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Old 04-27-2017, 09:18 AM   #1
A Ladder
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Good morning!
I am in the process of stating up generic enemies for GMs to use in campaigns based out of the Basic Set. I'm putting them in the easy to read format that DF uses to present their monsters, but for other enemies from a wide variety of campaigns.

This first set is to present realistic challengers from TL0-TL4, please review these and let me know what you think. Are they realistic? Is there anything I should add or remove? Are there iconic figures from history that I missed?

(Some more questions before I get to the list)
Do I need to go back and add notes for specific weapons? ranged weapons’ shots, accuracy, range? How about reach for melee weapons?
Is Combat Reflexes realistic for (Roman legionnaires, Spartans, Eagle/Jaguar warriors, knights/samurai, modern soldiers, etc.)?
What about High Pain Threshold?
What sort of relevant disadvantages should I put on these quick reference sheets?

Neanderthal Hunter
ST: 13 HP: 13 Speed: 5.50
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 5
IQ: 10 Per: 11
HT: 11 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 1* (See notes)
Weapons (12): Axe (2d+1(0.5) cutting), Light Club (2d crushing), or Spear (One hand 1d+3(0.5) impaling or two hands 1d+4(0.5) impaling).
Traits: Dislikes Strangers, Dislikes large groups, Distinctive features: Neanderthal brow, Dull, Damage Resistance 1 (Skull Only), Feature: Temperature comfort zone is much lower than ordinary humans, the zone is somewhere around 25* to 80*.
Skills: Either Axe/Mace-12, Broadsword-12, or Spear-12. Area Knowledge-10; Armoury (melee or ranged weapons)-10; Camouflage-11; Machinist-10; Naturalist-11; Navigation-10; Running-11; Stealth-11; Survival-11; Tracking-11.
Notes: Axes and Spears are made of stone (p. B275). Neanderthals have an additional 1 DR on the skull.
Notable gear includes: Axe ($50, 4 lbs) or Light Club ($5, 3 lbs); Fur Loincloth and Tunic (covering groin and torso), $35, 2 lbs; Personal Basics, $5, 1 lb; Sleeping Fur, $50, 8 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs.

Eagle or Jaguar Warrior.
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7*+1 Parry/Block: 9+1 DR: 1*
Weapons (13): Axe (1d+4*(0.5) cutting), Macuahuitl (1d+3*(0.5) cutting or 1d crushing), Light Club (1d+2 crushing), or Spear (One hand 1d+2*(0.5) impaling or two hands 1d+3*(0.5) impaling).
Ranged Weapons (13): Atlatl Dart (1d+1*(0.5) impaling), Bow (1d+1*(0.5) impaling), or Sling (1d+1 piercing).
Traits: Fit. Callous, Likes: Prefers to capture enemies rather than kill them.
Skills: Either Axe/Mace-13, Broadsword-13, or Spear-13. Either Bow-13, Sling-13, or Spear Thrower-13. Shield-12, Knot-Tying-11, Stealth-11.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. Weapons are made of obsidian (p. B275), losing 1 damage if used to parry or striking DR 2+.
Noteable gear includes: Their main melee weapon, a small shield, and a ranged weapon (with the Atlatl being for the most elite warriors). Cloth armor, cloth greaves, and wooden helmet (covering arms, torso, groin, and skull), $55, 8 lbs. Small shield $40, 8 lbs.

Caveman Hunter
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.50
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 5
IQ: 10 Per: 11
HT: 11 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 1*
Weapons (12): Axe (1d+3(0.5) cutting), Light Club (1d+2 crushing), or Spear (One hand 1d+1(0.5) impaling or two hands 1d+2(0.5) impaling).
Traits: Duty to their Tribe.
Skills: Either Axe/Mace-12, Broadsword-12, or Spear-12. Area Knowledge-10; Armoury (melee or ranged weapons)-10; Camouflage-11; Machinist-10; Naturalist-11; Navigation-10; Stealth-11; Survival-11; Tracking-11.
Notes: The hunter only has one weapon, choose between an Axe, Light Club, or Spear. Axes and Spears are made of stone (p. B275).
Noteable gear includes: Fur Loincloth and Tunic (covering groin and torso), $35, 2 lbs. Personal Basics, $5, 1 lb. Sleeping Fur, $50, 8 lbs. And their weapon of choice.

