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Old 09-01-2007, 10:29 AM   #1
Der Wanderer
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Default [MA Style] Cat-Fu

OK, I like MA though I was disappointed that there is no Cat-Fu Style...
So, I would like your input what should be part of a Cat-Fu Style.

Cat-Fu [6 points]
Prerequisites: Claws and Teeth (This can also be Bladed hand and Steel Teeth or Psi Claws etc.)
Cat-Fu has three offensive elements. Fast claw-strikes to the face (eyes and neck) to test / weaken the prey, strong pouncing / slamming attack to take down the prey and grappling / wrenching (choking / neck snap) to finish it off.
Defensively the style relies on agility (acrobatics). Practicioner of the Cat-Fu style have a strong predatory mentality and therefore rarely wear heavy armor and don't use shields.

Primary Skills:
Karate: For claw attacks to the face and throat + biting attacks.
Sumo Wrestling: For flying tackle (if two legged) or pouncing (if four legged)
Wrestling: For grappling, limb wrenching and chocking
Acrobatics: For smooth and flashy moves, acrobatic attacks and movement
Stealth: To get close to the enemy before pouncing

Karate: Eye-Poke, Eye-Rake, Ground Fighting, Low Fighting, Targeted Attacks (To Face, Eyes, or Neck with the Teeth or the Claws)
Sumo Wrestling: Attack from Above
Wrestling: Choke Hold (Bite), Ground Fighting, Low Fighting, Neck Snap (Bite), Targeted Attack (Grappling Bite / Neck), Wrench Limb (Bite)
Acrobatics: Acrobatic Stand, Break Fall, Evade

Cinematic Skills:
Flying Leap
Light Walk
Lizzard Climb: To scale walls using your claws
Precognitive Parry & Sensitivity: To represent the fabled cast’s seventh sense (sixth for those with only five primary senses ;))
Pressure Points, Pressure Secrets
Roar (aka Kiai): A mighty battle roar to stun enemies.

Cinematic Techniques:
Lethal Eye-Poke, Pressure-Point Strike, Roll with the Blow, Springing Attack

Biting Mastery, Ground Guard, Neck Control, Rapid Retraction (Punch), Skill Adaptation (Acrobatic Feints), Skill Adaptation (Acrobatic Kicks), Skill Adaptation (Clinch; Karate)
Shtick (Growl): intimidation roll as free action

Optional Traits
Advantages: Catfall, Claws, Teeth, Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Extra Legs (NFM -30%, Switchable +10%, Reflexive +40%)*, Striking ST (Bite Only -60%)
Disadvantages: On the Edge, Impulsiveness
Skills: Jumping
Techniques: Aggressive Parry (Karate), Jump Kick, Kicking
Cinematic Techniques: Flying Jump Kick

*With this you are either two or four legged allowing you to Pounce and stuff...

Things I'm missing (or have overlooked): Raking with hind legs after grappling (or being grappled)
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Last edited by Der Wanderer; 09-09-2007 at 04:38 AM.
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Old 09-01-2007, 12:22 PM   #2
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
Primary Skills: Karate, Brawling, Wrestling, Acrobatics
Why Brawling? None of the listed techniques use it, and it doesn't seem to fit the stereotypical "lithe and skillful" cat-person stereotype. I'd just stick with Acrobatics, Karate, and Wrestling.
Techniques: Acrobatic Stand, Aggressive Parry (Karate), Attack from Above, Choke Hold (Bite), Evade, Eye Pluck, Eye Rake, Ground Fighting, Neck Snap (Bite), Wrench (Limb / Bite), Roll with Blow, Springing Attack, TA (Neck / Karate), TA (Face / Karate)
Eye Pluck seems a little off. I've never seen or imagined a cat-person pulling out someone's eye. I'd change that to Eye Rake, myself, letting the claws add their "damage" to the roll.
Cinematic Skills:
I'd move Flying Leap and Light Walk from Optional Skills up here to Cinematic Skills.
Perk: Big Mouth (Your Mouth has SM+1 or "your SM"+1 whatever is better), so even a small catgirl can bite a humans neck and choke him...
No, this is a feature. See Born Biters under Teeth, p. 115.
Things I'm missing (or have overlooked): Raking with hind legs after grappling (or being grappled)
That's not a technique -- it's just attacking at a penalty for being grappled, which is something you can't buy off.
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Old 09-01-2007, 04:35 PM   #3
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

You would also need the "Neko-ken" technique, which is a short, swift and deceptively powerful jab performed while mimicking the posture of the "beckoning cat" (a statue traditionally found in chinese and japanese restaraunts).

Ranma Saotome's father once tried teaching him the Neko-ken technique by tying him up with rolls of fish and dropping him in a pit full of cats.

It didn't work.
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Old 09-01-2007, 04:42 PM   #4
Der Wanderer
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty
Why Brawling? None of the listed techniques use it, and it doesn't seem to fit the stereotypical "lithe and skillful" cat-person stereotype. I'd just stick with Acrobatics, Karate, and Wrestling.
Except for Slam/Pouncing which either uses DX/Brawling or Sumo Wrestling, thats why its there as I imagine that this would be one of the prime attacks for a cat-fu warrior... But hey I'm open for suggestion (Maybe I could use Skill Adaptation even though Pouncing is not by default a Technique)
In Addition, I would persume that raking by default would also use Brawling

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty
Eye Pluck seems a little off. I've never seen or imagined a cat-person pulling out someone's eye. I'd change that to Eye Rake, myself, letting the claws add their "damage" to the roll.
*Whistling Twisted Nerve* You are probably right...

