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Old 07-07-2024, 10:14 AM   #41
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Originally Posted by Rupert View Post
Unaging, with the 'Age Control' enhancement (+20%). That lets you age 'up' and 'down' at ten times normal speed. For a device like this I'd allow higher levels, following the x10/x30/x100 progression at +20%/level.
Thank you for the cite.

This runs into the problem of an effect with a variable rate vs. a once-for-all time period. Rejuvenation from age 100 to age 25 would need a much higher rate than from 26 to 25, yet they supposedly take the same amount of time in the chamber. By the rules as written (UT201-2), a chrysalis machine can achieve the former (75 years) in 84 hours at TL11 -- a better than x7800 rate.

If I'm being strict I should probably just assign a "Cosmic +100%" modifier and be done, but since there are also significant potential side effects to the UT procedure I think I'm just going to leave it.
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Old 07-07-2024, 11:03 AM   #42
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Originally Posted by thrash View Post
Ah, thank you for that. I thought I'd seen it before, but I couldn't find it and didn't want to presume.

That's interesting. I have a couple of reasons for leaving it as-is for my own use:
  • If I am reading that cite correctly, the Physician-13 skill (which is explicitly in the description on UT201-2) would have to be bought as an advantage, as if from an IQ 0. That would be 56 points, rather than the 16 for an AI with default IQ 10.
  • Meta-Tech (ibid.) says, "While a meta-tech device can grant or increase skills, these benefits don’t normally apply to rolls to operate or repair the device itself." Yet UT202 says, "A chrysalis machine can direct itself using its own dedicated computer's Physician-13 skill."
  • Further, the Effortless modifier that is suggested instead is enormously expensive (+4 CF for a +1 to operator skill) and does not, in fact, appear to take the place of a skilled operator. Am I reading that wrong?
  • Automaton [-85] is a significant source of points for keeping the whole thing balanced.
  • Do "skills as advantages" come with defaults? Physician in particular has seven, which are important to the way I envision the device operating.
Overall, the version you suggest is at least 85 points / $459,000 more expensive, for arguably less capability.
Hey, if it works for your game, do it. The problem we had with this was it blurred the lines between constructs and other devices an that proved veryt troublesome if taken to the logical conclusion. One good example was, "I make a death ray!" It was X points. Then someone was like, "I make a death-ray robot" and there was...let's call it an issue. But hey, I'm not the gaming police. Do your thing. ^_^
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Old 07-07-2024, 11:04 AM   #43
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Originally Posted by thrash View Post
Thank you for the cite.

This runs into the problem of an effect with a variable rate vs. a once-for-all time period. Rejuvenation from age 100 to age 25 would need a much higher rate than from 26 to 25, yet they supposedly take the same amount of time in the chamber. By the rules as written (UT201-2), a chrysalis machine can achieve the former (75 years) in 84 hours at TL11 -- a better than x7800 rate.

If I'm being strict I should probably just assign a "Cosmic +100%" modifier and be done, but since there are also significant potential side effects to the UT procedure I think I'm just going to leave it.
Instead of Unaging (Age Control), consider Alternate Form (Permanent +300%; Takes Extra Time 14* -140%) [39], with the Alternate Form being "Human at age 25." That won't do anything for age-related attribute loss; Unaging (Time-Spanning, Past-Only +50%) [23] might work there by making it as though it never happened, but that's a bit iffy IMO. Total cost would be [62]. If there's some RAW Advantage that can restore attributes that have been permanently reduced, that might work here (it feels appropriate as an Enhancement for Regrowth).

*This is arguably too many levels of the trait, and some sort of Immediate Preparation Required may be more appropriate. I think in this case it should be fine. Note this would change the time to transform from 10 seconds to 163,840 seconds, which is a little more than 45.5 hours - doubling this again would be a bit over 91 hours, which is too long for our 84 hours.
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Old 07-07-2024, 12:00 PM   #44
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Originally Posted by Varyon View Post
Instead of Unaging (Age Control), consider Alternate Form (Permanent +300%; Takes Extra Time 14* -140%) [39], with the Alternate Form being "Human at age 25."
That's an interesting approach, certainly.