Early Imperial Roman Legionnaire
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 3*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 6*+3 Parry/Block: 9+3 DR: 5 (see notes)
Shortsword, Gladius (13): 1d+1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Javelin, Pilum (13): 1d impaling.
Dagger, Pugio (12): 1d-2 impaling.
Composite Bow, Arcum (13): 1d+2 impaling.
Sling, Funda (13): 1d+2 piercing.
Traits: Fit. Shield-Wall Training.
Skills: Brawling-11, Hiking-12, Knife-12, Shield-13, Shortsword-13, Soldier-12, Wrestling-11. Archers and Slingers have Bow-13 and Sling-13, respectively. Centurions will have Leadership-11, Strategy-11, Tactics-11, and Teaching-10.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. Makes HT rolls at 11, due to Fit. The legionnaire only has DR 5 on their torso, DR 4 on their skull and face, and DR 2 on their feet.
Noteable gear includes: Boots $80, 3 lbs; Gladius $400, 2 lbs; Legionary Helmet $150, 6 lbs; Lorica Segmentata $680, 26 lbs; Pilum, $30, 2 lbs; Pugio $20, 0.25 lbs; Scutum $90, 25 lbs;
Archers are equipped with Arcum $900, 4 lbs; a Hip Quiver $15, 1 lb; holding 20 arrows $40, 2 lbs. Slingers are equipped with Funda $20, 0.5 lbs, and use lead bullets (p. B276) carrying 20 of them in a pouch $10, 1 lb.

Spartan Warrior
ST: 13 HP: 13 Speed: 5.75
DX: 12 Will: 11 Move: 3*
IQ: 10 Per: 11
HT: 11 FP: 11 SM: 0
Dodge: 7*+3 Parry/Block: 11+3 DR: 5 (see notes)
Spear (15): 1d+2 impaling.
Shortsword (14): 2d-1 cutting or 1d impaling.
Punch (14): 1d+1 crushing.
Kick (12): 1d+2 crushing.
Traits: Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness 1, Fit, High Pain Threshold, Shield-Wall Training.
Skills: Hiking-13, Karate-14, Running-13, Shield-14, Shortsword-14, Soldier-14, Spear-15, Stealth-12, Survival-12, Wrestling-14. Leaders will have Strategy-12 and Tactics-12.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. Makes HT rolls at 12, due to Fit. The Spartan only has DR 5 on their torso, DR 3 on their skull, face, arms, and legs. The skills in Karate and Wrestling represent training in pankration.
Noteable gear includes: Bronze Armbands $180, 9 lbs; Bronze Cuirass (Lorica Segmentata stats) $680, 26 lbs; Bronze Greaves $270, 17 lbs; Bronze Helmet $160, 7.5 lbs; Shortsword $400, 2 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs; Large Shield $90, 25 lbs.

Classical Hoplite
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7*+2 Parry/Block: 9+2 DR: 1* (see notes)
Spear (12): 1d+1 impaling.
Shortsword (11): 1d+1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Traits: Advantages and/or Disadvantages
Skills: Shield-12, Shortsword-11, Soldier-12, Spear-12.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. The Hoplite only has DR 1* on their torso from their linothorax armor, they have DR 3 on their skull and face.
Noteable gear includes: Bronze Helmet skull/face $160, 7.5 lbs; Cloth Armor $30, 6 lbs; Medium Shield $60, 15 lbs; Shortsword $400, 2 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs.

