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Old 04-29-2024, 03:48 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2024
Default Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pts]

This is a suit of armor that has chains at the wrists, and you can attach the matching sword to the chains so that you don't lose it and you can also use the chains to choke people.


But this is no normal sword. Neither is the armor.

You have killed 7550 people, drained the iron from their blood, and forged this sword and armor from that iron.
This is a SM 0 item [-25%] that must be forcibly removed while the opponent dodges your sword [-5%] and is very very hard to recreate [-20% {Unique minus -5%}] for a total of [-50%]

This item gives you advantages:
Innate Attack (part of your normal attack, it does 2d fatigue damage, as a melee attack with C-4 reach) [10] with a Side Effect of -3 DX, and -2 to ST and HT [15] <This is from the sword draining the iron of the opponent>,
High Pain Threshold [5],
Regeneration (Fast) [25],
Mana Enhancer (but only works with blood magic for [-80%]) [5]

Iron Deficiency causes a strength problem and health problem, in turn lowering your dexterity, and also causes you to be very fatigued. Meanwhile, the blood iron gives you some benefits: You can heal really fast thanks to the infusion of iron into your blood, it also gives you a higher pain threshold because the oxygen is rushing to your brain, so you can remember you can still function normally faster than normal. Finally, the blood iron can be drawn upon to make blood magic spells better.

PS: This research was painful, getting Bing to do what I wanted it to do, but this measurement is accurate. You'd need to kill 7550 people if you wanted to do this.
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Old 04-29-2024, 07:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

Originally Posted by BiznessCrafter View Post
You'd need to kill 7550 people if you wanted to do this.
Shouldn't be too difficult. Samson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey.
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Old 04-30-2024, 12:12 PM   #3
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

Certainly the sort of thing that your bog-standard Evil Empire would pull off ("How many new slaves did we capture again in the last war against Eladen, Grand Vizier?") in order to outfit the Emperor's Swordmaster in suitably scary fashion.

That, and a thing for the Intrepid Heroes to find out about -- the bad guys are crowing over it, after all -- and stop before the EE's Evil Wizards reach Human Sacrifice #7,550.
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Old 04-30-2024, 01:13 PM   #4
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

Once Meta-Tech comes out, it will be easy to determine a 'fair' price for an item like this.
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Old 04-30-2024, 01:45 PM   #5
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
Once Meta-Tech comes out, it will be easy to determine a 'fair' price for an item like this.
I was thinking the same thing, yeah.

As for the item itself, there's a lot of description of what the swords and chain do, but what about the armor? It seems like it should provide some amount of DR to the wearer, but that isn't accounted for here (I assume it has personal DR of 25 or higher*, as there's no Limitation for its DR, but that doesn't protect the user).

*It bugs me that the DR for +0% on Breakable (you still get the Limitation for how large it is) is open-ended; in theory you could say the Gadget has a googolplex DR (1 followed by a googol of zeroes; a googol is itself 1 followed by a hundred zeros) and still get the full discount for its size, despite the fact it's only breakable by a cosmic force (specifically, something with Cosmic: Ignores DR).
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Last edited by Varyon; 04-30-2024 at 01:52 PM.
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Old 05-01-2024, 04:20 AM   #6
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

So I have idiopathic polycythemia and I have to have weekly phlebotomy treatments so it doesn't kill me. I did the math once using my average iron levels and it was like 14 years to gather enough iron to build a 3 lb. that's something.

And yeah, GURPS Meta-Tech will let you package this nice and purty.
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Old 05-01-2024, 10:30 PM   #7
jason taylor
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Default Re: Sword & Armor Chained and Forged of the Iron from the Blood of 7550 People [50 pt

You have to explain how they separate the iron.

One possibility is that the blood is used to carbonize rather than for the iron. Another is that the iron is separated magically.
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