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty
I'd move Flying Leap and Light Walk from Optional Skills up here to Cinematic Skills.
I primarly collected skills so far and not sorted them well yet... off to Cinematic they go...

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty
No, this is a feature. See Born Biters under Teeth, p. 115.
Ahh missed that one...

Originally Posted by Rev. Pee Kitty
That's not a technique -- it's just attacking at a penalty for being grappled, which is something you can't buy off.
Well if it has a penalty then there should be a technique to remove that penalty. After all its what cats do, grapple with mouth and front claws, rake with back claws...
And if you by any chance would know how much of a penalty we are talking about I would be double plus happy (and try to write a Technique myself)
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Last edited by Der Wanderer; 09-01-2007 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:51 PM   #5
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Der Wanderer
And if you by any chance would know how much of a penalty we are talking about I would be double plus happy (and try to write a Technique myself)
It seems like RPK was confused. He said the penalty *FOR BEING* grappled, not the penalty for grappling an opponent. If you're the one grappling, you can attack at no penalty using any limb not involved in the grapple itself.

Does anybody know if there are rules for grabbing your opponent and then just jumping on them? It seems almost like a Takedown, but I don't think the penalty for failure (falling prone) works for the attacker in this situation... :/
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Old 09-02-2007, 03:10 AM   #6
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by HeroPenguin
It seems like RPK was confused. He said the penalty *FOR BEING* grappled, not the penalty for grappling an opponent. If you're the one grappling, you can attack at no penalty using any limb not involved in the grapple itself.
Not entirely, a cat will rake when grappling or being grappled, both apply.

When grappling: Unmodified roll, does thr-1/-2? cut damage
When grappled: Modified roll, does the same damage
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Old 09-02-2007, 05:23 AM   #7
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

I don't understand: how is Fighting While being Grappled different from Fighting While on Ground. If one can be a Technique, why can't the other? Both are penalties to a skill under specific circumstances.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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Old 09-02-2007, 05:45 AM   #8
Peter V. Dell'Orto
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Molokh
I don't understand: how is Fighting While being Grappled different from Fighting While on Ground. If one can be a Technique, why can't the other? Both are penalties to a skill under specific circumstances.
Well, so is Deceptive Attack, and you can't buy that off...same with Rapid Strike, or many other combat options. Sometimes this is for ghame balance at heart - like buying off DA - but it's often hand-in-hand with realism concerns (i.e. if you let people buy off Deceptive Attack, you're saying they can't do a plain vanilla attack any more easily than a really tricky one, which doesn't make sense).

Buying off the penalty to DX while grappled, even on a per-skill basis, was one we rejected on the realism grounds. It's just never as easy to fight when someone is holding you as it is when you're not being grappled at all, no matter how much you train. That was the consensus all the grapplers and strikers who grapple that I talked to, and it also reflected what we found. Not a single striker, even ones who like to strike while grappled, have said that it is easier.

That said, you could a) ignore what I said and make the technique anyway, or b) make the technique but cap it below full skill, so you can get a little better but never as good as if you didn't have an active opponent holding on to you and by his or her actions interfering with your actions. b) is more realistic, although it's still pretty optimistic - even with lots of training you are vastly better off if your opponent doesn't grab you back.


And yeah, no Cat-Fu in MA. We didn't have a handy cat race to attach it to, it's easy enough to generate (it's fictional and much of its components are fairly obvious), and it was an easy call as "the first thing people will make for themselves." Those added up to not considering adding one.
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Old 09-02-2007, 08:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Toadkiller_Dog
Buying off the penalty to DX while grappled, even on a per-skill basis, was one we rejected on the realism grounds. It's just never as easy to fight when someone is holding you as it is when you're not being grappled at all, no matter how much you train. That was the consensus all the grapplers and strikers who grapple that I talked to, and it also reflected what we found. Not a single striker, even ones who like to strike while grappled, have said that it is easier.
With the differencer to GURPS that all grapplers you asked where human, the anatomy of the grappled person plays quite a role...

Originally Posted by Toadkiller_Dog
That said, you could a) ignore what I said and make the technique anyway, or b) make the technique but cap it below full skill, so you can get a little better but never as good as if you didn't have an active opponent holding on to you and by his or her actions interfering with your actions. b) is more realistic, although it's still pretty optimistic - even with lots of training you are vastly better off if your opponent doesn't grab you back.
Will do that, and consider the suggestion of capping, but then again your assumpions are for humans...
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Old 09-02-2007, 04:06 PM   #10
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Default Re: [MA Style] Cat-Fu

Originally Posted by Toadkiller_Dog
And yeah, no Cat-Fu in MA. We didn't have a handy cat race to attach it to, it's easy enough to generate (it's fictional and much of its components are fairly obvious), and it was an easy call as "the first thing people will make for themselves." Those added up to not considering adding one.
umm you did have a handy race, the Felioned rase in Basic Set.

But please tel at least the technique for using claws with karate made it in....
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