English Longbowman.
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7* Parry: 8 DR: 4/2 (see notes)
Longbow (13): 1d+2 impaling or 1d+2(2) piercing.
Axe (11): 1d+3 cutting.
Knife (11): 1d-1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Traits: Arm ST +2 (bows only).
Skills: Axe/Mace-11, Bow-13, Fast-Draw (Arrow)-13, Soldier-11.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. The longbowman only has DR 4/2 on their torso and groin, and DR 4 on their skull.
Noteable gear includes: Axe $50, 4 lbs; Large Knife $40, 1 lb; Longbow $200, 3 lbs; Mail Hauberk $230, 25 lbs; Pot Helm $100, 5 lbs; Two Hip Quivers $30, 2 lbs; one holding 20 arrows and one holding 20 bodkin point arrows (p. B277) $80, 4 lbs.
Foot-soldier, Levy.
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7*+2 Parry/Block: 8+2 DR: 2 (See notes)
Spear (11): 1d+1 impaling.
Knife (11): 1d-1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Traits: Typically a Duty to their lord.
Skills: Knife-11, Shield-11, Spear-11, Soldier-11.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. The foot-soldier only has DR 2 on their torso and DR 4 on their skull.
Noteable gear includes: Large Knife $40, 1 lb; Leather Armor $100, 10 lbs; Medium Shield $60, 15 lbs; Pot Helm $100, 5 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs.

Crossbowman, Levy.
ST: 10 HP: 10 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7* Parry: 7 DR: 2 (See notes)
Crossbow (12): 1d+2 impaling.
Knife (11): 1d-2 cutting or 1d-2 impaling.
Traits: Typically a Duty to their lord.
Skills: Crossbow-12, Knife-11, Soldier-11.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. The crossbowman only has DR 2 on their torso and DR 4 on their skull.
Noteable gear includes: Crossbow $150, 6 lbs; Large Knife $40, 1 lb; Leather Armor $100, 10 lbs; Pot Helm $100, 5 lbs; a Hip Quiver $15, 1 lb; holding 20 bolts $40, 2 lbs.

Viking Raider
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 5
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8*+2 Parry/Block: 9+2 DR: 4/2
Weapons (13): Axe (1d+3 cutting), Broadsword (1d+2 cutting or 1d+1 impaling), or Spear (1d+1 impaling (one hand) or 1d+2 impaling (two hands)).
Bow (12): 1d+1 impaling.
Knife (12): 1d-1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Traits: Fit.
Skills: Axe/Mace-13, Broadsword-13, or Spear-13, Boating-12, Bow-12, Knife-12, Navigation-12, Seamanship-12, Shield-12, Swimming-11, Wrestling-11.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. Makes HT rolls at 11, due to Fit. The viking raider only has DR 4/2 on their torso and groin, and DR 4 on their skull. Only half of any group of viking raiders carry bows.
Noteable gear includes: Axe $50, 4 lbs or Spear $40, 4lbs; Large Knife $40, 1 lb; Longbow $200, 3 lbs; Mail Hauberk $230, 25 lbs; Medium Shield $60, 15 lbs; Pot Helm $100, 5 lbs; a Hip Quiver $15, 1 lb; holding 20 arrows $40, 2 lbs.
Wealthy vikings will be equipped with a Thrusting Broadsword instead of an Axe, $600, 3 lbs.
Originally Posted by HunterS View Post
Congrats! You win the no-prize.
Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post
Gotta be fast to escape the propaganda machine of Viking swiftness

Last edited by A Ladder; 05-01-2017 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 04-27-2017, 09:19 AM   #2
A Ladder
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

(Part 2!)
Knight Templar
ST: 12 HP: 12 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 3
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 6+2 Parry/Block: 9+2 DR: 4/2 (see notes)
Broadsword (13): 1d+3 cutting or 1d+1 impaling.
Spear (13): 1d+1 impaling.
Traits: Fit.
Skills: Broadsword-13, Lance-13, Shield-13, Spear-13, Soldier-10, Riding-13, Wrestling-11.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance. Makes HT rolls at 11, due to Fit. The knight Templar only has DR 4/2 on the arms, groin, legs, and torso, DR 6 on the skull and face, DR 4 on their hands, and DR 2 on their feet.
Noteable gear includes: Barrel Helm $240, 10 lbs; Boots $80, 3 lbs; Gauntlets $100, 2 lbs; Mail Leggings and Sleeves $180, 24 lbs; Mail Hauberk 4/2 $230, 25 lbs; Medium Shield $60, 15 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs; Thrusting Broadsword $600, 3 lbs.