That won't do anything for age-related attribute loss; ....
I'm inclined to say that's not an issue. The same device can regrow amputated limbs at 1 HP/hr, so there's plenty of time to restore lost attributes if resetting to a younger form ("Human at age 25 with original stats," perhaps) doesn't do so automatically.
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Old 07-07-2024, 01:19 PM   #45
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

B444 says that age reversal effects just remove lost levels of attributes, etc., just as aging just causes them, and you don't have to pay for this any more than losing levels to age gets you points back.
Rupert Boleyn

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Old 07-07-2024, 01:51 PM   #46
Christopher R. Rice
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Leviathan Axe (TL3^)
Size: SM -3.
Type: Thrown Weapon.
Origin: Enchanted (-0.1 BCM).
Cost: $6,5484,870.
Weight: 8 lbs.

The Ghost of Sparta’s weapon. As a ranged weapon it has the following statistics: Acc 3, Range ST¥10, RoF 1, Shots T(1), and Recoil 1. Damage is Swing+3d+3(3) dbk follow-up 3d burning. Both attacks count as cold to beings vulnerable to it and the follow-up cannot start fires. Additionally, subject’s damaged by the follow-up must make a HT roll at -1 per two points of injury. Failure causes the subject to freeze for (20 - HT) minutes. Damage dealt by the follow-up cannot be healed unless the subject is in a warm place, has food, etc.
It can also be wielded in melee. Use the damage and other stats, but it has a Reach of 1, 2 and a parry of 0F.
All rolls to attack with this item get a +3 to rolls. This item cannot be broken by any normal means.

Meta-Tech Statistics (+$6,582,470; 337 points at $194,310/point): Burning Attack 3d (Cosmic, Hazard on non-Fatigue Attack, +50%; Counts as cold, +20%; Follow-Up, +60%; Freezing, +20%; No Incendiary Effect, -10%; Side Effect, Paralysis, +200%; Variable, +5%) [67] + Cutting Attack 3d (Armor Divisor (3), +100%; Counts as cold, +20%; Double Knockback, +20%; Guided, +50%; Increased 1/2D, ¥10, +15%; Limited Use, Thrown, -5%; Muscle-Powered Range, +0%; Regulatable Limitation, Melee Attack, Reach 1, 2, Fencing Parry, +40%; Reliable 2, +20%; ST-Based, Swing Only, +80%; Variable, +5%) [94] + Immunity to Weapon Breakage Rules [5] + Modified Weapon Damage (based on 6d+3 cutting attack, including quality bonus) [170] + Rules Exemption (Maximum ST rules for weapon) [1]. Has the modifiers Limited, Can be gifted to others (+0.4 CF), Self-Powered (+4 CF), Summonable, Flight Move equal to HT (+20 CF), and Uncomplicated (+1 CF). This item is one of a kind and therefore 100¥ cost (see Scaling Costs for Item Ubiquity, GURPS Meta-Tech, p. 8).
Mundane Statistics (+$2,400, +8 lbs.): Very Fine Balanced Great Axe ($2,400, 8 lbs.).
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Old 07-07-2024, 04:23 PM   #47
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

What about this build for reversing aging?

Affliction 1 (Cumulative, +400%; Truly Permanent, +300%; Variable Enhancement 20 (Accessibility, Only to offset Attribute loss or disadvantages caused by aging, -40%), +120%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Self Only, -20%; +120%) [83].

Each hour restores 20 character points lost to aging, or revert age by roughly one year I figure.

Yes, in case it wasn't obvious, I was reading the Sorcery approach to enchantment recently.
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Old 07-07-2024, 06:28 PM   #48
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Originally Posted by Scriptorian View Post
What about this build for reversing aging?

Affliction 1 (Cumulative, +400%; Truly Permanent, +300%; Variable Enhancement 20 (Accessibility, Only to offset Attribute loss or disadvantages caused by aging, -40%), +120%; Immediate Preparation Required, 1 hour, -75%; Self Only, -20%; +120%) [83].

Each hour restores 20 character points lost to aging, or revert age by roughly one year I figure.

Yes, in case it wasn't obvious, I was reading the Sorcery approach to enchantment recently.
Here's the thing. Campaigns specifically says on p. B444 that if you have your age reversed for any reason, you regain lost attribute levels. If the optional rule for losing advantages or gaining disadvantage also applies it seems those would also come back (or go away). So what is needed here is simple enough: you need to afflict Unaging. But that only ages you a 10 days per day. That's too slow. We'd need at least several levels of Reduced Duration on it. Let's just go with a year - so you'd need 6 levels of Reduced Duration to do that. Yeah, there is some rounding off there. It's fine. So you'd afflict this:

Unaging (Accessibility, Only to youthen a target, -20%; Age Control, +20%; Reduced Duration 6, +120%) [33]
But really, the BIG part of Unaging don't age. We don't need that part for this. So chopping it out would be another Accessibility - say, around -60%. You have one aspect of the ability. So it would be better off like this:

Unaging (Accessibility, Normal Aging, -60%; Accessibility, Only to youthen a target, -20%; Age Control, +20%; Reduced Duration 6, +120%) [24]

Add that to an affliction and you can youthen the target to whatever level you want. A limitation so you can't turn them into a fetus would be on point. Say -10%

But that's just how I'd handle this problem.
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Old 07-08-2024, 09:33 AM   #49
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

Have another magical crystal.

