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Old 09-15-2010, 04:02 AM   #1
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Default HELP!!! Im a newbie

I am new to the GURPS scene and am writing a scenario for my friends to go on, what I need to know is :--------
When I create an NPC, what stats do I need at hand for quick access (I.E. combat etc), or do I have to go through the whole character creation thing for each NPC and have them all at hand.
I would greatly appreciate any help
"Is that an Axe in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"
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Old 09-15-2010, 04:22 AM   #2
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Grom View Post
I am new to the GURPS scene and am writing a scenario for my friends to go on, what I need to know is :--------
When I create an NPC, what stats do I need at hand for quick access (I.E. combat etc), or do I have to go through the whole character creation thing for each NPC and have them all at hand.
I would greatly appreciate any help
Don't use points. Use the stats that make sense for the character. Avoid NPCs with abnormally high stats (unless they're some sort of cinematic fantasy boss monster), or abysmally low (unless they're essentially scenery).

Important: for survivable yet challenging combat, judge by specific stats, relative to PC stats, regardless of their point cost. Example: a 25-point sniper will easily kill a 100-point scientist if he even tries to play to his strengths.
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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Old 09-15-2010, 04:23 AM   #3
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

No, absolutely not a full character generation, way to much work! ;)

Basically you just need to write down some Attributes, Basic Speed, Basic Move, Hitpoints and a few primary skills (Weapon-Skill/s and NPC-Profession), that fit to your idea. Maybe some noticeable (dis)avantages, too.
Then of course, you need a weapon of choice and eventually some body-armor.

Just write down what's really important and improvise everything really.

To save work you can also use any given template and modify it on-the-fly during game-time. You can make up everything in the moment you need it, but as a beginner it helps to be prepared a little better than that ;)

Last edited by OldSam; 09-15-2010 at 04:27 AM.
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Old 09-15-2010, 05:18 AM   #4
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

One thing i have notice, I my self sometimes forget, is to look at the npc enemy's fighting skill and Keeping it up ageist the dx. Because if I don't do that my ganger's have a tendency to end up investing 8+ points i guns witch I wouldn't allow my pc with out a better reason that they are gangers
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Old 09-15-2010, 05:41 AM   #5
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Grom View Post
When I create an NPC, what stats do I need at hand for quick access (I.E. combat etc)
Stat the attributes, no need to worry how much they cost, just what's believable. Secondary attributes (Per, Will, HP) only need to be written down if you have any reason for them to be different from primary attributes.
If the NPC has any important advantages or disadvantages, write their names down.
Write down the most relevante skills and their level (doesn't matter the relative level or the points).
Either write down the DR, or have a clear picture of what they're wearing (in your head) so you can deliberate.
Write down the damage with their weapon of coice.

For instance:

ST 12 DX10 IQ9 HT11
Low-Pain Threshold
Brawling-12 (parry 8, 1d-1cr)
Knife-11 (parry 8, 1d+1 cut)
wears furs and leathers of DR1 except where exposed
dodge: 8

And you're golden for some combat stats. For social NPCs focus on social advantages, disadvantages and skills.

For generic NPCs make 1-3 versions and just re-use the stats, varying things like advantages every now and then, but mostly just re-use to infinity. Once you get the hang of it, you can just improvise on the go.

p.s.: be careful with advantages and sometimes disadvantages, they make for distinct NPCs, in the example above if you repeat the Low-Pain Threshold, you'll give your players the impression that thugs in the setting are a genetic modified super-soldier that doesn't feel pain. One remarkable individual every now and then is fine. Advantages like "Fit" are pretty common, but others like Ambidexterity, Low-Pain Threshold, Night Vision are quite odd. Same goes for social, most people don't have Charisma, they compensate with skill and dedication.

Last edited by Gudiomen; 09-15-2010 at 05:44 AM.
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Old 09-15-2010, 06:37 AM   #6
Never Been Pretty
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Gudiomen View Post
For instance:

ST 12 DX10 IQ9 HT11
Low-Pain Threshold
Brawling-12 (parry 8, 1d-1cr)
Knife-11 (parry 8, 1d+1 cut)
wears furs and leathers of DR1 except where exposed
dodge: 8
That should be High Pain Threshold, should it not?
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Dragondog View Post
That should be High Pain Threshold, should it not?
No, actually. There's a disad called Low Pain Threshold that suits bullying mooks. They don't actually like it when you fight back :P
In the name of Kane
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:47 AM   #8
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by BlackLiger View Post
No, actually. There's a disad called Low Pain Threshold that suits bullying mooks. They don't actually like it when you fight back :P
Um, no. Reading the text about that stat-block it is pretty clear that Gudiomen intended High Pain Threshold. In particular:

Originally Posted by Gudiomen'll give your players the impression that thugs in the setting are a genetic modified super-soldier that doesn't feel pain...
That said, I'd agree that LPT makes mooks much more mashable for the PC heroes. If you're doing a batch of mooks, mix and match as desired.
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Old 09-15-2010, 03:59 PM   #9
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Dragondog View Post
That should be High Pain Threshold, should it not?
Yup, the translation to portuguese messes me up sometimes. In portugueses:

High-Pain Threshold = Hipoalgia (hipo = less; algia = pain)
Low-Pain Threshold = Hiperalgia (hiper = lots; ditto)

So "less pain" somehow got mixed up with low-pain, the threshold just sort of vanished from my synapses. Happens sometimes.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:58 AM   #10
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Default Re: HELP!!! Im a newbie

Originally Posted by Grom View Post
I am new to the GURPS scene and am writing a scenario for my friends to go on, what I need to know is :--------
When I create an NPC, what stats do I need at hand for quick access (I.E. combat etc), or do I have to go through the whole character creation thing for each NPC and have them all at hand.
I would greatly appreciate any help
Stat Blocks work. Frankly my method is unimportant characters have 12s in any appropriate skill for them to have, and a 13 in their most important Attribute, maybe.

Important NPCs have a couple of good numbers.

Critically important ones are written up.

Ads and Disads? Simple test. Is it appropriate for the character? This question is usually asked when the situation calls for it and I'll either roll on the spot or make a mental coin flip. Yes, one of the guards would have combat reflexes. No, there is nothing special about his armor.

If you're going to all that worry about NPC write ups, you're likely to be making a mistake most newbies make: Trying to apply every rule in the book to the game you're playing.

Don't. New players should play a simple combat. Add details if the players want to use them. All shots are torso shots UNTIL the players start making called shots.. More complex combat rules than dallede shots shouldn't be used until you're comfortable with the simplified game.

A clock running two hours slow has the correct time zero times a day.
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