Agincourt Knight
ST: 12 HP: 12 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 2
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7+2 Parry/Block: 9+2 DR: 6 (see notes)
Broadsword (13): 1d+3 cutting or 1d+1 impaling.
Greatsword (13): 1d+5 cutting or 1d+2 impaling.
Lance (13): 1d+4 impaling for mounted combat at move 6.
Mace (13): 1d+5 crushing.
Traits: Fit.
Skills: Axe/Mace-13, Broadsword-13, Lance-13, Shield-13, Soldier-10, Two-Handed Sword-13, Riding-13, Wrestling-11.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance while on foot. Makes HT rolls at 11, due to Fit. The Agincourt knight only has DR 6 on the arms, groin, legs, and torso, DR 7 on the face, neck, and skull, DR 5 on their hands, and DR 4 on their feet. The Agincourt knight rides a Warhorse (p. B460) equipped with full plate barding (p. B286), this puts the Warhorse into extra heavy encumbrance and brings their Move to 6.
Noteable gear includes: Greathelm $340, 10 lbs; Heavy Gauntlets $250, 2.5 lbs; Steel Corselet $1,300, 35 lbs; Lance $60, 6 lbs; Mace $50, 5lbs; Medium Shield $60, 15 lbs; Plate Arms and Legs $2,100 35 lbs, Sollerets $150, 7 lbs; Thrusting Broadsword $600, 3 lbs.
Large two-handed swords were in vogue at the time of the Agincourt Knight, if using those, replace the Broadsword and Shield with a Thrusting Greatsword $900, 7 lbs.

Caribbean Pirate
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 5
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 0
Melee Weapons (12): Cutlass (1d+1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling), Saber (1d cutting or 1d impaling), or Knife (1d-1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling).
Pistol (12): Shot (2d-1 pi+) or Pistol Whip (1d+1 crushing).
Musket (12): 4d pi++.
Musket Clubbing (11): 1d+4 crushing.
Traits: None.
Skills: Boating (unpowered)-12, Boating (sailboat)-12, Brawling-11, Climbing-10, Fast-Draw (Ammo)-11, Guns (Musket)-12, Guns (Pistol)-12, Knife-12, Stealth-10, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-11. One of Saber-12 or Shortsword-12. Captains have Cartography-12, Navigation-12, Shiphandling-12, and Tactics-12.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Pirates either have a Saber or a Cutlass. Only half of any group of pirates carry muskets.
Noteable gear includes: Flintlock Pistol $200, 3 lbs; Flintlock Musket $200, 13 lbs; Large Knife $40, 1 lb. A Cutlass $300, 2 lbs or a Saber $700, 2 lbs.

Royal Navy Seaman
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 5
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 0
Melee Weapons (12): Hatchet (1d+1 cutting), Smallsword (1d impaling), Spear (two hands 1d+2 impaling).
Pistol (12): Shot (2d-1 pi+) or Pistol Whip (1d+1 crushing).
Musket (12): 4d pi++.
Musket Bat (11): 1d+4 crushing.
Traits: None.
Skills: Axe/Mace-12, Boating (unpowered)-12, Boating (sailboat)-12, Brawling-11, Fast-Draw (Ammo)-11, Guns (Musket)-12, Guns (Pistol)-12, Spear-12, Two-Handed Axe/Mace-11. Officers have Cartography-12, Navigation-12, Shiphandling-12, Smallsword-12 and Tactics-12.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Seamen typically would use axes and spears in boarding action with pistols being rarely issued to them. Officers carry a pistol and a smallsword.
Noteable gear includes: Flintlock Pistol $200, 3 lbs; Flintlock Musket $200, 13 lbs; Hatchet $40, 2 lbs; Spear $40, 4 lbs; Smallsword $400, 1.5 lbs.

