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Old 05-07-2016, 02:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2016
Default Car Wars scenarios

Is it just me, or are the scenarios still incredibly scattered, the compendium has the rules from a lot of supplements, but there has yet to be a book that compiles all of the various scenarios right? From standard supplements like Dueltrack, to all the stuff in the various ADQ mags, there's a lot there. I just ask because I recently leafed through a found copy of Dueltrack and a few ADQ stuff, and was surprised that, for example, they did make full rules for AADA racing. It seems like the only way to get any organized non-custom rules for things that aren't just standard arena autodueling is to buy all the old supplements just for the few pages of scenarios, and even with standard arena autoduelling, you need to get supplements if you want any sort of explanation of structure.
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Old 05-07-2016, 09:32 AM   #2
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

True to an extent. In many respects it mirrors the model that most RPGs use. If you get the Deluxe set rather than just the Compendium though, there are some scenarios.

ADQ is probably your best bet. If you're interested in opinions of the content of a particular issue or supplement, just ask here. A number of us have the full collection and have used much of it.
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Old 05-07-2016, 05:44 PM   #3
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

there should really be a ADQ compendium. Hm, well, I suppose I would want to know if any of the ADQ expands any more on the AADA system, or like combat racing. I have L'Outrace and the original Arena Book, but haven't had the time to read through either of them more than a quick scan. L'Outrace seems like the best for me, and I wonder if some ADQs provide similar in detail overviews of an AADA Circuit. I don't know if the road atlases do that or not, I own a few but also have only skimmed. Highway duels also are interesting. I guess I don't need any RPG-heavy scenarios, since I own Gurps Autoduel and the other necessary core gurps books for that, and if the group really wants a more RPG-like experience I can just break that out.

Of course, I could also just pick issues at random and just build up a collection slowly.
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Old 05-07-2016, 07:04 PM   #4
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

There is a complete index to all 40 issues of Autoduel Quarterly in Volume 10, Number 4. The index states what type of article for each entry, including scenarios.

Warehouse 23 - Autoduel Quarterly Vol. 10, Number 4, Winter 2042 (1992)
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Old 05-07-2016, 07:22 PM   #5
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

Originally Posted by owenmp View Post
There is a complete index to all 40 issues of Autoduel Quarterly in Volume 10, Number 4. The index states what type of article for each entry, including scenarios.

Warehouse 23 - Autoduel Quarterly Vol. 10, Number 4, Winter 2042 (1992)
Wow! That really helps. Thank you so much
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Old 05-11-2016, 10:51 PM   #6
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

Originally Posted by illuminchaoti999 View Post
I don't know if the road atlases do that or not, I own a few but also have only skimmed. .
The 7 volumes of RAASGs are my favorite Car Wars reading. I know many scenarios are stat-ed out for both GURPS and CW, but I don't recall racing specific scenarios; although the RPG adventure in The South is a big cross country race to Florida....
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Old 05-16-2016, 02:41 AM   #7
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

The Road Atlas GURPS scenarios (not terribly hard to bring back to CW, too) are pretty good. They kind of lean on the GM to flesh out, but they're filled with fun situations. Someday I'm going to get a steady campaign going with all the fun scenarios that are available, both in ADQ and the Road Atlases.

By the way, Convoy is great. You have to run it in very basic tech though. Classic is even a little too advanced. In a related thought, I've tried to limit access to high-tech stuff, so there's a way to improve. Like, if you stop in a little town out in the boonies, they're only going to have standard ammo, and only for MG, RR, MD, SS, OJ, SD. If you want to stock up on napalm mines, time to head to Uncle Al's in a big city. If you want a Gauss Gun or Twin Laser, you'll have to find that, like finding a +3 Longsword in D&D.
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Old 05-17-2016, 05:24 PM   #8
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

Updating scenarios can be necessary but fun : those RL armed vehicles with no computers are sitting ducks to modern ones with VMGs plus HRSWCs etc . Swapping VG1 era designs for modified ones from VG2 era is a start .
Ambush Scenario : Organised bandits armed with ATGs w/APFSDS ammo or BCs w/HEAT , take out that designated 40' Bus every single time you play it ? Give them a Large Armoured to tackle instead !

Lightbulb has plans , stats and scenario ideas for a large , heavily defended 2050's Truck Stop/Motel . I'll see if he'll provide links and layout PDFs of floor plans and text etc .
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Last edited by Racer; 05-18-2016 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 05-18-2016, 01:01 PM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

VG1 era designs are fine if you just us them against each other (or treat them as mass production commuter jobs).

I am considering giving them a price break against custom designed vehicles. Yestertech should be a bit cheaper. The only issue is to ensure that they aren't simply stripped for parts and rebuilt as new designs at a lower price.

Must be a way of doing that.
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Old 05-18-2016, 01:39 PM   #10
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Default Re: Car Wars scenarios

Seems like I'm not the only one who liked the scenarios. Back in my first few years of Car Wars playing, there was a semi-regular Midville campaign at the local university gaming club. And when we had an AADA chapter, we had a annual hearse race through Midville every Halloween.
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car wars, scenarios, supplements

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