requires Lightning and Blast as prerequisites. With this spell, you combine the two spells generating 1D6 per ST damage in the central hex and half damage for the surrounding hexes. Cost to cast is 2 ST plus the 1 to 3 ST for the missile spell damage.
IQ 19
Wizard Blast (M) Requires Wizard's Wrath and Blast as prerequisites. With this spell, you combine the two spells generating 1D6+1 per ST damage in the central hex and half damage in the surrounding hexes. Cost to cast is 2 ST plus the 1 to 3 ST for the missile spell damage.

Just a thought, as TFT has very few spells capable of affecting a number of foes and very few capable of inflicting damage on more than one enemy in a turn.
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