Musketeer of the Guard.
ST: 10 HP: 10 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: 4*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 7* Parry: 9 DR: 0
Melee Weapon (12): Rapier (1d-1 impaling) or Saber (1d-1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling).
Musket (12): 4d pi++.
Traits: None.
Skills: Fast-Draw (Ammo)-12, Guns (musket)-12, Riding-12. One of Rapier-12 or Saber-12.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance while on foot.
Noteable gear includes: Boots $80, 3 lbs; Matchlock Musket $150, 20 lbs. One of a rapier $500, 2.75 lbs or a saber $700, 2 lbs.

Ninja Saboteur. Sengoku period.
ST: 10 HP: 10 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 11 Move: 5
IQ: 11 Per: 11
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 0
Thrown Weapon (12): Small Knife (1d-3 impaling).
Staff (12): 1d+2 crushing.
Punch (12): 1d-2 crushing.
Throwing (12): Black Powder Bomb (3d cr ex [1d], fuse 3-5).
Traits: Fit and Flexibility.
Skills: Acting-12, Camouflage-13, Chemistry-12, Climbing-13, Disguise-13, Escape-13, Explosives (Fireworks)-13, Fast-Talk-12, Forced Entry-12, Forgery-12, Holdout-12, Hiking-11, Judo-12, Karate-12, Knife-12, Observation-12, Running-11, Staff-12, Stealth-13, Survival (Mountain, Forest, etc.)-12, Swimming-11, Thrown Weapon (Knife)-12, Throwing-12, Tracking-11.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Ninjas are primarily used for scouting via espionage and use their infiltration skills to obtain vital information to pass on to others. Their other job was sabotage, typically from arson.
Noteable Gear includes: A disguise of some type, typically what a local peasant would wear $120, 2 lbs. Climbing gear $20, 4 lbs; Grapnel $20, 2 lbs; Personal Basics $5, 1 lb; Rope $5, 1.5 lbs. If they do carry weapons it would be items that any peasant was allowed to own, such as a quarterstaff ($10, 4 lbs) or a small knife ($30, 0.5 lbs). Saboteurs also carried bombs (use Black Powder p. B277), early smoke grenades (effects as per Smoke p. B439) and incendiaries to help them commit arson.

Ninja Assassin. Sengoku period.
ST: 10 HP: 10 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 11 Move: 5
IQ: 11 Per: 11
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 8 Parry: 9 DR: 0
Blowpipe (12): 1d-3 pi-.
Thrown Weapon (12): Small Knife (1d-3 impaling) or Shuriken (1d-3 cutting).
Katana (12): 1d+1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Punch (12): 1d-1 crushing.
Spear (12): 1d+1 impaling.
Short-bow (12): 1d-2 impaling.
Arsenic (HT-2): Digestive poison, one-hour delay, 1d toxic hourly, for eight cycles.
Cyanide (No HT roll to resist): Follow-up poison, 4d toxic.
Traits: Fit and Flexibility.
Skills: Acting-12, Blowpipe-12, Bow-12, Broadsword-12, Camouflage-13, Climbing-14, Disguise-13, Escape-14, Fast-Talk-12, Forced Entry-13, Holdout-12, Hiking-11, Judo-13, Karate-13, Knife-12, Observation-12, Poison-12, Running-11, Spear-12, Staff-12, Stealth-13, Survival (Mountain, Forest, etc.)-12, Swimming-11, Throwing-12, Thrown Weapon (Knife)-12, Thrown Weapon (Shuriken)-12, Tactics-11, Tracking-11.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Assassin ninja typically attack from stealth, allowing them to Evaluate and then All-Out (Accurate) for Vitals, Neck, or Skull hits.
Noteable gear includes: A disguise of some type, typically what a local peasant would wear $120, 2 lbs. Climbing gear $20, 4 lbs; Grapnel $20, 2 lbs; Rope $5, 1.5 lbs. Assassins also employed various poisons: typically Arsenic or Cyanide (p. B439). Ninja carried eggshells filled with irritants to blind pursuers.
Choose two weapons from the following: blowpipe, katana, spear, short-bow, quiver/arrows, pouch/darts, throwing knife, shuriken