Silencer Crystal (TL4^)

SM: ‑6
Type: Attachable
Origin: Enchanted Item (-0.1 BCM)
Cost: $15,000
Weight: 0.3 lb
LC: 3

This is a crystal manufactured via magic, which can slot into items specifically designed for it - typically bows, crossbows, and firearms, but sometimes you can find it attached to other items; an item designed for it has a +0.1 CF. Rolls to hear the attached item in operation are typically at -6, and for weapons this extends to the projectile itself. While attacks always benefit from this -6 to hear, for items other than weapons this is only -3 to hear when the item is moving at Move 1 or faster (this typically calls for the item to be self-propelled, simply being carried around won't change the penalty). Note that it is incompatible with weapons that deal more than 5d damage (although more expensive crystals that can manage higher damage weapons may be available) as well as those that deal more exotic damage types (note, again, some crystals are available that will work with these weapons as well).

Meta-Tech Statistics: (base cost $8800; 22 points at $400/point) Silence 3 [15] + Impaling Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [2] + Impaling Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [1.2] + Huge Piercing Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [1.2] + Cutting Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [1.05] + Large Piercing Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [0.9] + Piercing Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [0.75] + Crushing Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [0.75] + Burning Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [0.75] Small Piercing Attack 5d (Low Signature, Variable -6 +15%; Alternate Ability x1/5) [0.45]
Silencing Crystals are Uncomplicated for +1 CF and require the item they are attached to to be designed to accommodate them for -0.1 CF, net +0.9 CF.

The Innate Attacks are modifying the existing attack, hence them being low cost. I wasn't certain how to handle the fact it can accommodate a variety of damage types, so I just accounted for each; this is probably overcharging (arguably, the Impaling Attack should just have a modifier to allow it to accommodate other damage types, which I don't see boosting cost to beyond [3], which would reduce overall price to $12,312). I actually rounded the final cost down from [22.05] to [22]; final cost is also rounded down from $15,048.
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Old 07-09-2024, 01:12 PM   #50
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Default Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread

This is the "default" enchantment all magic items in my Oubliette setting are going to have - other enchantments are added on top of this. For this example, I used a Very Fine Balanced Thrusting Broadsword, but the enchantment would be eligible to apply to anything. "Enchanted Item" is a placeholder here - the Origin for such in Oubliette will be different (it's not a world with varied mana levels, for example), but I haven't worked that out yet. I'll also note I'll be applying Ubiquity modifiers to this specific enchantment - as its on all magic items, it's more common than the default Uncommon. I haven't worked out what Ubiquity modifier to apply however (in the old, now lost, original draft of the magic item design system for Oubliette, which used a modified version of "Metatronic Generators," I didn't actually stat out the Advantages involved and just arbitrarily gave it a price of [5]).

Magical Sword (TL4^)

SM: ‑4
Type: Weapon
Origin: Enchanted Item (-0.1 BCM)
Cost: $23,850 ($9,450 MTD + $14,400 Base Item)
Weight: 3 lb
LC: 3

This is a fairly standard magical Thrusting Broadsword, although the base item is of exceptional make - Very Fine and Balanced. The weapon stays sharp and whole with no maintenance required, repairs itself at a rate of 2 HP (out of 22*) every hour, and while it is no more resilient than a mundane weapon of the same quality, the enchantment will repair it fully unless it reaches -10xHP, at which point the enchantment is broken.

Meta-Tech Statistics: (base cost $5,250; 21 points at $250/point) Regeneration (MTD Only x1/5) [5] + Unkillable (Mortal -20%; MTD Only x1/5) [8] + Negated Maintenance (1 person, Daily; MTD Only x1/5) [2] + Negated Unhealing, Total (MTD Only x1/5) [6]
The Magical Sword is Uncomplicated for +1 CF.

Mundane Item Statistics: Balanced (+4 CF) Very Fine (+19 CF) Thrusting Broadsword; $14,400

*I didn't find it with a quick search, but ISTR a mention somewhere in the books that being Fine doubled HP. I couldn't recall if Very Fine was treated differently, so I just went with that.
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