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Old 10-01-2014, 08:16 PM   #11
Wielder of Smart Pants
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Melee fighters in GURPS can actually be pretty complicated because of all the attack and defense manuevers and options as well as the importance of positioning.

How about a hamster or something with most of the points in an innate attack? That way you basically have only one thing to do every turn in combat, "I shoot it with my laser eyes!" and otherwise you get to roleplay an anime magical animal (so you don't even have to worry about dialog, just broad physical comedy).
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:39 PM   #12
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Originally Posted by malloyd View Post
"Simple" is a pretty broad target since there are a lot of different ways a character can be simple.

Here, I'd say you mostly want to avoid social advantages and disadvantages or stuff that makes the character a really integral part of the plot - so not Destiny or Serendipity or anything like that either.

A good motivation for characters like this is "this is my job". Some other character is paying me to be here, and that's really my only interest in the adventure goals and my only tie to the rest of the party.

If you want simple to *play*, again it's good to avoid social skills (and spells are out for sure) and concentrate on being really good at one thing. But you need to pick a thing that is going to come up regularly in the game or your role will be boring. The combat monster several people suggest is an example of that who works in a lot of settings, but others are certainly possible. A master craftsman of some sort can work as skill driven character who is still fairly simple - the Ship's Engineer or the Medic roles are examples here, and don't have to be particularly complex. Somebody with a single (or small handful of related) high cost power(s) can work in a game where powers are important. Again the guy with massive ST, DR and HP, and Brawling skill is the classic - the brick super - but others can work. Extra Move - the super speedster - is another classic though it doesn't play that great in GURPS without other abilities. You can keep pushing points into Telekinesis and still just have one fairly uncomplex power, and that works fairly well. Immune-guy, who may have lots of different powers, but they're all passive I can ignore stuff ones can be fairly easy too.
I guess I could have been a little more clear in what I'm asking, but at the same time I am doing this at work from my phone. He is only one of two/three other players. His character will be an integral part of the plot. He is just looking to play somebody that doesn't have a whole ton of convoluted motivations and secrets and stuff.

Originally Posted by robkelk View Post
That isn't just "anime-ish", that's an actual anime: Ashita no Joe. May as well re-use that background for the character - everyone else has...
I have honestly never heard of that one. Though, I said the WORLD was anime-ish. I don't have a problem with the characters being completely anime inspired.
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:49 PM   #13
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
Melee fighters in GURPS can actually be pretty complicated because of all the attack and defense manuevers and options as well as the importance of positioning.

How about a hamster or something with most of the points in an innate attack? That way you basically have only one thing to do every turn in combat, "I shoot it with my laser eyes!" and otherwise you get to roleplay an anime magical animal (so you don't even have to worry about dialog, just broad physical comedy).
That would be hilarious, but all my playable races are humanoid. Though there is a rodent type race. I think he is looking to role play simple socially more so than have less combat options in a fight. He usually plays characters with shady motives and with secrets and is all about political intrigue, but I think he wants this one to be more straightforward with their motives and actions.
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:35 PM   #14
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Originally Posted by RadSprack View Post
A pugilist that wants to prove that boxing is the best fighting style in the world through his own strength.
And if that's not complex enough for your player, the character could also be an English butler. Mastery of boxing and housekeeping. Throw in unfazable and your player won't have to role play excessively in a scenario unless he wants to.
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Old 10-01-2014, 10:39 PM   #15
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Originally Posted by RadSprack View Post
That would be hilarious, but all my playable races are humanoid. Though there is a rodent type race.
I didn't mean a hamster-man, I meant an actual tiny, mute, clever but still sometimes clearly an animal hamster in the tradition of anime magical animals.
He usually plays characters with shady motives and with secrets and is all about political intrigue, but I think he wants this one to be more straightforward with their motives and actions.
Roleplaying a magical animal certainly allows that:
"I make a disgusted face and refuse the food."
"I look really kawaii! See how big my eyes are!"
"I do something cute with the cat in background while they are talking."
"I shoot it with lasers!"

Come up with two more things and he can just make a d6 table and not even really need to be there.

Last edited by sir_pudding; 10-02-2014 at 01:11 AM.
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Old 10-02-2014, 12:25 AM   #16
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

When I think about simple to play I tend to default to a "3 L": Loyal, Laconic, and Laid Back. This generally means Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions), Quirk: Laconic, and Unfazeable. It's also the perfect character to round out the weak points in the other character designs. Motivations tend to be along the lines of genuine friendship with the other PCs or a merely congenial relationship but hey, these guys sure aren't boring.
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Old 10-02-2014, 12:55 AM   #17
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

two words: Oni Mage.*

*with powers obviously
Originally Posted by Dwarf99 View Post
I'd probably take Restricted Diet: Boiled Children
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:01 AM   #18
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

A stick. IQ and DX 0; ST/HP as appropriate for mass; No Legs (Portable); Compartmentalized Mind (Controls); and all the points on a Reach C Innate Attack. All you have to do is roll for damage when somebody else uses you to hit something.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:09 AM   #19
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
A stick. IQ and DX 0; ST/HP as appropriate for mass; No Legs (Portable); Compartmentalized Mind (Controls); and all the points on a Reach C Innate Attack. All you have to do is roll for damage when somebody else uses you to hit something.
Does it get to talk if someone stabs a jalapeno?
Originally Posted by Dwarf99 View Post
I'd probably take Restricted Diet: Boiled Children
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Old 10-02-2014, 02:26 AM   #20
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Default Re: Simple character concept. What's yours?

A chauffeur and getaway driver. You know, Jason Stathom in The Transporter-type guy.

Computer nerd. Maybe with a robot dog or computer book or something.
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