Sengoku period Samurai.
ST: 11 HP: 11 Speed: 5.25
DX: 11 Will: 10 Move: 2*
IQ: 10 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 10 SM: 0
Dodge: 5* Parry: 9 DR: 4 (see notes)
Katana (13): 1d+3 cutting or 1d impaling.
Longbow, Yumi (13): 1d+1 impaling.
Naginata (13): Polearm (1d+3 cutting or 1d+2 impaling), Two-Handed Sword (1d+4 cutting), Staff (1d+3 crushing or 1d+1 crushing)
Shortsword, wakizashi (13): 1d+1 cutting or 1d-1 impaling.
Traits: Fit.
Skills: Bow-13, Broadsword-13, Polearm-13, Riding-12, Shortsword-12, Staff-13, Two-Handed Sword-13.
Class: Mundane.
Notes: Move and dodge reduced from encumbrance while on foot. Makes HT rolls at 11, due to Fit. The samurai has DR 4 everywhere except for DR 2 on their feet. Equip the samurai with either a Naginata or a Longbow along with their Katana and Wakizashi. The samurai rides a Warhorse (p. B460) equipped with scale barding (p. B286), this puts the Warhorse into extra heavy encumbrance and brings their Move to 8.
Noteable gear includes: Boots $80, 3 lbs; Face Mask $100, 2 lbs; Gauntlets $100, 2 lbs; Hip Quiver $15, 1 lb; holding 20 arrows $40, 2 lbs; Katana $650, 5 lbs; Longbow $200, 3 lbs; Naginata $100, 6 lbs; Pot-Helm $100, 5 lbs; Scale Armor $420, 35 lbs, Scales Leggings and Sleeves $460, 35 lbs; Wakizashi $400, 2 lbs.
Originally Posted by HunterS View Post
Congrats! You win the no-prize.
Originally Posted by DouglasCole View Post
Gotta be fast to escape the propaganda machine of Viking swiftness

Last edited by A Ladder; 04-27-2017 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 04-27-2017, 09:24 AM   #3
Donny Brook
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Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Lots of good work there!

Things to add to make them even more off-the-shelf usable would be a stat line for their primary weapons, a summary of their reaction modifiers, and some highlight of abilities (if any) the GM should be rolling for them as they enter action/play.
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Old 04-27-2017, 10:06 AM   #4
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Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

The musketeer feels like he's a very much tamed down version of the three musketeers rather than an actual musketeer. The French Guard was an odd duck in being named after musketeers. These were elite soldiers who should have boosted physical stats and decent skills. They were also skilled in horseback combat: you should be comparing them to knights and samurai in terms of skill level, and perhaps better, as they were picked troops, rather than generic.

A proper musketeer (the ones that actually fought in all the wars) would have his musket, the soldier skill, and a very poorly trained in hand to hand weapon like a short spear or a sword. Actually, he's as likely to have points in fast draw for loading his weapon as he is to know how to actually aim it.

Along side musketeers would be pikemen (a classic unit), creating the classic "pike and shot".

Another classic at TL4 is the "Man at Arms": a foot soldier clad in full plate and armed with a polearm of some sort. Nastily effective if no one is using guns on a large scale.
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Old 04-27-2017, 10:48 AM   #5
A Ladder
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Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Originally Posted by ericthered View Post
The musketeer feels like he's a very much tamed down version of the three musketeers rather than an actual musketeer. The French Guard was an odd duck in being named after musketeers. These were elite soldiers who should have boosted physical stats and decent skills. They were also skilled in horseback combat: you should be comparing them to knights and samurai in terms of skill level, and perhaps better, as they were picked troops, rather than generic.

A proper musketeer (the ones that actually fought in all the wars) would have his musket, the soldier skill, and a very poorly trained in hand to hand weapon like a short spear or a sword. Actually, he's as likely to have points in fast draw for loading his weapon as he is to know how to actually aim it.

