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Old 11-20-2012, 04:11 AM   #521
Gideon Wyatt
Join Date: Nov 2012
Default Re: Munckin game idea

Good call, forgot about that! Any proposed fixed is is it a dud?
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Old 11-20-2012, 05:35 AM   #522
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Default Re: Munckin game idea

Should probably put this in the house rules thread. But..
Maybe shuffle the monsters from either deck into each other, if that's what you're going for :) Of course you'd have to put all the cards in opaque sleeves.

Last edited by Enzzo; 11-20-2012 at 01:02 PM. Reason: correcting a typo
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Old 11-20-2012, 06:02 AM   #523
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Default Re: Member House Rules

You could make separate decks of Classes and Accents and roll for a chance to get one, or discard to pick one.
Andy Partridge
MiB #3282, Palm Bay, FL
Munchkin, Zombie/Cthulhu Dice, Burn in Hell!, Revolution!, Castellan, Chez Geek, OGRE DE, Chupacabra, Nanuk
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Old 11-25-2012, 01:33 PM   #524
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Still pondering this one. When playing Epic Munchkin, a player may add two monsters using a single wandering monster card to any player's combat who is above level ten.
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Old 12-05-2012, 10:56 PM   #525
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Default Re: Member House Rules

We just played a really fun Apocalypse game that had the Reindeer Games and Naughty and Nice boosters in it, along with some other fun cards with fantasy Munchkin backs (Santa, Hog Steed, Elite, Master, Legendary, Annihilation, etc.). Everyone had lots of fun with it :)
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Old 12-26-2012, 03:17 PM   #526
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Default Re: Member House Rules

I haven't played it enough to be certain if this is needed, but if it ever gets to the point where all my Apocalypse games are ending in a mad rush to open Seals, I think I'll institute the following House Rule:

The player who opens the seventh Seal is unable to win the game.

This gives the players that don't have enough Items a little more time to close some Seals and so on.
My unofficial, but comprehensive Flowcharts: Munchkin: A4 Letter; Munchkin Quest: A4 Letter
Rules Checklist for all Munchkin sets: A4 Letter.
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Old 01-01-2013, 06:22 PM   #527
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: Member House Rules

So... I'm a little new to Munchkin but have played a few games. My group often found it frustrating to draw numerous class and race cards with decks seeming unbalanced at times depending on the luck of the draw. Plus who has ever played a D&D game without first having a character? So we changed things up a little to make just about every new door an adventure...

Drankin House Rules:
1. Setup as normal but separate out all of the races and classes
(or similar cards depending on the set)
2. At the beginning of the game each players draws one race and one class card which must be played at the beginning of their turn. (I've put them into sleeves to distinguish them from the other cards).
3. Game then plays as normal with a few additional modifications...

Additional Rule Modifiers:
A. If a card is played allowing for an additional hybrid class or race, select another card from the appropriate pile.
B. If a card removes your class or race, it's now gone unless a card overrides.
C. At any time during a player turn, they may opted to sacrifice their character (via Death) losing all of their cards, bonuses, etc to start over fresh at their existing level. Each of the other players may take one item from their sacrificed (Dead) corpse all of cards are discarded. The "Dead" player now select a new race, class, draw six cards and their turn is over.
D. You get to now keep six cards in your hand...

I own the following:

Munchkin Deluxe
- The board helps for those that have no vision...
Munchkin 4 - The Need for Steed
- Riding things is cool!
Munchkin Monster Enhancers
- It's always more fun to be cruel to your neighbor.
Munchkin Reloaded
- Extra enhancements...
Munchkin Conan
- The back of the cards match... Horay... (I'm anal like that...)
- Added because they have a Human like race!
- I made the Barbarians and Nobles a class.
- The box also fits inside of the Munchkin Deluxe Box which help with sorting; I like keeping my cards all together (Another anal thing...)

Now I'm only missing a few blank cards to add to the fun...
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Old 01-02-2013, 10:03 AM   #528
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Default Re: Member House Rules

Is there some reason that you don't just let everyone draw one Race and Class after you have determined turn order and then let everyone start out with their Race and Class? The rules allow for you to build your character before regular play starts. I mean if you are going to make point of saying that you never start playing some RPG without first having a character, why have one player start off on the adventure as the only one with a fully configured character, especially when other players can help him?
Erik D. Zane
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MiB #1029
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Old 01-07-2013, 01:33 AM   #529
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: Member House Rules

The last time we played a day or two ago we all flipped over our race and class card before we started. We are kind of loose on it seeing that it does seem to really matter unless that first person needs help right away.
We are also kind of loose on how many cards you can hold in your hand although we don't typically have more than six.
Yesterday when playing I killed off a player pretty early on, "dead" by creature. As a result they discarded their cards we looted their old character and they drew a new character and class plus six new cards (3 treasure / 3 doors) and started from the level they were already at although they were pretty mad as they liked their character and equipment. I had been a dark halving and received a level for aiding a monster in winning.
It's definately a fun way to play...
The only odd cards are the ones that cause you to discard your race or class, but typically we have the player chose a new race and/or class card on their next turn. The reason I bought the Conan set other than matching backs is because they have a large number of humanoid races (which we treat as humans) to offset the elves, dwarves, etc. It's fun if everyone has a race with some bonus.
That is until someone wipes out your character that you started with. :)
Definately easier than the old D&D character creation.
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Old 02-11-2013, 07:40 PM   #530
Join Date: Feb 2013
Default Re: Member House Rules

I implement a couple.

1. When Munchkins die, the are removed from the game until their next turn.

2. Divine intervention is removed from the game after being played.

There are a few more I can't remember. I looooove this game.
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combining different, doors, dummy hand, epic, extras, funny, gambling, gameplay, house rules, multi-deck, munchkin, munchkin zombies, new way to play, rules, rules variant, team, teams, two player, zombie dice

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