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Old 02-10-2024, 09:57 AM   #1
Dr Rick
Join Date: Jan 2024
Default Flame cloud question

Hi all. Brief intro: I played in the late 80s to mid 90s, and then not until I spent a slightly embarrassing amount of money on DriveThruRPG a few weeks ago, since when I've been enjoying myself enormously.

Question about flame clouds that isn't in CWRQ or ODQ (or the original sources, as far as I can see): if a vehicle touches a counter, does it treat it as through it were fully inside the counter (ie all facings and tyres take damage)? My guess is probably yes. This duel came down to a couple of cars barely moving after a head-on, and one car pivoted in reverse, stopped, and fired its FCE onto the other.
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Old 02-10-2024, 01:33 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Flame cloud question

Originally Posted by Dr Rick View Post
if a vehicle touches a counter, does it treat it as through it were fully inside the counter (ie all facings and tyres take damage)?
That is the simplest way to handle it, and it's how we handled it in our group.
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Old 02-12-2024, 08:04 PM   #3
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Default Re: Flame cloud question

Originally Posted by Dr Rick View Post
Hi all. Brief intro: I played in the late 80s to mid 90s, and then not until I spent a slightly embarrassing amount of money on DriveThruRPG a few weeks ago, since when I've been enjoying myself enormously.

Question about flame clouds that isn't in CWRQ or ODQ (or the original sources, as far as I can see): if a vehicle touches a counter, does it treat it as through it were fully inside the counter (ie all facings and tyres take damage)? My guess is probably yes. This duel came down to a couple of cars barely moving after a head-on, and one car pivoted in reverse, stopped, and fired its FCE onto the other.
The official wording (from UACfH):
"do d-1 damage to all exposed vehicular components and pedestrians
that touch the counter while it is burning"

My crew has played where if you barely touch it from the front, the rear tires and back, but, it is much simpler than arguing over which parts of the car take damage... I mean, if it only covers the front corner, should I take less damage to the side/top/under than I do to the front since it covers less?
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Old 02-13-2024, 05:15 AM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: Flame cloud question

Originally Posted by svawter View Post
The official wording (from UACfH):
"do d-1 damage to all exposed vehicular components and pedestrians
that touch the counter while it is burning"

My crew has played where if you barely touch it from the front, the rear tires and back, but, it is much simpler than arguing over which parts of the car take damage... I mean, if it only covers the front corner, should I take less damage to the side/top/under than I do to the front since it covers less?
We tried a similar rule (as otherwise FCE's are far too powerful). We kept it simple, if the vehicle counter side was touching the flame counter without another side intervening then it was deemed exposed. So unless the vehicle counter was wholly surrounded by a flame counter some sides were not exposed. Gas weapons only affected top armour, liquids only affected bottom armour.

If during moving a side that was previously declared unexposed became exposed to the same cloud then damage was resolved against it in subsequent phases. I.E. if you drove the front of your car into a flame counter you resolved the damage to the front, sides and top and bottom as appropriate. When the back passed through in a subsequent phase in the same turn, then you would resolve the damage to the back armour at that point.

A bit more nuanced, but also easy to determine effect.

Last edited by swordtart; 02-13-2024 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 02-19-2024, 03:33 AM   #5
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Default Re: Flame cloud question

Originally Posted by Dr Rick View Post
Hi all. Brief intro: I played in the late 80s to mid 90s, and then not until I spent a slightly embarrassing amount of money on DriveThruRPG a few weeks ago, since when I've been enjoying myself enormously.

Question about flame clouds that isn't in CWRQ or ODQ (or the original sources, as far as I can see): if a vehicle touches a counter, does it treat it as through it were fully inside the counter (ie all facings and tyres take damage)? My guess is probably yes. This duel came down to a couple of cars barely moving after a head-on, and one car pivoted in reverse, stopped, and fired its FCE onto the other.
I've always treated it as only faces inside get hit. But if they're in at all, they're treated as fully in.
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Old 02-21-2024, 06:09 PM   #6
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Default Re: Flame cloud question

Same - also gas is notorious for not staying in a 7.5x15' cloud...

Originally Posted by 43Supporter View Post
That is the simplest way to handle it, and it's how we handled it in our group.
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