Along side musketeers would be pikemen (a classic unit), creating the classic "pike and shot".

Another classic at TL4 is the "Man at Arms": a foot soldier clad in full plate and armed with a polearm of some sort. Nastily effective if no one is using guns on a large scale.
From what I gathered in my research (though admittedly not very thorough) was that the elite guard were limited to the Garde du corps, Gardes suisses, and the dragoons (the cavalry branch). This left the rest of the musketeers of the guard open to the lower class (and to what I could tell) not the best fighters. I will note that I don't actually know what I'm talking about, just what I picked up in reading about them.
It looks like I will need to add a Garde du Corps as an elite version (ST 11, DX 11) and give them riding. Though missing the soldier skill is a glaring oversight. I'll go back and add that and update with fast draw ammo.

Did the musketeers that were cavalry use a specific mounted weapon, or just stick to their muskets?

I did see that the Swiss Pikemen were rather fierce-some, I'll go and add a Man at Arms to cover them.
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Old 04-27-2017, 11:01 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Haven't had time to read it all, but two things I noticed while scanning it:

1) Roman Legionnaire should have higher HT on average, hiking and other endurance activities are what they did. I would expect the average Legionnaire to be more fit than HT10 with the fit advantage. They also should probably be stronger than ST11, they did train with double weight gladii and scutums.

2) English Longbowmen should be stronger than ST11, at least in the arms. War bows started at 80 lbs and English bows were often much heavier. There are very few people who can pull that kind of weight and it requires extensive training and continuous upkeep.
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Old 04-27-2017, 11:08 AM   #7
A Ladder
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Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Originally Posted by phayman53 View Post
Haven't had time to read it all, but two things I noticed while scanning it:

1) Roman Legionnaire should have higher HT on average, hiking and other endurance activities are what they did. I would expect the average Legionnaire to be more fit than HT10 with the fit advantage. They also should probably be stronger than ST11, they did train with double weight gladii and scutums.

2) English Longbowmen should be stronger than ST11, at least in the arms. War bows started at 80 lbs and English bows were often much heavier. There are very few people who can pull that kind of weight and it requires extensive training and continuous upkeep.
I was wondering if the Legionnaires were too low on those stats as well. Thanks!

My longbowmen have Arm Strength 2 to go with their bows, I figured that would work for training to shoot their warbows.
Originally Posted by HunterS View Post
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Old 04-27-2017, 11:58 AM   #8
Purple Haze
Join Date: Jul 2006
Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Your hunters should have only spears. One does not hunt with clubs and axes. Also they should be wield axe and club with a single skill.

Roman legionaries should not have bow or sling. Those were wielded by auxillia usually foreigners.

Your Spartan and hoplite should have long spears or even pikes.
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Old 04-27-2017, 12:07 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Originally Posted by A Ladder View Post
My longbowmen have Arm Strength 2 to go with their bows, I figured that would work for training to shoot their warbows.
Oops, I missed that (was reading it on my phone). That is a good move. You should also probably give them the Strongbow perk from [MA]. That would give +1 to ST for bows at skill DX+1 and +2 ST for bows at skill DX+2. That would give you a ST15 bow if the soldier knows bow at DX+2, which is equivalent to a 2 handed lifting ST of 90 lbs.
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Old 04-27-2017, 12:15 PM   #10
A Ladder
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Basic] Realistic Low Tech Challengers

Originally Posted by Purple Haze View Post
Your hunters should have only spears. One does not hunt with clubs and axes. Also they should be wield axe and club with a single skill.

Roman legionaries should not have bow or sling. Those were wielded by auxillia usually foreigners.

Your Spartan and hoplite should have long spears or even pikes.
One of my sources for neanderthal theorized that they would hide and jump on their prey, smashing them with axe or club. I find that hilarious enough to leave on them. However, I will go and remove that on my cavemen hunters.

Man, I could have sworn I read about legionnaire archers/slingers. I guess I'll split them up into Legionnaire and Auxillia.
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Gotta be fast to escape the propaganda machine of Viking swiftness
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