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Old 06-10-2008, 09:02 AM   #51
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Bazz
really? see, i see it as precisely the opposite - it allows you to burn race/class cards which are hiding the card you actually wanna pick up, like a level 1 potted plant to win the game. i love the cleric, easily my favopurite class from original munchkin. i consider it quite overpowered, and best of all, people don't tend to realise just how powerful it is.
I agree and disagree. . . I feel the Cleric is not underpowered, nor overpowered, but pretty much in balance with the rest of the Classes. I kind of question it when anyone says one Class is overpowered or "useless." In the end, I think it takes more experience playing before one begins to see the balance. I'll agree that there are points in time where one Class is more useful than another, but that, in no way, implies a lack of balance or usefulness, in general.
Erik D. Zane
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MiB #1029
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Old 06-10-2008, 09:25 AM   #52
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan
I agree and disagree. . . I feel the Cleric is not underpowered, nor overpowered, but pretty much in balance with the rest of the Classes. I kind of question it when anyone says one Class is overpowered or "useless." In the end, I think it takes more experience playing before one begins to see the balance. I'll agree that there are points in time where one Class is more useful than another, but that, in no way, implies a lack of balance or usefulness, in general.

I have to agree with munchkinman here. I've been playing munchkin since the beginning (although that really doesn't have any relevance here), and I have yet to think that any one class is more or less powerful than any other class. That is one thing that keeps me coming back time and time again to play. Just the fact that anyone, new to the game or old, can sit down and learn the basics and win with any class, race, style, power or whatever. I do have to say that is one of my favorite things about this game, that they do seem to make sure that things are balanced (well at least till someone shows up with a bunch or promo stuff and tips the balance to their side).
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:35 AM   #53
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Default Re: Member House Rules

i think warrior is great from level 1-3, but as you gain more stuff, berserk starts to lose it's edge, and the same goes for winning ties. it's great at low levels, but i tend to find that either cleric or wizard are the best classes to finsih off the game.

changelings and mummies in bites! are not as useful in my opinion. Kiss it and Make it better is a fairly niche ability to really use well, although tidy your room is brilliant at stopping other people winning the game - it isn't so useful for actually helping you to win.

but thats just my experience from my own games.
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Old 06-11-2008, 03:20 AM   #54
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Member House Rules

Personally I like all the classes. If I have to pick a fav it would be the Cleric.

Now in regards to balance. In our group, the thief at first level only is thought to be out of balance. As a result, in order to steal anything the player must discard two card to activate his ability. Once he has a level to lose then the ability is used normally.

Last edited by Shadowere; 06-11-2008 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 06-11-2008, 08:22 AM   #55
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by MunchkinMan
I kind of question it when anyone says one Class is overpowered or "useless." In the end, I think it takes more experience playing before one begins to see the balance. I'll agree that there are points in time where one Class is more useful than another, but that, in no way, implies a lack of balance or usefulness, in general.
I agree.

Races, on the other hand....

/has yet to see a real benefit to being a Bug -- if anyone has any clever tricks with the Bug, please feel free to share
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Old 06-18-2008, 11:12 AM   #56
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Default Re: Member House Rules

We adhere very strictly to the rule that it is only cheating if you get caught, as a result cheating has become rampant among our group, and we like it that way. This has caused us to enact a couple of house rules to deal with excessive cheating:

1) Your cards must be held above the table at all times. If you are caught holding cards below the table, those cards are discarded (no charity).

2) If you are caught cheating by using more items than allowed (i.e. 3 hands worth of weapons, 2 suits of armor), the person who caught you cheating decides which cards are discarded (no charity) to fix the cheating situation, and that person also gets to draw a face down treasure card.

3) If you are caught cheating by having more than 5 cards in your hand directly after your charity/discard phase, the person who catches you randomly draws cards from your hand to discard down to 5 (charity allowed), and also draws a face down treasure card.
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Old 06-18-2008, 10:08 PM   #57
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Originally Posted by Kerrang
We adhere very strictly to the rule that it is only cheating if you get caught, as a result cheating has become rampant among our group, and we like it that way. This has caused us to enact a couple of house rules to deal with excessive cheating:

1) Your cards must be held above the table at all times. If you are caught holding cards below the table, those cards are discarded (no charity).

2) If you are caught cheating by using more items than allowed (i.e. 3 hands worth of weapons, 2 suits of armor), the person who caught you cheating decides which cards are discarded (no charity) to fix the cheating situation, and that person also gets to draw a face down treasure card.

3) If you are caught cheating by having more than 5 cards in your hand directly after your charity/discard phase, the person who catches you randomly draws cards from your hand to discard down to 5 (charity allowed), and also draws a face down treasure card.
It seems this style of play works for your group. You've created rules to allow it, but recognize there are penalties for doing so.

This style of play does not leave room for an honest mistake. Which is why we do not allow any cheating. Unless directed by the cards. Sure someone may try to cheat, but there are time when you are not paying attention. Mistakes do happen.....We just correct things based on the situation at hand.
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Old 06-22-2008, 11:21 AM   #58
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Default Re: Member House Rules

As a house rule, it's cool to have a extra copy of each Race and Class in a separate pile so that you don't have to dig through the Door deck when you hit one of the "search the Door deck for a Class/Race" dungeons from Munchkin 6 pops up.
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:51 AM   #59
Join Date: Aug 2006
Default Re: Member House Rules

On the note of cheating...

If I decided to allow a cheating house rule, I'd probably put in a few other rules:

-You can cheat, but not lie. If someone asks you a direct question (i.e. What's your level, or what's your total bonuses), you have to answer truthfully.

-No one can touch your stuff while you're away. If a player has to leave the table for a moment (drink run, bathroom, etc), that player's stuff isn't stealable.

Also, if anyone's caught cheating, they have to fix the problem (i.e. give back stolen items, removing items they have too many of, etc), and then the person that caught them cheating gets to take one item at random from the cheater's hand. If the cheater has no cards in hand, the person that caught them instead gets to take any item of his choice from the cheater.
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Old 07-01-2008, 06:51 PM   #60
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Default Re: Member House Rules

I usually play with some random houserules.
The most specific one is about a specific GUAL card.

Invoke Obscure Rules
To use this card I have a houserule that the person trying to GUAL must think of a rule that applies to everyone, but the GM has to approve it, and itis not allowed to introduce imbalance and stuff.

For example when a friend tried to make it so that everytime he met a monster starting by the letter A he was to go up a level before combat.
That was not approved.

Another friend though made the game a lot more complicated by saying that everytime a monster of a level of 5 or below was defeated, everyone who DID play cards in the battle (including the battler himself) had to jug down a beer of atleast 33cl.
After about 1h 30m of gaming things went a bit complicated. ;D
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