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Old 12-01-2016, 05:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2015
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Default Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

One of my players has decided that he wants to build a character that uses a scythe/gun and throws him around pretty much like Rwby red from rooster teeths anime.

It's a TL11 with super science world so it's possible. And I don't have a problem with it to be honest.

What I've got so far is the weapon is actually a gravity gun, (the one that does double kickback crushing damage) mixed with a scythe that has a hyper dense blade etc.

Anyway. I was making a style of fighting much like those in martial arts.

I was looking for the "roll with the blow" skill and I can't find what book it's in.

I also am looking for suggestions on how to deal with this particular type of combat.
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Old 12-01-2016, 05:56 PM   #2
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

"Roll With Blow" is a Technique on MA87.
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Old 12-01-2016, 06:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

QUOTE=Anaraxes;2062147]"Roll With Blow" is a Technique on MA87.[/QUOTE]

Alright. I appreciate it kindly
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Old 12-01-2016, 08:07 PM   #4
Donny Brook
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

So you'll have the Scythe and Beam Weapons skills.

You'll also probably want one or more unarmed skills. If you see the unarmed skills as a high-investment part of the art, then go with Karate and/or Judo. If you see it as a lower-investment part of the art then Brawling and/or Wrestling are the way to go.

I think you will want to look at the Weapon Adaptation technique to include in your martial art. Probably Grip Mastery perk too. Whirlwind Attack and Defense would probably be cool too.
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Old 12-02-2016, 04:20 AM   #5
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

I don't think Ruby uses Brawling or Karate to kick people while she's wielding her scythe. I think she uses Scythe-Gun, which is also the skill she uses it shoot it, and swing it, and probably jump with it. Which kinda makes it sound like Scythe-Gun!, which is probably appropriate. I'd also argue that she does scythe-gun damage when she kicks; it's not like a pole-vaulting kick or a strike with the blade are portrayed as doing different amounts of damage. I'd further argue that the scythe does crushing damage. Does the setting use bleeding rules? Does the scythe perform better against unarmored targets than against armored ones (which is the essential distinction that the wounding modifier adds)? No? It's crushing damage that, as a special effect, can decapitate.

I'm not saying nobody ever engages in combat without their weapon (not that I can remember it), but I think using a separate skill for some kind of wacky recoil-assisted kick, as compared to jumping really high and hitting with the blade, isn't appropriate to the setting. EDIT: what I mean to say is that if someone is caught without their weapon, by all means, use unarmed skills. It strikes me that some people would be better prepared for this situation that others. It just doesn't feel like people need to have 2-4 skills to reflect all the ways they use their weapons.

Of course, maybe you don't want it to feel like RWBY, you just want to borrow the weapon from it. That would be cool too. It's just, the less the rules reflect RWBY, the less like Ruby your player's character is going to be able to be.
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Old 12-04-2016, 04:55 PM   #6
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

That's pretty much the plan.

I'm not remaking the world or anything. He just saw the weapon and flash fighting style and wanted to do that.

The campaign is actually a gritty realism setting set in a dystopian deadspace type world.

So he just wanted to swing around a scythe gun basically.

For the gun I was thinking the dbk Gravity cru damage guns from ultratech with a few modifications.

As for the scythe part. Cutting was the plan. Light targets were the main objective. And being very mobile and dodgy and the what have you was the style of fighting.

The only real difficulty would be the part where he were to grab a person with the hook technique and the shoots the gun. How much damage would it do? I don't really know.

The only way that I would think to find out is to do a bit of math to figure out how far the gun would throw itself and the person holding it. Then work out the str required to throw said gun that far. And then have it do thrust damage equal to that strength. That's my only thought at the moment.

Any ideas?
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Old 12-06-2016, 01:46 PM   #7
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Default Re: Looking to make a style of fighting that uses a lot of shenanigans

Originally Posted by McAllister View Post
Of course, maybe you don't want it to feel like RWBY, you just want to borrow the weapon from it. That would be cool too. It's just, the less the rules reflect RWBY, the less like Ruby your player's character is going to be able to be.
This is the case. He just wanted the weapon "gurpsified" for lack of a better word.

If memory serves correctly, he was actually planning on making a slightly crazy scrawny guy who wore the equivilnt of a stealth exosuite.

Which, I believe, is pretty far from Rwby hahaha.
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skills, style, ultratech

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